< Daniel 2 >

1 I sit andet regeringsår drømte Nebukadnezar, og hans sind blev uroligt, så han ikke kunde sove
And in year two of [the] reign of Nebuchadnezzar he dreamed Nebuchadnezzar dreams and it was troubled spirit his and sleep his it happened on him.
2 Så lod Kongen Drømmetyderne, Manerne, Sandsigerne og Kaldæerne kalde, for at de skulde sige ham, hvad han havde drømt. Og de kom og trådte frem for Kongen.
And he said the king to summon the soothsayer-priests and the conjurers and the sorcerers and the Chaldeans to tell to the king dreams his and they came and they stood before the king.
3 Da sagde Kongen til dem: "Jeg har haft en Drøm, og mit Sind falder ikke til Ro, før jeg får at vide, hvad den betyder."
And he said to them the king a dream I have dreamed and it was troubled spirit my to know the dream.
4 Kaldæerne svarede Kongen (på Aramaisk") ): "Kongen leve evindelig! Sig dine Trælle Drømmen, så skal vi tyde den."
And they spoke the Chaldeans to the king Aramaic king O for ever live! tell! dream the (to servant your *Q(K)*) and interpretation the we will declare.
5 Men Kongen svarede Kaldæerne: "Mit Ord står fast! Hvis I ikke både kundgør mig Drømmen og tyder den, skal I hugges sønder og sammen og eders Huse gøres til Skarndynger;
[was] replying King the and [was] saying (to Chaldeans the *Q(K)*) word the from me [is] assured if not you will make known to me dream the and interpretation its members you will be made and houses your a refuse-heap they will be made.
6 men gengiver I mig Drømmen og tyder den, får I Skænk og Gave og stor Ære af mig. Gengiv mig, derfor Drømmen og tyd den!"
And if dream the and interpretation its you will declare gifts and a reward and honor great you will receive from before me therefore dream the and interpretation its declare to me.
7 De svarede atter: "Kongen sige sine Trælle Drømmen, så skal vi tyde den."
They replied a second [time] and [they were] saying king O dream the let him tell to servants his and interpretation the we will declare.
8 Kongen svarede: "Nu ved jeg for vist, at I kun søger at vinde Tid, fordi I ser, mit Ord står fast,
[was] replying King the and [was] saying according to certain [am] knowing I that time you [are] gaining as to because that you have seen that [is] assured from me word the.
9 så eders Dom kun kan blive een, hvis I ikke kundgør mig Drømmen, og at I derfor er blevet enige om at lyve for mig og føre mig bag Lyset, til der kommer andre Tider. Sig mig derfor Drømmen, så jeg kan vide, at I også kan tyde mig den."
That if dream the not you will make known to me [is] one it decree your and a word a lie and corrupt (you have agreed together *Q(K)*) to say before me until that time the it will be changed therefore dream the tell! to me so I may know that interpretation its you will declare to me.
10 Kaldæerne svarede Kongen: "Der findes ikke et Menneske på Jorden, som kan sige, hvad Kongen ønsker at vide; aldrig har jo heller nogen Konge, hvor stor og tnægtig han end var, krævet sligt af nogen Drømmetyder, Maner eller Kaldæer;
They replied (Chaldeans the *Q(K)*) before king the and [they were] saying not there [is] a person on earth the who [the] matter of king the he will be able to declare as to because that any king great and powerful a matter like this not he has asked to any magician and conjurer and Chaldean.
11 hvad Kongen kræver, er umuligt, og der er ingen, som kan sige kongen det, undtagen Guderne, og de bor ikke hos de dødelige."
And matter the which king the [is] asking [is] difficult and [is] another not there who he will declare it before king the except gods who dwelling place their [is] with flesh not there it.
12 Herover blev Kongen vred og såre harmfuld, og han bød, at alle Babels Vismænd skulde henrettes.
As to because this king the he was angry and he was furious exceedingly and he said to destroy all [the] wise men of Babylon.
13 Da nu Befalingen var udgået, og man skulde til at slå Vismændene ihjel, ledte man også efter Daniel og hans Venner for at slå dem ihjel.
