< 2 Samuel 3 >
1 Krigen imellem Sauls og Davids Huse trak i Langdrag; men David blev stærkere og stærkere, Sauls Hus svagere og svagere.
Now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David. David grew stronger and stronger, but the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker.
2 I Hebron fødtes der David Sønner; hans førstefødte var Amnon, Søn af Ahinoam fra Jizre'el,
Sons were born to David in Hebron. His firstborn was Amnon, by Ahinoam from Jezreel.
3 den næstældste Kil'ab, Søn af Abigajil, Harmeliten Nabals Hustru, den tredje Absalon, en Søn af Kong Talmaj af Gesjurs Datter Ma'aka,
His second son, Kileab, was born to Abigail, the widow of Nabal from Carmel. The third, Absalom, was son of Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur.
4 den fjerde Adonija, en Søn af Haggit, den femte Sjefatja, en Søn af Abital,
David's fourth son, Adonijah, was the son of Haggith. His fifth son was Shephatiah son of Abital,
5 og den sjette Jitream, Søn af Davids Hustru Egla. Disse fødtes David i Hebron.
and the sixth, Ithream, was the son of David's wife Eglah. These sons were born to David in Hebron.
6 Under Krigen mellem Sauls og Davids Huse ydede Abner Sauls Hus kraftig Støtte.
It came about during the war between the house of Saul and the house of David that Abner made himself strong in the house of Saul.
7 Nu havde Saul haft en Medhustru ved Navn Rizpa, Ajjas Datter. Og Isjbosjet sagde til Abner: "Hvorfor gik du ind til min Faders Medhustru?"
Saul had a concubine whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah. Ishbosheth said to Abner, “Why have you slept with my father's concubine?”
8 Abner blev opbragt over Isjbosjets Ord og sagde: "Er jeg nu blevet et Hundehoved fra Juda? Nu har jeg Gang på Gang vist Godhed mod din Fader Sauls Hus, hans Brødre og Venner og ikke ladet dig falde i Davids Hånd, og så går du nu i Rette med mig for en Kvindes Skyld!
Then Abner was very angry at the words of Ishbosheth and said, “Am I a dog's head that belongs to Judah? Today I am showing faithfulness to the house of Saul, your father, to his brothers, and to his friends, by not delivering you into the hand of David. But now you accuse me of an offense concerning this woman?
9 Gud ramme Abner både med det ene og det andet: Hvad HERREN tilsvor David, skal jeg nu sørge for bliver opfyldt på ham;
May God do so to me, Abner, and more also, if I do not do for David as Yahweh has sworn to him,
10 jeg skal sørge for, at Sauls Hus mister Kongedømmet og Davids Trone bliver rejst over Israel og Juda fra Dan til Be'ersjeba!"
to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and set up the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan to Beersheba.”
11 Og af Frygt for Abner kunde Isjbosjet ikke svare et Ord.
Ishbosheth could not answer Abner another word, because he feared him.
12 Så sendte Abner Sendebud til David i Hebron og lod sige: "Slut Pagt med mig! Se, jeg vil hjælpe dig og bringe hele Israel over på din Side!"
Then Abner sent messengers to David to speak for him saying, “Whose land is this? Make a covenant with me, and you will see that my hand is with you, to bring all Israel to you.”
13 Han svarede: "Vel, jeg vil slutte Pagt med dig; men een Ting kræver jeg af dig: Du bliver ikke stedet for mit Åsyn, med mindre du har Sauls Datter Mikal med, når du kommer!"
David answered, “Good, I will make a covenant with you. But one thing I require from you is that you cannot see my face unless you first bring Michal, Saul's daughter, when you come to see me.”
14 David sendte derpå Bud til Isjbosjet, Sauls Søn, og lod sige:"Giv mig min Hustru Mikal, som jeg blev trolovet med for 100 Filisterforhuder!"
Then David sent messengers to Ishbosheth, Saul's son, saying, “Give me my wife Michal, for whom I paid a price of one hundred Philistine foreskins.”
15 Da sendte Isjbosjet Bud og lod hende hente hos hendes Mand Paltiel, Lajisj's Søn.
So Ishbosheth sent for Michal and took her from her husband, Paltiel son of Laish.
16 Hendes Mand fulgte hende grædende lige til Bahurim; her sagde Abner til ham: "Gå nu hjem!" Så vendte han hjem.
Her husband went with her, weeping as he went, and followed her to Bahurim. Then Abner said to him, “Return home now.” So he returned.
17 Men Abner havde forhandlet med Israels Ældste og sagt: "Allerede tidligere ønskede I David til Konge;
Abner spoke with the elders of Israel saying, “In the past you were trying to have David be king over you.
18 så gør nu Alvor af det! Thi HERREN har sagt om David: Ved min Tjener Davids Hånd vil jeg frelse mit Folk Israel fra Filisternes og alle dets fjenders Hånd!"
Now do it. For Yahweh has spoken of David saying, 'By the hand of my servant David I will save my people Israel from the hand of the Philistines and from the hand of all their enemies.'”
19 Abner talte også til Benjamin derom. Endelig gik Abner også til Hebron for at meddele David alt, hvad Israel og hele Benjamins Hus havde vedtaget.
Abner also spoke personally to the people of Benjamin. Then Abner went also to speak with David in Hebron to explain everything that Israel and the whole house of Benjamin desired to accomplish.
20 Da Abner, fulgt af tyve Mænd, kom til David i Hebron, gjorde David Gæstebud for Abner og Mændene, som var med ham.
When Abner and twenty of his men arrived in Hebron to see David, David had a feast prepared for them.
