< 2 Mosebog 20 >
1 Gud talede alle disse Ord og sagde:
And he spoke God all the words these saying.
2 Jeg er HERREN din Gud, som førte dig ud af Ægypten, af Trællehuset.
(I *L(p)*) [am] Yahweh (God your *L(p)*) who I brought out you from [the] land of Egypt (from a house of *L(p)*) (slaves. *L(b+p)*)
3 Du må ikke have andre Guder end mig.
Not it will be[long] (to you gods other *L(p)*) on (face my. *L(p)*)
4 Du må ikke gøre dig noget udskåret Billede eller noget Afbillede af det, som er oppe i Himmelen eller nede på Jorden eller i Vandet under Jorden;
Not you must make (for yourself *L(p)*) an image - and any (form *L(p)*) (which *L(b+p)*) [is] in the heavens - (above *L(p)*) (and which *L(b+p)*) ([is] on the earth beneath and which [is] in the waters - from under to the earth. *L(p)*)
5 du må ikke tilbede eller dyrke det, thi jeg HERREN din Gud er en nidkær Gud, der indtil tredje og fjerde Led straffer Fædres Brøde på Børn af dem, som hader mig,
Not (you must bow down to them *L(p)*) and not (you must be enticed to serve them *L(p)*) for I Yahweh God your [am] a God jealous visiting iniquity of fathers on children on a third generation and on a fourth generation (of [those who] hate me. *L(p)*)
6 men i tusind Led viser Miskundhed mod dem, der elsker mig og holder mine Bud!
(And doing covenant loyalty to thousands *L(p)*) to [those who] love me and to [those who] keep commandments my.
7 Du må ikke misbruge HERREN din Guds Navn, thi HERREN lader ikke den ustraffet, der misbruger hans Navn!
Not you must take [the] name of Yahweh God your for emptiness for not he will leave unpunished Yahweh [the one] who he will take name his for emptiness.
8 Kom Hviledagen i Hu, så du holder den hellig!
(Remember *L(p)*) ([the] day of the sabbath to set apart as holy it. *L(p)*)
9 I seks Dage skal du arbejde og gøre al din Gerning,
(Six days you will labor and you will do *L(p)*) all (work your. *L(p)*)
10 men den syvende Dag skal være Hviledag for HERREN din Gud; da må du intet Arbejde udføre, hverken du selv, din Søn eller Datter, din Træl eller Trælkvinde, dit Kvæg eller den fremmede inden dine Porte.
And [the] day (seventh [is] a sabbath - *L(p)*) to Yahweh (God your *L(p)*) not (you must do *L(p)*) any (work *L(p)*) you - and son your (and daughter your [male] servant your and female servant your and livestock your and sojourner your who [is] in gates your. *L(p)*)
11 Thi i seks Dage gjorde HERREN Himmelen, Jorden og Havet med alt, hvad der er i dem, og på den syvende Dag hvilede han; derfor har HERREN velsignet Hviledagen og helliget den.
For six days he made Yahweh the heavens and the earth the sea and all that [is] in them and he rested on the day seventh there-fore he blessed Yahweh [the] day of the sabbath and he set apart as holy it.
12 Ær din Fader og din Moder, for at du kan få et langt Liv i det Land, HERREN din Gud vil give dig!
Honor father your and mother your so that they may be long! days your on the land which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you.
(Not you must murder. *L(p)*)
14 Du må ikke bedrive Hor!
(Not you must commit adultery. *L(p)*)
(Not you must steal. *L(p)*)
16 Du må ikke sige falsk Vidnesbyrd imod din Næste!
Not you must testify against neighbor your testimony of falsehood.
17 Du må ikke begære din Næstes Hus! Du må ikke begære din Næstes Hustru, hans Træl eller Trælkvinde, hans Okse eller Æsel eller noget, der hører din Næste til!
Not you must covet [the] house of neighbor your not you must covet [the] wife of neighbor your and [male] servant his and female servant his and ox his and donkey his and all that [belongs] to neighbor your.
18 Men da hele Folket fornam Tordenen, Lynene og Stødene i Hornene og så det rygende Bjerg forfærdedes Folket og holdt sig skælvende i Frastand;
And all the people [were] seeing the thunder claps and the lightning and [the] sound of the ram's horn and the mountain smoking and it saw the people and they trembled and they stood from a distance.
19 og de sagde til Moses: "Tal du med os, så vil vi lytte til; men lad ikke Gud tale med os, at vi ikke skal dø!"
And they said to Moses speak you with us so let us listen and may not he speak with us God lest we should die.
20 Men Moses svarede Folket: "Frygt ikke, thi Gud er kommet for at prøve eder, og for at I kan lære at frygte for ham, så I ikke synder."
And he said Moses to the people may not you be afraid for in order to put to [the] test you he has come God and in order that may be fear his on faces your to not you will sin.
21 Da holdt Folket sig i Frastand medens Moses nærmede sig Mulmet, hvori Gud var.
And it stood the people from a distance and Moses he drew near to the thick darkness where [was] there God.
22 HERREN sagde da til Moses: Således skal du sige til Israeliterne: I har selv set, at jeg har talet med eder fra Himmelen!
And he said Yahweh to Moses thus you will say to [the] people of Israel you you have seen that from the heavens I have spoken with you.
23 I må ikke gøre eder Guder ved Siden af mig; Guder af Sølv eller Guld må I ikke gøre eder!
Not you must make! with me gods of silver and gods of gold not you must make for yourselves.
24 Du skal bygge mig et Alter af Jord, og på det skal du ofre dine Brændofre og Takofre, dit Småkvæg og dit Hornkvæg; på ethvert Sted, hvor jeg lader mit Navn ihukomme, vil jeg komme til dig og velsigne dig.
An altar of earth you will make for me and you will sacrifice on it burnt offerings your and peace offerings your sheep your and cattle your in every place where I will cause to be remembered name my I will come to you and I will bless you.
25 Men hvis du opfører mig Altre af Sten, må du ikke bygge dem af tilhugne Sten, thi når du svinger dit Værktøj derover, vanhelliger du dem.
And if an altar of stones you will make for me not you must build them hewn [stone] for tool your you have wielded on it and you have profaned it.
26 Du må ikke stige op til mit, Alter ad Trin, for at ikke din Blusel skal blottes over det.
And not you must go up on steps to altar my that not it will be uncovered nakedness your on it.