And decree the it went out and wise men the [were] about to be killed and they sought Daniel and companions his to be killed.
14 Da henvendte Daniel sig med kloge og vel overvejede Ord til Arjok, Øversten for Kongens Livvagt, som var draget ud for at slå Babels Vismænd ihjel.
Then Daniel he sent back counsel and discretion to Arioch [the] chief executioners the of king the who he went out to kill [the] wise men of Babylon.
15 Han tog til Orde og spurgte Arjok, Kongens Høvedsmand: "Hvorfor er så skarp en Befaling udgået fra Kongen?" Og da Arjok havde sat ham ind i Sagen,
[he was] replying And [he was] saying to Arioch captain the of king the on what? [is] decree the harsh from before king the then matter the he made known Arioch to Daniel.
16 gik Daniel ind til Kongen og bad ham give sig en Frist, så skulde han tyde Kongen Drømmen.
And Daniel he went in and he asked from king the that time he will give to him and interpretation the to declare to king the.
17 Så gik Daniel hjem og satte sine Venner Hananja, Misjael og Azarja ind i Sagen,
Then Daniel to house his he went and to Hananiah Mishael and Azariah companions his matter the he made known.
18 og han pålagde dem at bede Himmelens Gud om Barmbjertighed, så han åbenbarede Hemmeligheden, for at ikke Daniel og hans Venner skulde blive henrettet med Babels andre Vismænd.
And compassion to ask from before [the] God of heavens the concerning secret the this that not they will destroy Daniel and companions his with [the] rest of [the] wise men of Babylon.
19 Da blev Hemmeligheden åbenbaret Daniel i et Nattesyn; og Daniel priste Himmelens Gud,
Then to Daniel in vision the of night the secret the it was revealed then Daniel he blessed [the] God of heavens the.
20 tog til Orde og sagde: "Lovet være Guds Navn fra Evighed og til Evighed, thi ham tilhører Visdom og Styrke!
[was] replying Daniel and [was] saying let it be name his of true God the [be] blessed from antiquity and to perpetuity that wisdom and power which [is] to him it.
21 Han lader Tider og Stunder skifte, afsætter og indsætter konger, giver de vise deres Visdom og de indsigtsfulde deres Viden;
And he [is] changing times the and appointed times the [he is] removing kings and [he is] setting up kings [he is] giving wisdom to wise men and understanding to ones knowing discernment.
22 han åbenbarer det dybe og lønlige; han ved, hvad Mørket gemmer, og Lyset bor hos ham.
He [is] revealing deep [things] and hidden [things] [he is] knowing what? [is] in darkness the (and light the *Q(k)*) with him [is] dwelling.
23 Dig, mine Fædres Gud, takker og priser jeg, fordi du gav mig Visdom og Styrke, og nu har du kundgjort mig, hvad vi bad dig om; thi hvad Kongen vil vide, har du kundgjort os!"
You - O God of fathers my [am] praising and [am] praising I that wisdom and power you have given to me and now you have made known to me that we asked from you that [the] matter of king the you made known to us.
24 Derfor gik Daniel til Arjok, hvem Kongen havdepålagt at henrette Babels Vismænd, og sagde til ham: "Henret ikke Babels Vismænd, men før mig frem for Kongen, så vil jeg tyde ham Drømmen!"
As to because this Daniel he went in to Arioch whom he had appointed king the to destroy [the] wise men of Babylon he went - and as follows he said to him [the] wise men of Babylon may not you destroy bring in me before king the and interpretation the to king the I will declare.
25 Så førte Arjok i Hast Daniel frem for Kongen og sagde til ham: "Jeg har blandt de bortførte Judæere fundet en Mand, som vil tyde Kongen Drømmen!"
Then Arioch in haste he brought in Daniel before king the and as follows he said to him that I have found a man from [the] sons of exile the of Judah who interpretation the to king the he will make known.
26 Kongen tog til Orde og spurgte Daniel, som havde fået Navnet Beltsazzar: "Er du i Stand til at kundgøre mig den Drøm, jeg har haft, og tyde den?"
