< 2 Mosebog 8 >

1 Derpå sagde HERREN til Moses: "Gå til Farao og sig til ham: Så siger HERREN: Lad mit Folk rejse, for at de kan dyrke mig!
Then the Lord told Moses, “Go and see Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Let my people go, so that they can worship me.
2 Men hvis du vægrer dig ved at lade dem rejse, se, da vil jeg plage hele dit Land med Frøer;
If you refuse to let them leave, I will send a plague of frogs all over your country.
3 Nilen skal vrimle af Frøer, og de skal kravle op og trænge ind i dit Hus og dit Sovekammer og på dit Leje og i dine Tjeneres og dit Folks Huse, i dine Bagerovne og dine Dejgtruge;
They will swarm out of the Nile, and they will enter your palace and get into your bedroom and jump onto your bed. They will get into the houses of your officials and jump around your people—even into your ovens and breadmaking bowls.
4 ja på dig selv og dit Folk og alle dine Tjenere skal Frøerne kravle op."
Frogs will jump all over you, your people, and all your officials.’”
5 Da sagde HERREN til Moses: "Sig til Aron: Ræk din Hånd med Staven ud over Floderne, Kanalerne og Dammene og få Frøerne til at kravle op over Ægypten!"
The Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Hold out your walking stick in your hand over the rivers and canals and ponds, and make frogs spread over Egypt.’”
6 Og Aron rakte sin Hånd ud over Ægyptens Vande. Da kravlede Frøerne op og fyldte Ægypten.
So Aaron held out his hand over the waters of Egypt, and frogs came up and covered the land.
7 Men Koglerne gjorde det samme ved Hjælp af deres hemmelige Kunster og fik Frøerne til at kravle op over Ægypten.
But the Egyptian magicians did the same thing using their magic arts. They brought up frogs in Egypt.
8 Da lod Farao Moses og Aron kalde og sagde: "Gå i Forbøn hos HERREN, at han skiller mig og mit Folk af med Frøerne, så vil jeg lade Folket rejse, at de kan ofre til HERREN."
Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and pleaded with them, “Pray to the Lord, and ask him to take away the frogs from me and my people. Then I will let your people go so they can offer sacrifices to the Lord.”
9 Moses svarede Farao: "Du behøver kun at befale over mig! Til hvilken Tid skal jeg gå i Forbøn for dig, dine Tjenere og dit Folk om at få Frøerne bort fra dig og dine Huse, så de kun bliver tilbage i Nilen?"
“You may have the honor of deciding when I'll pray for you, your officials, and your people that the frogs will be removed from you and your houses. They will remain only in the Nile.”
10 Han svarede: "I Morgen!" Da sagde han: "Det skal ske, som du siger, for at du kan kende, at der ingen er som HERREN vor Gud;
“Do it tomorrow,” Pharaoh replied. Moses said, “It will happen as you have requested so you will know that there is no one like the Lord our God.
11 Frøerne skal vige bort fra dig, dine Huse, dine Tjenere og dit Folk; kun i Nilen skal de blive tilbage."
The frogs will leave you and your houses, your officials and your people, and they will remain only in the Nile.”
12 Moses og Aron gik nu bort fra Farao, og Moses råbte til HERREN om at bortrydde Frøerne, som han havde sendt over Farao;
Moses and Aaron left Pharaoh, and Moses pleaded with the Lord about the frogs he had sent against Pharaoh.
13 og HERREN gjorde, som Moses bad: Frøerne døde i Husene, i Gårdene og på Markerne,
The Lord did as Moses asked. The frogs in the houses, the courtyards, and the fields died.
14 og man samlede dem sammen i Dynger, så Landet kom til at stinke deraf.
The people collected them in pile upon pile, and the whole country smelled terrible.
15 Men da Farao så, at han havde fået Luft, forhærdede han sit Hjerte og hørte ikke på dem, således som HERREN havde sagt.
But when Pharaoh realized the plague had passed he chose to become hard and stubborn again, wouldn't listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had predicted.
16 Derpå sagde HERREN til Moses: "Sig til Aron: Ræk din Stav ud og slå Støvet på Jorden med den, så skal det blive til Myg i hele Ægypten!"
The Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Pick up your walking stick and hit the dust of the ground. The dust will become gnats swarming all over Egypt.’”
17 Og de gjorde således; Aron udrakte sin Hånd med Staven og slog Støvet på Jorden dermed. Da kom der Myg over Mennesker og Dyr; alt Støvet på Jorden blev til Myg i hele Ægypten.
They did what the Lord said. When Aaron lifted up his walking stick and hit the dust of the earth, gnats swarmed over both people and animals. The dust in the whole of Egypt turned into gnats.
