< 2 Samuel 5 >

1 Derpå kom alle Israels Stammer til David i Hebron og sagde: "Vi er jo dit Kød og Blod!
And they came all [the] tribes of Israel to David Hebron towards and they said saying here [are] we [are] bone your and flesh your we.
2 Allerede før i Tiden, da Saul var Konge over os, var det dig, som førte Israel ud i Kamp og hjem igen; og HERREN sagde til dig: Du skal vogte mit Folk Israel og være Hersker over Israel!"
Both yesterday as well as three days ago when was Saul king over us you (you were *Q(k)*) (the [one who] led out *Q(K)*) (and the [one who] brought *Q(k)*) Israel and he said Yahweh to you you you will shepherd people my Israel and you you will become ruler over Israel.
3 Og alle Israels Ældste kom til Kongen i Hebron, og Kong David sluttede i Hebron Pagt med dem for HERRENs Åsyn, og de salvede David til Konge over Israel.
And they came all [the] elders of Israel to the king Hebron towards and he made to them the king David a covenant at Hebron before Yahweh and they anointed David to king over Israel.
4 David var tredive År, da han blev Konge, og han herskede fyrretyve År.
[was] a son of Thirty year[s] David when became king he forty year[s] he reigned.
5 I Hebron herskede han over Juda syv År og seks Måneder, og i Jerusalem herskede han tre og tredive År over hele Israel og Juda.
In Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years and six months and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three year[s] over all Israel and Judah.
6 Derpå drog Kongen med sine Mænd til Jerusalem mod Jebusiterne, som boede deri Landet. Man sagde til Kongen: "Her kan du ikke trænge ind, thi blinde og lamme vil slå dig tilbage!" Dermed vilde de sige: "David kommer ikke herind!"
And he went the king and men his Jerusalem against the Jebusite[s] [the] inhabitant[s] of the land and it said to David saying not you will come here that except he will turn aside you the blind [people] and the lame [people] saying not he will come David here.
7 Men David indtog Klippeborgen Zion, det er Davidsbyen.
And he captured David [the] stronghold of Zion it [is] [the] city of David.
8 På den Dag sagde David: "Enhver, som trænger frem til Vandledningen og slår en Jebusit, de halte og blinde, som Davids Sjæl hader, skal være Øverste og Hærfører". Derfor siger man: "En blind og en lam kommer ikke ind i Huset!"
And he said David on the day that any [one who] strikes a Jebusite and let him approach by the water tunnel the lame [people] and the blind [people] ([who are] hated *Q(K)*) of [the] self of David there-fore people say a blind [person] and a lame [person] not he will go into the house.
9 Så tog David Bolig i Klippeborgen og kaldte den Davidsbyen; og han befæstede Byen rundt om fra Millo og indefter.
And he dwelt David in the stronghold and he called it [the] city of David and he built David round about from the Millo and [the] inside towards.
10 Og David blev mægtigere og mægtigere; HERREN, Hærskarers Gud, var med ham.
And he went David going and becoming great and Yahweh [the] God of hosts [was] with him.
11 Kong Hiram af Tyrus sendte Sendebud til David med Cedertræer og tillige Tømmermænd og Stenhuggere, som byggede ham et Hus.
And he sent Hiram [the] king of Tyre messengers to David and trees of cedars and craftsmen of wood and craftsmen of [the] stone of a wall and they built a house for David.
12 Da skønnede David, at HERREN havde sikret hans Kongemagt over Israel og højnet hans Kongedømme for sit Folk Israels Skyld.
And he knew David that he had appointed him Yahweh to king over Israel and that he had exalted kingdom his for sake of people his Israel.
13 David tog i Jerusalem endnu flere Medhustruer og Hustruer, efter at han var kommet dertil fra Hebron, og der fødtes ham flere Sønner og Døtre.
And he took David again concubines and wives from Jerusalem after came he from Hebron and they were born again to David sons and daughters.
14 Navnene på dem, som fødtes ham i Jerusalem, er følgende: Sjammua, Sjobab, Natan, Salomo,
And these [are] [the] names of the [ones] born to him in Jerusalem Shammua and Shobab and Nathan and Solomon.
15 Jibhar, Elisjua, Nefeg, Jafia,
And Ibhar and Elishua and Nepheg and Japhia.
16 Elisjama, Ba'aljada og Elifelet.
And Elishama and Eliada and Eliphelet.
17 Men da Filisterne hørte, at David var salvet til Konge over Israel, rykkede de alle ud for at søge efter ham. Ved Efterretningen herom drog David ned til Klippeborgen,
And they heard [the] Philistines that people had anointed David to king over Israel and they went up all [the] Philistines to seek David and he heard David and he went down to the stronghold.
18 medens Filisterne kom og bredte sig i Refaimdalen.
And [the] Philistines they came and they were spread out in [the] valley of Rephaim.
19 David rådspurgte da HERREN: "Skal jeg drage op mod Filisterne? Vil du give dem i min Hånd?" Og HERREN svarede David: "Drag op, thi jeg vil give Filisterne i din Hånd!"
And he enquired David by Yahweh saying ¿ will I go up against [the] Philistines ¿ will you give them in hand my and he said Yahweh to David go up for certainly I will give the Philistines in hand your.
20 Så drog David til Ba'al-Perazim, og der slog han dem. Da sagde han: "HERREN har brudt igennem mine Fjender foran mig, som Vand bryder igennem!" Derfor kalder man Stedet Ba'al-Perazim.
And he went David in Baal Perazim and he struck down them there David and he said he has burst through Yahweh enemies my before me like a bursting out of water there-fore someone called [the] name of the place that Baal Perazim.
21 Og de lod deres Guder i Stikken der, og David og hans Mænd tog dem.
And they abandoned there idols their and he carried off them David and men his.
22 Men Filisterne bredte sig på ny i Refaimdalen.
And they repeated again [the] Philistines to go up and they were spread out in [the] valley of Rephaim.
23 Da David rådspurgte HERREN, svarede han: "Drag ikke imod dem, men omgå dem og fald dem i Ryggen ud for Bakabuskene.
And he enquired David by Yahweh and he said not you must go up go around to behind them and you will go to them from in front of [the] balsam trees.
24 Når du da hører Lyden af Skridt i Bakabuskenes Toppe, skal du skynde dig, thi så er HERREN draget ud foran dig for at slå Filisternes Hær!"
And let it be (just as hearing you *Q(K)*) a sound of marching in [the] tops of the balsam trees then you will act decisively for then he has gone out Yahweh before you to strike [the] camp of [the] Philistines.
25 David gjorde, som HERREN bød, og slog Filisterne fra Gibeon til hen imod Gezer.
And he did David so just as he had commanded him Yahweh and he struck down [the] Philistines from Geba until coming you Gezer.

< 2 Samuel 5 >