21 Derpå sagde Abner til David: "Lad mig bryde op og drage hen og samle hele Israel om min Herre Kongen, for at de kan slutte Pagt med dig, at du kan blive Konge over alt, hvad din Hu står til!" Da lod David Abner rejse, og han drog bort i Fred.
Abner explained to David, “I will arise and gather all Israel to you, my master the king, so that they may make a covenant with you, so that you may reign over all that you desire.” So David sent Abner away, and Abner left in peace.
22 Just da kom Davids Folk og Joab hjem fra et Strejftog og medførte et rigt Bytte; Abner var da ikke mere hos David i Hebron, thi David havde ladet ham rejse, og han var draget bort i Fred.
Then the soldiers of David and Joab came from a raid and brought much plunder with them. But Abner was not with David in Hebron. David had sent him away, and Abner had left in peace.
23 Da nu Joab var vendt hjem med hele sin Hær, fik han at vide at Abner, Ners Søn, havde været hos Kongen, og at denne havde ladet ham rejse, så han var draget bort i Fred.
When Joab and all the army with him arrived, they told Joab, “Abner son of Ner came to the king, and the king has sent him away, and Abner left in peace.”
24 Da gik Joab til Kongen og sagde: "Hvad har du gjort? Abner har jo været hos dig! Hvorfor lod du ham rejse, så han frit kunde drage bort?
Then Joab came to the king and said, “What have you done? Look, Abner came to you! Why have you sent him away, and he is gone?
25 Indser du ikke, at Abner, Ners Søn, kun kom for at bedrage dig. udspejde din Færd og få at vide, hvad du har for!"
Do you not know that Abner son of Ner came to deceive you and to discover your plans and learn everything you are doing?”
26 Så gik Joab bort fra David og sendte uden Davids Vidende Sendebud efter Abner og de hentede ham tilbage fra Bor-Sira.
When Joab left David, he sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the well of Sirah, but David did not know this.
27 Og da Abner kom tilbage til Hebron, tog Joab ham til Side midt i Porten for at tale uhindret med ham; og der dræbte han ham ved et Stik i Underlivet for at hævne sin Broder Asa'els Blod.
When Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside in the middle of the gate to speak with him quietly. There Joab stabbed him in the stomach and killed him. In this way, Joab avenged the blood of Asahel his brother.
28 Da det siden kom David for Øre, sagde han: "Jeg og mit Rige er til evig Tid uden Skyld for HERREN i Abners, Ners Søns, Blod!
When David heard about this he said, “I and my kingdom are innocent before Yahweh forever regarding the blood of Abner son of Ner.
29 Det komme over Joabs Hoved og over hele hans Fædrenehus; og Joabs Hus være aldrig frit for Folk, som lider af Flåd eller Spedalsk hed, går med Krykke eller falder for Sværdet eller mangler Brød!"
Let the guilt of Abner's death fall on the head of Joab and on all his father's house. May there never fail to be in the family of Joab someone who has a flowing sore or skin disease or who is lame and must walk with a staff or who is killed by the sword or who goes without food.”
30 Men Joab og hans Broder Abisjaj havde slået Abner ihjel, fordi han havde fældet deres Broder Asa'el i Kampen ved Gibeon.
So Joab and Abishai his brother killed Abner, because he had killed their brother Asahel at Gibeon in battle.
31 Derpå sagde David til Joab og alle Folkene, som fulgte ham: "Sønderriv eders Klæder, tag Sæk om eder og hold Klage over Abner!" Og Kong David gik selv bag efter Båren.
David said to Joab and to all the people who were with him, “Tear your clothes, put on sackcloth, and mourn before Abner's body.” Now King David walked behind the body in the funeral procession.
32 Og da man jordede Abner i Hebron, græd Kongen højt ved Abners Grav, og alt Folket græd med,
They buried Abner in Hebron. The king wept and cried loudly at the tomb of Abner, and all the people also wept.
33 Da sang Kongen denne Klagesang over Abner: Skulde Abner dø en Dåres Død?
The king lamented for Abner and sang, “Should Abner die as a fool dies?
34 Dine Hænder var ikke bundne, dine Fødder ikke lagt i Lænker, du faldt, som man falder for Misdædere! Da græd hele Folket end mere over ham,
Your hands were not bound. Your feet were not shackled. As a man falls before the sons of injustice, so you have fallen.” Once more all the people wept over him.
35 og da hele Folket kom for at få David til af spise, medens det endnu var Dag, svor David: "Gud ramme mig både med det ene og det andet, om jeg smager Brød eller noget andet, før Sol går ned!"
All the people came to make David eat while it was still day, but David swore, “May God do so to me, and more also, if I taste bread or anything else before the sun goes down.”
36 Hele Folket lagde Mærke dertil, og det gjorde et godt Indtryk på dem; alt, hvad Kongen foretog sig, gjorde et godt Indtryk på alt Folket;
All the people took notice of David's grief, and it pleased them, as whatever the king did pleased them.
37 og hele Folket og hele Israel skønnede den Dag, at Kongen ikke var Ophavsmand til Drabet på Abner, Ners Søn.
So all the people and all Israel understood that day that it was not the king's desire to kill Abner son of Ner.
38 Og Kongen sagde til sine Folk: "Ved I ikke, af der i Dag er faldet en Øverste og Stormand i Israel?
The king said to his servants, “Do you not know that a prince and a great man has fallen this day in Israel?
39 Men jeg er endnu for svag, skønt jeg er salvet til Konge, og disse Mænd, Zerujasønnerne, er mig for stærke. HERREN gengælde Udådsmanden hans Skændsels- dåd!"
Now I am weak today, though I am an anointed king. These men, the sons of Zeruiah, are too brutal for me. May Yahweh repay the evildoer by punishing him for his wickedness, as he deserves.”