< Efeserne 1 >

1 Paulus, Kristi Jesu Apostel ved Guds Villie, til de hellige, som ere i Efesus og ere troende i Kristus Jesus:
I, Paul, am an apostle whom God appointed (to represent/to proclaim the message about) Christ Jesus because that is what God wanted. [I am writing this letter] to you who are the people of God in Ephesus [city. You are people who] (faithfully/continue to) trust in Christ Jesus and who have a close relationship with him.
2 Nåde være med eder og Fred fra Gud vor Fader og den Herre Jesus Kristus!
[I pray that] God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord will continue to act kindly toward you and cause you to have [inner] peace.
3 Lovet være Gud og vor Herres Jesu Kristi Fader, som har velsignet os med al åndelig Velsignelse i det himmelske i Kristus,
Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because of our relationship with Christ, he has blessed us spiritually in every way by giving us blessings that come from heaven.
4 ligesom han har udvalgt os i ham før Verdens Grundlæggelse til at være hellige og ulastelige for hans Åsyn,
Before God created the world, he chose us to be his people because of our (relationship with/union with) Christ, in order that [God could consider] us to be completely holy [DOU]. Because [God] loves [us],
5 idet han i Kærlighed forudbestemte os til Sønneudkårelse hos sig ved Jesus Kristus, efter sin Villies Velbehag,
he decided long ago that he would adopt us to be [as though we were] his own children because of what Jesus Christ [has done]. He decided to do that because it pleased him to do that.
6 til Pris for sin Nådes Herlighed, som han benådede os med i den elskede,
He did it in order that we would praise him for acting very kindly toward us in a wonderful way that we did not deserve. He did it because of our relationship with his beloved Son {[one, who is also God, whom he] loves}.
7 i hvem vi have Forløsningen ved hans Blod, Syndernes Forladelse, efter hans Nådes Rigdom,
When the blood of Christ [flowed when he died] [MTY], [it was as though] he paid a price to free/save us [from the guilt of our sins]. [That] ([provided a way/made it possible]) [for] God to act very kindly toward us to forgive us for having sinned.
8 som han rigelig tildelte os i al Visdom og Forstand,
He acted very kindly toward us and enabled us to become wise about many [HYP] things and to understand his truth.
9 idet han kundgjorde os sin Villies Hemmelighed, efter sin velbehagelige Beslutning, som han havde fattet hos sig selv,
He has enabled us to know the things that he had planned secretly (OR, that he had not revealed to anyone yet). He did that because he wanted to do that, and because he planned to do that by means of the things Christ would do.
10 for at oprette en Husholdning i Tidernes Fylde, nemlig at sammenfatte sig alt i Kristus, det, som er i Himlene, og det, som er på Jorden, i ham,
God planned that at the time that [he appointed], he would unite all things/beings in heaven and all things/beings on earth (OR, all beings in heaven and all things on earth), and cause Christ to be the one who will rule them [MET].
11 i hvem vi også have fået Arvelodden, forud bestemte efter hans Forsæt, der virker alt efter sin Villies Råd,
Because of our close relationship with Christ, God has also chosen us [(inc)] (OR, us [(exc)] Jews) to receive what he has promised [to give] us. He decided long ago to do that. It was exactly what he planned. He accomplishes everything exactly as he plans and desires,
12 for at vi skulde være til Pris for hans Herlighed, vi, som forud havde håbet på Kristus,
in order that we(exc) Jews, who confidently expected the Messiah to do great things for us before the non-Jews expected such things (OR, we [(inc)] who were already confidently expecting Christ [to do great things for us]) will praise him for his greatness.
13 i hvem også I, da I hørte Sandhedens Ord, Evangeliet om eders Frelse, i hvem I også, da I bleve troende, bleve beseglede med Forjættelsens hellige Ånd,
You [Ephesians] also heard the true message, the good message about how God saves you. [People] put their seal on something to show that [it belongs to them]. Similarly, when you believed [in Christ], God [showed that you also belong to him by sending you] the Holy Spirit as he promised to do [MET].
14 som er Pant på vor Arv, til Ejendommens Forløsning, til Pris for hans Herlighed.
The Holy Spirit is [like] [MET] a (deposit/down payment). That is, he (guarantees/assures us) that [we will receive] all that God has promised to give us, at the time when God will give to those who belong to him [MET] everything that [Christ] freed us to receive. [God also assures you that you belong to him], in order that you would praise him for his greatness.
15 derfor har også jeg, efter at have hørt om eders Tro på den Herre Jesus og om eders Kærlighed til alle de hellige,
Because of [what God has done for you], and because [people] told me that you continue to trust in the Lord Jesus and that you love all those who belong to God,
16 ikke ophørt at takke for eder, idet jeg ihukommer eder i mine Bønner om,
I thank God for you constantly [LIT, HYP]. I (mention/pray for) you constantly, whenever I pray.
17 at vor Herres Jesu Kristi Gud, Herlighedens Fader, må give eder Visdoms og Åbenbarelses Ånd i Erkendelse af ham,
[I pray] that God, who is the glorious/wonderful Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, may cause his Spirit to make you wise, and that his Spirit will reveal [God to you] so that you may fully know him.
18 gøre eders Hjertes Øjne oplyste til at kende, hvilket det Håb er, som han kaldte eder til, hvilken hans Arvs Herligheds Rigdom er iblandt de hellige,
And I pray that God would enable you to understand [MTY] his truth, in order that in your (inner beings/hearts) you may know the things that we believers should confidently expect to receive because he chose us [to be his people]. And I pray that you will know how God will bless his people in a very wonderful way [when we finally receive] all that he has promised to give us.
19 og hvilken hans Krafts overvættes Storhed er over for os, som tro, alt efter hans Styrkes vældige Virkekraft,
And [I pray that] you will know how very powerfully [God helps] us who continue to trust [in Christ]. He works powerfully for us
20 som han udviste på Kristus, da han oprejste ham fra de døde og satte ham ved sin højre Hånd i det himmelske,
just like he acted powerfully for Christ when he caused Christ to become alive again after he died, and put him in the place of highest/greatest honor [MTY] in heaven.
21 langt over al Magt og Myndighed og Kraft og Herredom og hvert Navn, som nævnes, ikke alene i denne Verden, men også i den kommende, (aiōn g165)
[There], Christ is the supreme ruler over every powerful spirit of every level of authority. His rank is much higher than any powerful spirit can receive, not only now, but forever. (aiōn g165)
22 og lagde alt under hans Fødder, og ham gav han som Hoved over alting til Menigheden,
God has caused all beings to be subject to Christ [MTY], and he has also appointed Christ, who rules over all things, to rule [MET] over all believers.
23 der er hans Legeme, fyldt af ham, som fylder alt i alle.
We believers [relate to Christ like the parts of a person’s] body [MET] [relate to its head]. Christ uses all [his power among us] just like he uses his power throughout the whole universe.

< Efeserne 1 >