[was] replying King the and [was] saying to Daniel who name his [was] Belteshazzar (¿ [are] you *Q(k)*) able to make known to me dream the which I saw and interpretation its.
27 Daniel svarede Kongen: "Den Hemmelighed, Kongen ønsker at vide, kan Vismænd, Manere, Drømmetydere og Stjernetydere ikke sige kongen;
[was] replying Daniel before king the and [was] saying secret the which king the [is] asking not wise men conjurers magicians astrologers [are] being able to declare to king the.
28 men der er en Gud i Himmelen, som åbenbarer Hemmeligheder, og han har kundgjort Kong Nebukadnezar, hvad der skal ske i de sidste Dage:
Nevertheless there [is] a God in heavens the [who] reveals secrets and he has made known to king the Nebuchadnezzar what that it will be at [the] end of days the dream your and [the] visions of head your on bed your [is] this it.
29 Du tænkte, o Konge, på dit Leje over, hvad der skal ske i Fremtiden, og han, som åbenbarer Hemmeligheder, kundgjorde dig, hvad der skal ske.
(You *Q(k)*) king O thought[s] your on bed your they came up what that it will be after this and [one who] reveals secrets he has made known to you what that it will be.
30 Og mig er denne Hemmelighed åbenbaret, ikke ved nogen Visdom, som jeg har forud for alle andre levende Væsener, men for at Drømmen kan blive tydet Kongen, så du kan kende dit Hjertes Tanker.
And I not by wisdom which there [is] in me more than all living [people] the secret the this it has been revealed to me but on [the] cause that interpretation the to king the they will make known and [the] thoughts of heart your you will know.
31 Du så, o Konge, for dig en vældig Billedstøtte; denne Billedstøtte var stor og dens Glans overmåde stærk; den stod foran dig, og dens Udseende var forfærdeligt.
(You *Q(k)*) king O seeing you were and lo! an image one great image the this [was] great and splendor its extraordinary [was] standing before you and appearance its [was] terrible.
32 Billedstøttens Hoved var af fint Guld, Bryst og Arme af Sølv, Bug og Lænder af Kobber.
It image the head its of gold good breast its and arms its of silver belli its and loins its of bronze.
33 Benene af Jern og Fødderne halvt af Jern og halvt af Ler.
Legs its of iron feet its (some of them *Q(K)*) of iron (and some of them *Q(K)*) of clay.
34 Således skuede du, indtil en Sten reves løs, dog ikke ved Menneskehænder, og ramte Billedstøttens Jern og Lerfødder og knuste dem;
Seeing you were until that it was cut out a stone which not [was] by hands and it struck image the on feet its of iron the and clay the and it shattered them.
35 og på een Gang knustes Jern, Ler, Kobber, Sølv og Guld og blev som Avner fra Sommerens Tærskepladser, og Vinden bar det sporløst bort; men Stenen, som ramte Billedstøtten, blev til et stort Bjerg, der fyldte hele Jorden.
Then they were shattered as one iron the clay the bronze the silver the and gold the and they were like chaff from threshing floors of summer and it carried away them wind the and any place not it was found for them and stone the - which it struck image the it became a mountain great and it filled all earth the.
36 Således var Drømmen, og nu vil vi tyde Kongen den:
This [was] dream the and interpretation its we will tell before king the.
37 Du, o Konge, Kongernes Konge, hvem Himmelens Gud gav Kongedømme, Magt, Styrke og Ære,
(You *Q(k)*) king O [are] [the] king of kings the whom [the] God of heavens the kingdom the power the and strength the and honor the he has given to you.
38 i hvis Hånd han gav Menneskene, så vide de bor, Markens Dyr og Himmelens Fugle, så han gjorde dig til Hersker over dem alle du er Hovedet, som var af Guld.
And over all that ([are] dwelling *Q(k)*) [the] sons of humankind [the] animal[s] of field the and [the] bird[s] of heavens the he has given in hand your and he has made ruler you over all of them (you *Q(K)*) [are] it head the of gold.
39 Men efter dig skal der komme et andet Rige, ringere end dit, og derpå atter et tredje Rige, som er af Kobber, og hvis Herredømme skal strække sig over hele Jorden.
