< 2 Samuel 21 >

1 Under Davids Regering blev der Hungersnød tre År i Træk. Da søgte David HERRENs Åsyn; og HERREN sagde: "Der hviler Blodskyld på Saul og hans Hus, fordi han dræbte Gibeoniterne!"
Once during David's reign there was a famine for three years in a row, and David asked the Lord about it. The Lord replied, “It's because Saul and his family are guilty of murdering the Gibeonites.”
2 Kongen lod derfor Gibeoniterne kalde og sagde til dem - Gibeoniterne hørte ikke til Israeliterne, men til Levningerne af Amoriterne; og skønt Israeliterne havde givet dem endeligt Tilsagn, havde Saul i sin Iver for Israeliterne og Juda søgt at udrydde dem -
David summoned the Gibeonites and spoke with them. The Gibeonites were not Israelites, but what was left of the Amorites. The Israelites had sworn an oath to them, but in his nationalistic passion for the Israelites and Judah, Saul had tried to wipe them out.
3 David sagde til Gibeoniterne: "Hvad kan jeg gøre for eder, og hvorledes skal jeg skaffe Soning, så at I kan velsigne HERRENs Arvelod?"
“What can I do for you?” David asked the Gibeonites. “How can I compensate you so that you may bless the Lord's people?”
4 Gibeoniterne svarede: "Det er ikke Sølv eller Guld, der er os og Saul og hans Hus imellem, og vi har ikke Lov at dræbe nogen Mand i Israel!" Han sagde da: "Hvad I forlanger, vil jeg gøre for eder!"
“This isn't a question of us receiving payment in silver or gold from Saul or his family,” the Gibeonites replied. “In addition we don't have the right to have anyone in Israel put to death for us.” “I'll do whatever you ask,” David answered.
5 Så sagde de til Kongen: "Den Mand, som bragte Ødelæggelse over os og tænkte på at udrydde os, så vi ikke skulde kunne være nogetsteds inden for Israels Landemærke.
They replied, “Regarding the man who destroyed us, who planned to prevent us having any place to live in the whole country of Israel,
6 lad syv Mænd af hans Efterkommere blive udleveret os, for at vi kan hænge dem op for HERREN i Gibeon på HERRENs Bjerg!" Kongen sagde: "Jeg vil udlevere dem!"
have seven of Saul's male descendants be handed over to us, and we will hang them in the presence of the Lord at Gibeon of Saul, the Lord's chosen one.” “I will hand them over to you,” said the king.
7 Men Kongen skånede Mefibosjet, en Søn af Sauls Søn Jonatan, af Hensyn til den Ed ved HERREN, som var imellem David og Sauls Søn Jonatan.
However, the king spared Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan, son of Saul, because of the oath sworn before the Lord between David and Jonathan, son of Saul.
8 Derimod tog Kongen de to Sønnner, som Rizpa, Ajjas Datter, havde født Saul, Armoni og Mefibosjet, og de fem Sønner, som Merab, Sauls Datter, havde født Adriel, en Søn af Barzillaj fra Mehola,
The king took Armoni and Mephibosheth, the two sons of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whom she had borne to Saul, and the five sons of Merab, the daughter of Saul, whom she had borne to Adriel, son of Barzillai the Meholathite.
9 og udleverede dem til Gibeoniterne, som hængte dem op på Bjerget for HERRENs Åsyn. Således omkom alle syv på een Gang, og de blev dræbt først på Høsten, i Byghøstens Begyndelse.
He handed them over to the Gibeonites, and they hanged them on the hill in the presence of the Lord. All seven of them died at the same time, executed at the beginning of the barley harvest.
10 Men Rizpa, Ajjas Datter, tog sit Sørgeklæde, bredte det ud på Klippen og sad der fra Høstens Begyndelse, indtil der atter strømmede Vand fra Himmelen ned over dem; og hun tillod ikke Himmelens Fugle at kaste sig over dem om Da- gen eller Markens Dyr om Natten.
Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took some sackcloth and spread it out for herself on a rock. From the beginning of the harvest until the time the rains came and poured down on the bodies, she kept the birds away from them during the day and the wild animals at night.
11 Da David fik at vide, hvad Rizpa, Ajjas Datter, Sauls Medhustru, havde gjort,
When David heard what Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, Saul's concubine of Saul had done,
12 drog han hen og hentede Sauls og hans Søn Jonatans Ben hos Borgerne i Jabesj i Gilead, som havde stjålet dem på Torvet i Bet-Sjan, hvor Filisterne havde hængt dem op, dengang de slog Saul på Gilboa.
he retrieved the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan from the men of Jabesh-gilead, who had taken them from the public square of Beth-shan where the Philistines had hung the bodies after they had killed Saul at Gilboa.
13 Og da han havde hentet Sauls og hans Søn Jonatans Ben der, samlede man Benene af de hængte
David had the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan brought back, and also had the bones of those who had been hanged gathered up.
14 og jordede dem sammen med Sauls og hans Søn Jonatans Ben i Zela i Benjamins Land i hans Fader Kisj's Grav. Alt, hvad Kongen havde påbudt, blev gjort; derefter forbarmede Gud sig over Landet.
They buried the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan at Zela in the land of Benjamin, in the tomb of Saul's father Kish. Once they finished doing everything the king had ordered, God answered their prayers to end the famine in the land.
15 Da det atter kom til Kamp mellem Filisterne og Israel, drog David med sine Folk ned og kastede sig ind i Gob og kæmpede med Filisterne.
There was war once more between the Philistines and Israel. David went down with his men to fight the Philistines, and he got worn out.
16 Da fremstod Dod, som var af Rafaslægten, og hvis Spyd vejede 300 Sekel Kobber; han var iført en ny Rustning, og han havde i Sinde at slå David ihjel.
Ishbi-benob, one of the descendants of Rapha, whose bronze spear weighed three hundred shekels, and who was carrying a new sword, said he was going to kill David.
17 Men Abisjaj, Zerujas Søn, kom ham til Hjælp og huggede Filisteren ned. Da besvor Davids Mænd ham og sagde: "Du må ikke mere drage i Kamp med os, for at du ikke skal slukke Israels Lampe!"
But Abishai, son of Zeruiah, came to his rescue, attacked the Philistine, and killed him. Then David's men swore to him, “Don't ever go out with us to battle again, so that the Israel's light isn't snuffed out!”
18 Siden hen kom det atter til Kamp med Filisterne i Gob. Husjatiten Sibbekaj nedhuggede da Saf, som var af Rafaslægten.
Some time after this there was another battle with the Philistines at Gob. But then Sibbecai the Hushathite killed Saph, one of the descendants of Repha.
19 Atter kom det til Kamp med Filisterne i Gob, Beflehemiten Elhanan, Ja'irs Søn, nedhuggede da Gatiten Goliat, hvis Spydstage var som en Væverbom.
In another battle with the Philistines at Gob, Elhanan, son of Jair, from Bethlehem, killed the brother of Goliath the Gittite. The shaft of his spear was as thick as a weaver's rod.
20 Atter kom det til Kamp i Gat. Da var der en kæmpestor Mand med seks Fingre på hver Hånd og seks Tæer på hver Fod, i alt fire og tyve; han var også af Rafaslægten.
In yet another battle at Gath, there was a gigantic man, who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, making twenty-four all. He too was descended from the giants.
21 Han hånede Israel, og derfor huggede Jonatan, en Søn af Davids Broder Sjim'a, ham ned.
But when he insulted Israel, Jonathan, son of Shimea, David's brother, killed him.
22 Disse fire var af Rafaslægten i Gat; de faldt for Davids og hans Mænds Hånd.
These four were the descendants of the giants in Gath, but they were all killed by David and his men.

< 2 Samuel 21 >