< 2 Mosebog 40 >

1 Og HERREN talede til Moses og sagde:
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
2 På den første Dag i den første Måned skal du rejse Åbenbaringsteltets Bolig.
On [the] day of the month first on [day] one of the month you will set up [the] tabernacle of [the] tent of meeting.
3 Sæt så Vidnesbyrdets Ark derind og hæng Forhænget op for Arken.
And you will put there [the] ark of the testimony and you will cover over the ark the curtain.
4 Og du skal bringe Bordet ind og ordne, hvad dertil hører, og bringe Lysestagen ind og sætte Lamperne på.
And you will bring the table and you will arrange arrangement its and you will bring the lampstand and you will lift up lamps its.
5 Stil Guldalteret til Røgelsen op foran Vidnesbyrdets Ark og hæng Forhænget op foran Boligens Indgang.
And you will put [the] altar of gold for incense before [the] ark of the testimony and you will put [the] screen of the entrance of the tabernacle.
6 Stil Brændofferalteret op foran Indgangen til Åbenbaringsteltets Bolig
And you will put [the] altar of the burnt offering before [the] entrance of [the] tabernacle of [the] tent of meeting.
7 og stil Vandkummen op mellem Åbenbaringsteltet og Alteret og hæld Vand deri.
And you will put the laver between [the] tent of meeting and between the altar and you will put there water.
8 Rejs Forgården rundt om og hæng Forhænget op foran Forgårdens Indgang.
And you will put the courtyard all around and you will put [the] screen of [the] gate of the courtyard.
9 Tag Salveolien og salv Boligen og alle Ting deli, og du skal hellige den med alt dens Tilbehør, så den bliver hellig.
And you will take [the] oil of anointing and you will anoint the tabernacle and all that [is] in it and you will consecrate it and all articles its and it will be a holy thing.
10 Du skal salve Brændofferalteret og alt dets Tilbehør og hellige Alteret, så det bliver højhelligt.
And you will anoint [the] altar of the burnt offering and all articles its and you will consecrate the altar and it will be the altar holiness of holiness.
11 Og du skal salve Vandkummen og Fodstykket og hellige den.
And you will anoint the laver and base its and you will consecrate it.
12 Lad så Aron og hans Sønner træde hen til Åbenbaringsteltets Indgang, tvæt dem med Vand
And you will bring near Aaron and sons his to [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting and you will wash them with water.
13 og ifør Aron de hellige Klæder. salv og hellig ham til at gøre Præstetjeneste for mig.
And you will clothe Aaron [the] garments of holiness and you will anoint him and you will consecrate him and he will serve as a priest me.
14 Lad så hans Sønner træde frem, ifør dem Kjortler
And sons his you will bring near and you will clothe them tunics.
15 og salv dem, som du salver deres Fader, til at gøre Præstetjeneste for mig. Således skal det ske, for at et evigt Præstedømme kan blive dem til Del fra Slægt til Slægt i Kraft af denne Salvning, som du foretager på dem.
And you will anoint them just as you anointed father their and they will serve as priests me and it will become to be for them anointing their a priesthood of perpetuity to generations their.
16 Og Moses gjorde ganske som HERREN havde pålagt ham; således gjorde han.
And he did Moses according to all that he had commanded Yahweh him so he did.
17 På den første Dag i den første Måned i det andet År blev Boligen rejst.
And it was in the month first in the year second on [day] one of the month it was set up the tabernacle.
18 Moses rejste Boligen, idet han anbragte Fodstykkerne, rejste Brædderne, stak Tværstængerne ind, rejste Pillerne,
And he set up Moses the tabernacle and he put bases its and he set up frames its and he put bars its and he set up pillars its.
19 spændte Teltdækket ud over Boligen og lagde Teltdækkets Dække ovenover, som HERREN havde pålagt Moses.
And he spread out the tent over the tabernacle and he put [the] covering of the tent over it from to above just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
20 Derpå tog han Vidnesbyrdet og lagde det i Arken, stak Bærestængerne i Arken og lagde Sonedækket oven på den;
And he took and he put the testimony into the ark and he put the poles on the ark and he put the atonement cover on the ark from to above.