And after you it will arise a kingdom another earthward more than you and a kingdom (third *Q(k)*) another of bronze the which it will rule over all earth the.
40 Siden skal der komme et fjerde Rige, stærkt som Jern; thi Jern knuser og søndrer alt; og som Jem sønderslår, skal det knuse og sønderslå alle hine Riger.
And a kingdom (fourth *Q(k)*) it will be strong like iron as to because that iron the [is] shattering and [is] crushing everything and like iron which [is] crushing all these it will shatter so it may crush.
41 Men når du så Fødderne og Tæerne halvt af Pottemagerler og halvt af Jern, betyder det, at det skal være et Rige uden Sammenhold; dog skal det have noget af Jernets Fasthed, thi du så jo, at Jern var blandet med Ler.
And that you saw feet the and toes the (some of them *Q(K)*) clay of a potter (and some of them *Q(K)*) iron a kingdom divided it will be and some of firmness the of iron the it will be in it as to because that you saw iron the mixed with [the] clay of clay the.
42 Og at Tæerne var halvt af Jern og halvt af Ler, betyder, at Riget delvis skal være stærkt, delvis svagt.
And [the] toes of feet the (some of them *Q(K)*) iron (and some of them *Q(K)*) clay from [the] part of kingdom the it will be strong and from it it will be breakable.
43 Og når du så, at Jernet var blandet med Ler, betyder det, at de skal indgå Ægteskaber med hverandre, men dog ikke indbyrdes holde sammen, så lidt som Jern kan blandes med Ler.
(And that *Q(K)*) you saw iron the mixed with [the] clay of clay the mixing they will be with [the] offspring of humankind and not they will be clinging this with this here! like that iron not [is] mixing with clay.
44 Men i hine Kongers Dage vil Himmelens Gud oprette et Rige, som aldrig i Evighed skal forgå. og Herredømmet skal ikke gå over til noget andet Folk; det skal knuse og tilintetgøre alle hine Riger, men selv stå i al Evighed;
And in days their of kings the those he will set up [the] God of heavens the a kingdom which for ever not it will be destroyed and kingdom the to a people another not it will be left it will shatter so it may put an end to all these kingdoms the and it it will endure for ever.
45 thi du så jo, at en Sten reves løs fra Klippen, dog ikke ved Menneskehænder, og knuste Jern, Ler, Kobber, Sølv og Guld. En stor Gud har kundgjort Kongen, hvad der skal ske herefter; og Drømmen er sand og Tydningen troværdig."
As to because that you saw that from mountain it was cut out a stone which not [was] by hands and it shattered iron the bronze the clay the silver the and gold the God great he has made known to king the what that it will be after this and [is] certain dream the and [is] trustworthy interpretation its.
46 Så faldt Kong, Nebukadnezar på sit Ansigt og bøjede sig for Daniel, og han bød, at man skulde bringe ham Ofre og Røgelse.
Then king the Nebuchadnezzar he fell on face his and to Daniel he paid homage and offering and soothing offerings he said to offer in sacrifice to him.
47 Og Kongen tog til Orde og sagde til Daniel "I Sandhed, eders Gud er Gudernes Gud og Kongernes Herre, og han kan åbenbare Hemmeligheder, siden du har kunnet åbenbare denne Hemmelighed."
[was] replying King the to Daniel and [was] saying from truth that God your he [is the] God of gods and [the] lord of kings and [one who] reveals secrets that you have been able to reveal secret the this.
48 Derpå ophøjede Kongen Daniel og, gav ham mange store Gaver, og han satte ham til Herre over hele Landsdelen Babel og til Overherre over alle Babels Vismænd.
Then king the Daniel he made great and gifts great many he gave to him and he made ruler him over all [the] province of Babylon and chief of prefects over all [the] wise men of Babylon.
49 Men på Daniels Bøn overdrog kongen Sjadrak, Mesjak og Abed Nego at styre Landsdelen Babel, medens Daniel selv blev i Kongens Gård.
And Daniel he asked from king the and he appointed over administration the of [the] province of Babylon Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego and Daniel [was] in [the] gate king the.

< Daniel 2 >