18 Koglerne søgte nu også ved Hjælp af deres hemmelige Kunster at fremkalde Myg, men de magtede det ikke. Og Myggene kom over Mennesker og Dyr.
The magicians also tried to make gnats using their magic arts, but they couldn't. The gnats stayed on both people and animals.
19 Da sagde Koglerne til Farao: "Det er Guds Finger!" Men Faraos Hjerte blev forhærdet, så han ikke hørte på dem, således som HERREN havde sagt.
“This is an act of God,” the magicians told Pharaoh. But Pharaoh chose to be stubbornly hard-hearted, and he wouldn't listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had predicted.
20 Derpå sagde HERREN til Moses: "Træd i Morgen tidlig frem for Farao, når han begiver sig ned til Vandet, og sig til ham: Så siger HERREN: Lad mit Folk rejse, for at de kan dyrke mig!
The Lord told Moses, “Tomorrow morning get up early and block Pharaoh's way as he walks down to the river. Tell him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Let my people go, so that they can worship me.
21 Men hvis du ikke lader mit Folk rejse, se, da sender jeg Bremser over dig, dine Tjenere, dit Folk og dine Huse, og Ægypternes Huse skal blive fulde af Bremser, ja endog Jorden, de bor på;
If you don't let my people leave, I will send swarms of flies on you and your officials, and on your people and your houses. Every Egyptian house and even the ground on which they stand will be filled with swarms of flies.
22 men med Gosens Land, hvor mit Folk bor, vil jeg til den Tid gøre en Undtagelse, så der ingen Bremser kommer, for at du kan kende, at jeg HERREN er i Landet;
However, on this occasion I will treat the land of Goshen differently—that's where my people live—there won't be any swarms of flies there. This is how you will know that I, the Lord, am here in your country.
23 og jeg vil sætte Skel mellem mit Folk og dit Folk; i Morgen skal dette Tegn ske!"
I will distinguish my people from your people. You will see this sign that confirms it tomorrow.”
24 Og HERREN gjorde således: Vældige Bremsesværme trængte ind i Faraos og hans Tjeneres Huse og i hele Ægypten, og Landet hærgedes af Bremserne.
The Lord did what he had said. Huge swarms of flies swept into Pharaoh's palace and into the houses of his officials. The whole of Egypt was devastated because of these swarms of flies.
25 Da lod Farao Moses og Aron kalde og sagde: "Gå hen og bring eders Gud et Offer her i Landet!"
Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and told them, “Go and offer sacrifices to your God here in this country.”
26 Men Moses sagde: "Det går ikke an at gøre således, thi til HERREN vor Gud ofrer vi, hvad der er Ægypterne en Vederstyggelighed; og når vi for Øjnene af Ægypterne ofrer, hvad der er dem en Vederstyggelighed, mon de da ikke stener os?
“No, that wouldn't be the right thing to do,” Moses replied. “The sacrifices we offer to the Lord our God would be offensive to Egyptians. If we went ahead and offered sacrifices offensive to Egyptians, they'd stone us!
27 Lad os drage tre Dagsrejser ud i Ørkenen og ofre til HERREN vor Gud, således som han har pålagt os!"
We must make a three-day journey into the wilderness and offer sacrifices there to the Lord our God as he has told us.”
28 Farao sagde: "Jeg vil lade eder rejse hen og ofre til HERREN eders Gud i Ørkenen; kun må I ikke rejse for langt bort; men gå i Forbøn for mig!"
“I'll let you go and offer sacrifices to the Lord your God in the desert, but don't go very far,” Pharaoh answered. “Now pray for me that this plague ends.”
29 Moses svarede: "Se, så snart jeg kommer ud herfra, skal jeg gå i Forbøn hos HERREN, og Bremserne skal vige bort fra Farao, hans Tjenere og hans Folk i Morgen. Blot Farao så ikke igen narrer os og nægter at lade Folket rejse hen og ofre til HERREN!"
“As soon as I leave you, I will pray to the Lord,” Moses replied, “and tomorrow the flies will leave Pharaoh and his officials and his people. But Pharaoh should be sure not to be deceitful again and refuse to let the people go and offer sacrifices to the Lord.”
30 Derpå gik Moses bort fra Farao og gik i Forbøn hos HERREN.
Moses left Pharaoh and prayed to the Lord,
31 Og HERREN gjorde, som Moses bad, og Bremserne veg bort fra Farao, hans Tjenere og hans Folk; der blev ikke en eneste tilbage.
and the Lord did as Moses asked, and removed the swarms of flies from Pharaoh and his officials and his people. Not a single fly remained.
32 Men Farao forhærdede også denne Gang sit Hjerte og lod ikke Folket rejse.
But once again Pharaoh chose to be stubbornly hard-hearted and would not let the people leave.

< 2 Mosebog 8 >