21 så bragte han Arken ind i Boligen og hængte det indre Forhæng op og tilhyllede således Vidnesbyrdets Ark, som HERREN havde pålagt Moses.
And he brought the ark into the tabernacle and he set up [the] curtain of the screen and he covered over [the] ark of the testimony just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
22 Derpå opstillede han Bordet i Åbenbaringsteltet ved Boligens nordre Væg uden for Forhænget,
And he put the table in [the] tent of meeting on [the] side of the tabernacle north-ward from [the] outside of the curtain.
23 og han lagde Brødene i Række derpå for HERRENs Åsyn, som HERREN havde pålagt Moses.
And he arranged on it an arrangement of bread before Yahweh just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
24 Derpå satte han Lysestagen ind i Åbenbaringsteltet lige over for Bordet, ved Boligens søndre Væg;
And he put the lampstand in [the] tent of meeting opposite to the table on [the] side of the tabernacle south-ward.
25 og han satte Lamperne derpå for HERRENs Åsyn, som HERREN havde pålagt Moses.
And he lifted up the lamps before Yahweh just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
26 Derpå stillede han Guldalteret op i Åbenbaringsteltet foran Forhænget,
And he put [the] altar of gold in [the] tent of meeting before the curtain.
27 og han tændte vellugtende Røgelse derpå, som HERREN havde pålagt Moses.
And he made smoke on it incense of perfume just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
28 Derpå hængte han Forhænget op for Boligens Indgang.
And he set up [the] screen of the entrance of the tabernacle.
29 Brændofferalteret opstillede han foran Indgangen til Åbenbaringsteltets Bolig og ofrede Brændofferet og Afgrødeofferet derpå, som HERREN havde pålagt Moses.
And [the] altar of the burnt offering he set up [the] entrance of [the] tabernacle of [the] tent of meeting and he offered up on it the burnt offering and the grain offering just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
30 Derpå opstillede han Vandkummen mellem Åbenbaringsteltet og Alteret og hældte Vand deri til Tvætning.
And he put the laver between [the] tent of meeting and between the altar and he put there water for washing.
31 Og Moses og Aron og hans Sønner tvættede deres Hænder og Fødder deri;
And they washed from it Moses and Aaron and sons his hands their and feet their.
32 når de gik ind i Åbenbaringsteltet og trådte hen til Alteret. tvættede de sig, som HERREN havde pålagt Moses.
When went they into [the] tent of meeting and when drew near they to the altar they washed just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
33 Så rejste han Forgården rundt om Boligen og Alteret og hængte Forhænget op for Forgårdens Indgang. Hermed var Moses færdig med Arbejdet.
And he set up the courtyard around the tabernacle and the altar and he put [the] screen of [the] gate of the courtyard and he finished Moses the work.
34 Da dækkede Skyen Åbenbaringsteltet, og HERRENs Herlighed fyldte Boligen;
And it covered the cloud [the] tent of meeting and [the] glory of Yahweh it filled the tabernacle.
35 og Moses kunde ikke gå ind i Åbenbaringsteltet, fordi Skyen havde lagt sig derover, og HERRENs Herlighed fyldte Boligen.
And not he was able Moses to go into [the] tent of meeting for it had settled down over it the cloud and [the] glory of Yahweh it had filled the tabernacle.
36 Men under hele deres Vandring brød Israeliterne op, når Skyen løftede sig fra Boligen;
And when was taken up the cloud from over the tabernacle they set out [the] people of Israel in all journeyings their.
37 og når Skyen ikke løftede sig. brød de ikke op, men ventede, til den atter løftede sig.
And if not it was taken up the cloud and not they set out until [the] day was taken up it.
38 Thi HERRENs Sky lå over Boligen om Dagen, og om Natten lyste Ild i Skyen for alle Israeliternes Øjne under hele deres Vandring.
For [the] cloud of Yahweh [was] over the tabernacle by day and fire it was night on it to [the] eyes of all [the] house of Israel in all journeyings their.

< 2 Mosebog 40 >