< 5 Mosebog 7 >
1 Når HERREN din Gud fører dig ind i det Land, du skal ind og tage i Besiddelse, og driver store Folk bort foran dig, Hetiterne, Girgasjiterne, Amoriterne, Kana'anæerne, Periiterne, Hivviterne og Jebusiterne, syv Folk, der er større og mægtigere end du,
“When your God YHWH brings you into the land to where you are going in to possess it, and He has cast out many nations from your presence, the Hittite, and the Girgashite, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, seven nations more numerous and mighty than you,
2 og når HERREN din Gud giver dem i din Magt, og du overvinder dem, så skal du lægge Band på dem. Du må ikke slutte Pagt med dem eller vise dem Skånsel.
and your God YHWH has given them before you, then you have struck them—you utterly devote them—you do not make a covenant with them, nor do you favor them.
3 Du må ikke besvogre dig med dem, du må hverken give en af deres Sønner din datter eller tage en af deres Døtre til din Søn;
And you do not join in marriage with them; you do not give your daughter to his son, and you do not take his daughter to your son,
4 thi så vil de få din Søn til at falde fra HERREN, så han dyrker andre Guder, og HERRENs Vrede vil blusse op imod eder, og han vil udrydde dig i Hast.
for he turns aside your son from after Me, and they have served other gods; and the anger of YHWH has burned against you and has destroyed you quickly.
5 Men således skal I gøre ved dem: Deres Altre skal I nedbryde, deres Stenstøtter skal I sønderslå, deres Asjerastøtter skal I omhugge, og deres Gudebilleder skal I opbrænde.
But thus you do to them: you break down their altars, and you shatter their standing pillars, and you cut down their Asherim, and you burn their carved images with fire.
6 Thi du er et Folk, der er helliget HERREN din Gud; dig har HERREN din Gud udvalgt til sit Ejendomsfolk blandt alle Folk på Jorden.
For you [are] a holy people to your God YHWH; your God YHWH has fixed on you, to be to Him for a peculiar people, out of all the peoples who [are] on the face of the ground.
7 Det er ikke, fordi I er større end alle de andre Folk, at HERREN har fattet Velbehag til eder og udvalgt eder, thi I er det mindste af alle Folk;
YHWH has delighted in you and fixes on you, not because of your being more numerous than any of the peoples, for you [are] the least of all the peoples,
8 men fordi HERREN elskede eder, og fordi han vilde holde den Ed, han tilsvor eders Fædre, derfor var det, at HERREN med stærk Hånd førte eder ud og udløste dig af Trællehuset, af Ægypterkongen Faraos Hånd;
but because of YHWH’s loving you, and because of His keeping the oath which He has sworn to your fathers; YHWH has brought you out by a strong hand, and ransoms you from a house of servants, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
9 så skal du vide, at HERREN din Gud er den sande Gud, den trofaste Gud, der i tusinde Slægtled holder fast ved sin Pagt og sin Miskundhed mod dem, der elsker ham og holder hans Bud,
And you have known that He, your God YHWH, [is] God, the faithful God keeping the covenant and the kindness with those loving Him and with those keeping His commands, for one thousand generations,
10 men bringer Gengældelse over den, der hader ham, så han udrydder ham, og ikke tøver over for den, der hader ham, men bringer Gengældelse over ham.
and repaying to those hating Him to their face, to destroy them; He does not delay to him who is hating Him, He repays [it] to him to his face.
11 Derfor skal du omhyggeligt handle efter det Bud, de Anordninger og Lovbud, jeg i Dag giver dig!
And you have kept the command, and the statutes, and the judgments, which I am commanding you today to do them.
12 Når I nu hører disse Lovbud og holder dem og handler efter dem, så skal HERREN din Gud til Løn derfor holde fast ved den Pagt og den Miskundhed, han tilsvor dine Fædre.
And it has been, because you hear these judgments, and have kept and done them, that your God YHWH has kept the covenant and the kindness with you which He has sworn to your fathers,
13 Han skal elske dig, velsigne dig og gøre dig mangfoldig, han skal velsigne Frugten af dit Moderliv og Frugten af din Jord, dit Korn, din Most og din Olie, Tillægget af dine Okser og dine Fårs Yngel i det Land, han tilsvor dine Fædre at ville give dig!
and has loved you, and blessed you, and multiplied you, and has blessed the fruit of your womb, and the fruit of your ground, your grain, and your new wine, and your oil, the increase of your oxen, and the wealth of your flock, on the ground which He has sworn to your fathers to give to you.
