< Anden Krønikebog 25 >
1 Amazja var fem og tyve År gammel, da han blev Konge, og han herskede ni og tyve År i Jerusalem. Hans Moder hed Jehoaddan og var fra Jerusalem.
Amasias began to reign when he was twenty and five years old, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name [was] Joadaen of Jerusalem.
2 Han gjorde, hvad der var ret i HERRENs Øjne, dog ikke med et helt Hjerte.
And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart.
3 Da han havde sikret sig Magten, lod han dem af sine Folk dræbe, der havde dræbt hans Fader Kongen,
And it came to pass, when the kingdom was established in his hand, that he killed his servants who had slain the king his father.
4 men deres Børn lod han ikke ihjelslå, i Henhold til hvad der står skrevet i Moses's Lovbog, hvor HERREN påbyder: "Fædre skal ikke lide Døden for Børns Skyld, og Børn skal ikke lide Døden for Fædres Skyld. Men enhver skal lide Døden for sin egen Synd."
But he killed not their sons, according to the covenant of the law of the Lord, as it is written, [and] as the Lord commanded, saying, The fathers shall not die for the children, and the sons shall not die for the fathers, but they shall die each for his own sin.
5 Amazja samlede Judæerne og opstillede dem efter Fædrenehuse under Tusind- og Hundredførerne, hele Juda og Benjamin, og da han mnønstrede dem fra Tyveårsalderen og opefter, fandt han, at de udgjorde 300.000 udvalgte Folk, øvede Krigere, der har Skjold og Spyd.
And Amasias assembled the house of Juda, and appointed them according to the houses of their families for captains of thousands and captains of hundreds in all Juda and Jerusalem: and he numbered them from twenty years old and upwards, and found them three hundred thousand able to go out to war, holding spear and shield.
6 Dertil lejede han i Israel 100.000 dygtige Krigere for 100 Sølvtalenter.
Also he hired of Israel a hundred thousand mighty [men for] a hundred talents of silver.
7 Men en Guds Mand kom til ham og sagde: "Israels Hær må ikke følge dig, Konge, thi HERREN er ikke med Israel, ikke med nogen af Efraimiterne;
And there came a man of God to him, saying, O king, let not the host of Israel go with you; for the Lord is not with Israel, [even] all the sons of Ephraim.
8 og hvis du mener, at du kan vinde Styrke på den Måde, vil Gud bringe dig til Fald for Fjenden, thi hos Gud er der Kraft til at hjælpe og til at bringe til Fald!"
For if you shall undertake to strengthen [yourself] with these, then the lord shall put you to flight before the enemies: for it is of the Lord both to strengthen and to put to flight.
9 Amazja spurgte den Guds Mand: "Hvad så med de 100 Sølvtalenter, jeg gav de israelitiske Krigsfolk?" Og den Guds Mand svarede: "HERREN kan give dig langt mere end det!"
And Amasias said to the man of God, But what shall I do [for] the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel? And the man of God said, The Lord can give you much more than these.
10 Da udskilte Amazja de Krigsfolk, der var kommet til ham fra Efraim, og lod dem drage hjem; men deres Vrede blussede heftigt op mod Juda, og de vendte hjem i fnysende Vrede.
And Amasias separated from the army that came to him from Ephraim, that they might go away to their place; and they were very angry with Juda, and they returned to their place with great wrath.
11 Amazja tog nu Mod til sig og førte sine Krigere til Saltdalen og nedhuggede 10.000 af Se'iriterne;
And Amasias strengthened [himself], and took his people, and went to the valley of salt, and struck there the children of Seir ten thousand.
12 desuden tog Judæerne 10.000 levende til Fange; dem førte de op på Klippens Top og styrtede dem ned derfra, så de alle knustes.
And the children of Juda took ten thousand prisoners, and they carried them to the top of the precipice, and cast them headlong from the top of the precipice, and they were all dashed to pieces.
13 Men de Krigsfolk, Amazja havde sendt hjem, så de ikke kom til at følge ham i Krigen, faldt ind i Judas Byer fra Samaria til Bet-Horon, huggede 3.000 af Indbyggerne ned og gjorde stort Bytte.
And the men of the host whom Amasias sent back so that they should not go with him to battle, [went] and attacked the cities of Juda, from Samaria to Baethoron; and they struck three thousand among them, and took much spoil.
14 Da Amazja kom hjem fra Sejren over Edomiterne, havde han Se'iriternes Guder med, og han opstillede dem som sine Guder, tilbad dem og tændte Offerild for dem.
And it came to pass, after Amasias had returned from striking Idumea, that he brought home the gods of the children of Seir, and set them up for himself as gods, and bowed down before them, and he sacrificed to them.
15 Da blussede HERRENs Vrede op mod Amazja, og han sendte en Profet til ham, og denne sagde til ham: "Hvorfor søger du dette Folks Guder, som ikke kunde frelse deres Folk af din Hånd?"
