< 5 Mosebog 30 >

1 Men når alt dette kommer over dig, både Velsignelser og Forbandelsen, som jeg har forelagt dig, og du lægger dig det på Sinde ude blandt alle de Folkeslag, HERREN din Gud forstøder dig hen iblandt,
“I have now told you about the ways that Yahweh our God will bless you [if you obey him] and the ways that he will curse you [if you disobey him]. I am saying that you must choose which you want. But when [you choose not to obey his laws], some day you will be living in the countries to which he will scatter you, and you will remember [what I told you].
2 og tillige med dine Børn af hele dit Hjerte og hele din Sjæl omvender dig til HERREN din Gud og adlyder hans Røst i alt, hvad jeg i. Dag byder dig,
Then, if you return to Yahweh our God and faithfully [IDM] obey all that I have today commanded you to do,
3 så vil HERREN din Gud vende din Skæbne og forbarme sig over dig og samle dig fra alle de Folk, HERREN din Gud, spreder dig iblandt.
he will be merciful to you. He will bring you back from the nations to which he scattered you, and he will cause you to be prosperous again.
4 Om så dine forstødte befinder sig ved Himmelens Ende, vil HERREN din Gud samle dig sammen og hente dig derfra.
Even if you have been scattered to the most distant places on the earth, Yahweh our God will gather you from there and bring you back [to your land].
5 Og HERREN din Gud vil føre dig ind i det Land, dine Fædre havde i Eje, og du skal få det i Eje, og han vil gøre dig endnu lykkeligere og talrigere end dine Fædre.
He will enable you to possess again the land where your ancestors lived. And he will cause you to be more prosperous and more numerous than you are now.
6 Og HERREN din Gud vil omskære dit Hjerte og dit Afkoms Hjerte, så du elsker HERREN din Gud" af hele dit Hjerte og hele din Sjæl, for at du må leve.
Yahweh our God will change [MET] your inner beings, with the result that you will love him more than you love anything else and want to do only what he wants you to do. And then you will continue to live in that land.
7 Og HERREN din Gud vil bringe alle dine Forbandelser over dine Fjender og Avindsmænd, der har forfulgt dig.
Yahweh our God will cause your enemies and those who oppressed/persecuted you to experience all the disasters that I have told you about.
8 Da skal du omvende dig og adlyde HERREN din Guds Røst og handle efter alle hans Bud, som jeg i Dag pålægger dig.
You will do what Yahweh wants you to do, as you did before, and you will obey all the commands that I have given to you today.
9 Og HERREN din Gud vil give dig Overflod i alt, hvad du tager dig for, Overflod af dit Livs, dit Kvægs og din Jords Frugt; thi HERREN skal atter komme til at glæde sig over dig til dit Bedste, som han glædede sig over dine Fædre,
Yahweh our God will cause you to be very successful in all that you do. You will have many children [IDM], and a lot of cattle, and you will have abundant crops. He will again be happy to enable you to prosper, just like he was happy to enable your ancestors to prosper.
10 fordi du adlyder HERREN din Guds Røst og holder hans Bud og Anordninger, der er optegnet i denne Lovbog, fordi du af hele dit Hjerte og hele din Sjæl omvender dig til HERREN din Gud.
[But he will do those things only] if you do what he has told you to do, and if you obey all his rules and regulations that I have written about [in this scroll], and if you will love him more than you love anything else and want to do only what he wants you to do.
11 Thi Budet, som jeg i Dag pålægger dig, er dig ikke ufatteligt og er heller ikke langt borte.
The commands that I am giving to you today are not very difficult for you [to obey], and they are not [difficult to know].
12 Det er ikke i Himmelen, så du måtte sige: "Hvem skal stige op til Himmelen for os og hente det ned til os og kundgøre os det, så vi kan handle derefter?"
They are not in heaven, with the result that you need to say, ‘(Who will need to go up to heaven for us to bring them [down here to us] in order that we can hear them and obey them?/Someone will need to go up to heaven for us to bring them [down here to us] in order that we can hear them and obey them.)’ [RHQ]
13 Ikke heller er det hinsides Havet, så du måtte sige: "Hvem skal drage over Havet for os og hente det til os og kundgøre os det, så vi kan handle derefter?"
And they are not on the other side of the sea, with the result that you need to say, ‘(Who will need to cross the sea for us and bring them back to us, in order that we can hear them and obey them?/Someone will need to cross the sea for us and bring them back to us, in order that we can hear them and obey them.)’ [RHQ]
14 Nej, Ordet er dig ganske nær, i din Mund og i dit Hjerte, så du kan handle derefter.
[You do not need to do that because] his commands are here with you. You know them [MTY] and you have (memorized them/put them in your minds). So you can [easily] obey them.
15 Se, jeg forelægger dig i Dag Livet og Lykken, Døden og Ulykken!
So listen! Today I am allowing you to choose between [doing what is] evil and [doing what is] good, between what will enable you to live [for a long time] and [what will cause you] to die [while you are still young].
16 Hvis du lyder HERREN din Guds Bud, som jeg i Dag pålægger dig, så at du elsker HERREN din Gud og vandrer på hans Veje og holder hans Bud, Anordninger og Lovbud, så skal du leve og blive mangfoldig, og HERREN din Gud vil velsigne dig i det Land, du skal ind og tage i Besiddelse.
[I say again], if you obey the commands of Yahweh our God that I am giving to you today, and if you love him and conduct your lives as he wants you to do, and if you obey all his rules and regulations, you will prosper and become very numerous, and Yahweh our God will bless you in the land that you are about to enter and possess.
17 Men hvis dit Hjerte vender sig bort, og: du ikke er lydig, men lader dig forføre til at tilbede fremmede Guder og dyrke dem,
But if you turn away [from Yahweh] and refuse to heed what he says, and if you allow yourselves to be led away to worship other gods,
18 så kundgør jeg eder i Dag, at I visselig skal gå til Grunde; I skal ikke komme til at leve længe i det Land, du skal ind og tage i Besiddelse efter at være gået over Jordan.
I am warning you today that you will [soon] die. You will not live for a long time in the land that you are about to cross the Jordan [River] to enter and possess.
19 Jeg tager i Dag Himmelen og Jorden til Vidne mod eder på, at jeg har forelagt eder Livet og Døden, Velsignelsen og Forbandelsen. Så vælg da Livet, for at du og dit Afkom må leve,
I am requesting that [everyone in] heaven and the earth testify to you, that today I am allowing you to choose whether you [want to] live for a long time or to soon die, whether [you want Yahweh to] bless you or to curse you. So choose to live.
20 idet du elsker HERREN din Gud og adlyder hans Røst og hænger ved ham; thi deraf afhænger dit Liv og Tallet på de Dage, du kommer til at bo i det Land, HERREN svor at ville give dine Fædre, Abraham, Isak og Jakob.
[Choose to] love Yahweh our God, and to obey him [MTY], and to (be faithful to/have a close relationship with) him. If you do that, you and your descendants will live for a long time in the land that Yahweh solemnly promised to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that he would give to them.”

< 5 Mosebog 30 >