14 Velsignet skal du være fremfor alle andre Folk; ingen Mand eller Kvinde hos dig skal være ufrugtbar, ej heller noget af dit Kvæg;
Blessed are you above all the peoples; there is not a barren man or a barren woman in you—nor among your livestock;
15 og HERREN vil holde alle Sygdomme fra dig; ingen af Ægyptens onde Farsoter, som du jo kender, vil han påføre dig, men han vil lægge dem på alle dem, der hader dig.
and YHWH has turned aside every sickness from you, and none of the evil diseases of Egypt (which you have known) does He put on you, and He has put them on all hating you.
16 Og alle de Folk, som HERREN din Gud giver dig, skal du fortære uden Skånsel; du må ikke dyrke deres Guder, thi det vilde blive en Snare for dig.
And you have consumed all the peoples whom your God YHWH is giving to you; your eye has no pity on them, and you do not serve their gods, for it [is] a snare to you.
17 Og skulde du sige ved dig selv: "Disse Folk er større end jeg, hvor kan jeg drive dem bort?"
When you say in your heart, These nations [are] more numerous than I, how am I able to dispossess them?
18 så frygt ikke for dem, men kom i Hu, hvad HERREN din Gud gjorde ved Farao og hele Ægypten,
You are not afraid of them; you surely remember that which your God YHWH has done to Pharaoh and to all of Egypt,
19 de store Prøvelser, du selv så, Tegnene og Underne, den stærke Hånd og den udstrakte Arm, hvormed HERREN din Gud førte dig ud; således vil HERREN din Gud gøre ved alle de Folkeslag, du frygter for.
the great trials which your eyes have seen, and the signs, and the wonders, and the strong hand, and the outstretched arm, with which your God YHWH has brought you out; so does your God YHWH do to all the peoples of whose presence you are afraid.
20 Ja, også Gedehamse vil HERREN din Gud sende imod dem, indtil de, der er tilbage og holder sig skjult for dig, er udryddet.
And your God YHWH also sends the locust among them, until the destruction of those who are left, even those who are hidden from your presence;
21 Vær ikke bange for dem, thi HERREN din Gud er i din Midte, en stor og frygtelig Gud.
you are not terrified by their presence, for your God YHWH [is] in your midst, a God great and fearful.
22 HERREN din Gud skal lidt efter lidt drive disse Folkeslag bort foran dig. Det går ikke an, at du udrydder dem i Hast, thi så bliver Markens vilde Dyr dig for talrige.
And your God YHWH has cast out these nations from your presence little [by] little (you are not able to consume them quickly, lest the beast of the field multiplies against you),
23 Men HERREN din Gud skal give dem i din Magt, og han skal slå dem med stor Rædsel, indtil de er udryddet.
and your God YHWH has given them before you, and confused them [with] a great destruction until their being destroyed;
24 Og han skal give deres Konger i din Hånd, og du skal udrydde deres Navn under Himmelen; ingen skal kunne holde Stand over for dig, til du har udryddet dem.
and He has given their kings into your hand, and you have destroyed their name from under the heavens; no man stations himself in your presence until you have destroyed them.
25 Deres Gudebilleder skal I opbrænde; du må ikke lade dig friste til at tage Sølvet eller Guldet på dem, for at du ikke skal lokkes i en Snare derved, thi det er HERREN din Gud en Vederstyggelighed,
You burn the carved images of their gods with fire; you do not desire the silver and gold on them, nor have you taken [it] for yourself, lest you are snared by it, for it [is] an abomination [to] your God YHWH;
26 og du må ikke føre nogen Vederstyggelighed ind i dit Hus, for at du ikke skal hjemfalde til Band ligesom den, nej, du skal nære Afsky og Gru for den, thi den er hjemfaldet til Band!
and you do not bring in an abomination to your house, or you have been devoted like it—you utterly detest it and you utterly abhor it; for it [is] devoted.”