And the anger of the Lord came upon Amasias, and he sent him a prophet, and he said to him, Why have you sought the gods of the people, which have not rescued their own people out of your hand?
16 Men da han talte således, sagde Kongen til ham: "Har man gjort dig til Kongens Rådgiver? Hold inde, ellers bliver du slået ihjel!" Da holdt Profeten inde og sagde: "Jeg indser, at Gud har i Sinde at ødelægge dig, siden du bærer dig således ad og ikke hører mit Råd!"
And it came to pass when the prophet was speaking to him, that he said to him, have I made you king's counsellor? take heed lest you be scourged: and the prophet forebore, and said, I know that [God] is disposed against you to destroy you, because you have done this thing, and have not listened to my counsel.
17 Efter at have overtænkt Sagen sendte Kong Amazja af Juda Bud til Jehus Søn Joahaz's Søn, Kong Joas af Israel, og lod sige: "Kom, lad os se hinanden under Øjne!"
And Amasias king of Juda took counsel, and sent to Joas, son of Joachaz, son of Jeu, king of Israel, saying, Come, and let us look one another in the face.
18 Men Kong Joas af Israel sendte Kong Amazja, af Juda det Svar: "Tidselen på Libanon sendte engang det Bud til Cederen på Libanon: Giv min Søn din Datter til Ægte! Men Libanons vilde Dyr løb hen over Tidselen og trampede den ned!
And Joas king of Israel sent to Amasias king of Juda, saying, The thistle that was in Libanus sent to the cedar that was in Libanus, saying, Give your daughter to my son to wife; but, behold, your wild beasts of the field that are in Libanus shall come: and the wild beasts did come, and trod down the thistle.
19 Du tænker: Se, jeg har slået Edom! Og det har gjort dig overmodig, så du vil vinde mere Ære. Bliv, hvor du er! Hvorfor vil du udfordre Ulykken og udsætte både dig selv og Juda for Fald?"
You have said, Behold, I have struck Idumea, and your stout heart exalts you: now stay at home; for why do you implicate yourself in mischief, that you should fall, and Juda with you.
20 Men Amazja vilde intet høre, thi Gud føjede det såledesfor at give dem til Pris, fordi de søgte Edoms Guder.
Nevertheless Amasias listened not, for it was of the Lord to deliver him into [the enemy's] hands, because he sought after the gods of the Idumeans.
21 Så drog Kong Joas af Israel ud, og han og Kong Amazja af Juda så hinanden under Øjne ved Bet-Sjemesj i Juda;
So Joas king of Israel went up; and they saw one another, he and Amasias king of Juda, in Baethsamys, which is of Juda.
22 Juda blev slået af Israel, og de flygtede hver til sit.
And Juda was put to flight before Israel, and they fled every man to his tent.
23 Men Kong Joas af Israel tog Joahaz's Søn Joas's Søn, Kong Amazja af Juda, tifange ved Bet-Sjemesj og førte ham til Jerusalem. Derpå nedrev han Jerusalems Mur på en Strækning af 400 Alen, fra Efraimsporten til Hjørneporten;
And Joas king of Israel took prisoner Amasias king of Juda, [son] of Joas, son of Joachaz, in Baethsamys, and brought him to Jerusalem; and he pulled down [part] of the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four hundred cubits.
24 og han tog alt det Guld og Sølv og alle de Kar, der fandtes i Guds Hus hos Obed-Edom og i Skatkammeret i Kongens Palads; desuden tog han Gidsler og vendte så tilbage til Samaria.
And [he took] all the gold and the silver, and all the vessels that were found in the house of the Lord and with Abdedom, and the treasures of the king's house, and the hostages, and he returned to Samaria.
25 Joas's Søn, Kong Amazja af Juda, levede endnu femten År, efter at Joahaz's Søn, Kong Joas at Israel, var død.
And Amasias the [son] of Joas king of Juda lived after the death of Joas the [son] of Joachaz king of Israel fifteen years.
26 Hvad der ellers er at fortælle om Amazja fra først til sidst, står optegnet i Bogen om Judas og Israels Konger.
And the rest of the acts of Amasias, the first and the last, Behold! are they not written in the book of the kings of Juda and Israel?
27 Men ved den Tid Amazja faldt fra HERREN, stiftedes der en Sammensværgelse mod ham i Jerusalem, og han flygtede til Lakisj, men der blev sendt Folk efter ham til Lakisj, og de dræbte ham der.
And at the time when Amasias departed from the Lord, then they formed a conspiracy against him; and he fled from Jerusalem to Lachis: and they sent after him to Lachis, and killed him there.
28 Så løftede man ham op på Heste og jordede ham hos hans Fædre i Davidsbyen.
And they took him up on horses, and buried him with his fathers in the city of David.