< Anden Krønikebog 23 >
1 Men i det syvende År tog Jojada Mod til sig og indgik Pagt med Hundredførerne Azarja, Jerhams Søn, Jisjmael, Johanans Søn, Azarja, Obeds Søn, Ma'aseja, Adajas Søn, og Elisjafat, Zikris Søn.
In the seventh year, Jehoiada made himself strong, and made an agreement with the captains of hundreds, Azariah, the son of Jeroham, Ishmael, the son of Jehohanan, Azariah, the son of Obed, Maaseiah, the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat, the son of Zichri.
2 De drog Juda rundt og samlede Leviterne fra alle Judas Byer og Overhovederne for Israels Fædrenehuse, og de kom så til Jerusalem.
And they went through Judah, getting together the Levites and the heads of families in Israel from all the towns of Judah, and they came to Jerusalem.
3 Så sluttede hele Forsamlingen i Guds Hus en Pagt med Kongen. Og Jojada sagde til dem: "Se, Kongesønnen skal være Konge efter det Løfte, HERREN har givet om Davids Sønner!
And all the people made an agreement with the king in the house of God. And he said to them, Truly, the king's son will be king, as the Lord has said about the sons of David.
4 Og således skal I gøre: Den Tredjedel af eder Præster og Leviter, der rykker ind om Sabbaten, skal tjene som Dørvogtere;
This is what you are to do: let a third of you, of the priests and Levites, who come in on the Sabbath, keep the doors;
5 den anden Tredjedel skal besætte Kongens Palads og den tredje Jesodporten, medens alt Folket skal besætte Forgården etiI HERRENs Hus.
And a third are to be stationed at the king's house; and a third at the doorway of the horses: while all the people are waiting in the open spaces round the house of the Lord.
6 Men ingen må betræde HERRENs Hus undtagen Præsterne og de Leviter, der gør Tjeneste; de må gå derind, thi de er hellige; men hele Folket skal holde sig HERRENs Forskrift efterrettelig.
But let no one come into the house of the Lord but only the priests and those of the Levites who have work to do there; they may go in for they are holy; but the rest of the people are to keep the orders of the Lord.
7 Så skal Leviterne, alle med Våben i Hånd, slutte Kreds om Kongen, og enhver, der nærmer sig Templet, skal dræbes. Således skal I være om Kongen, når han går ind, og når han går ud."
And the Levites are to make a circle round the king, every man being armed; and any man who comes into the house is to be put to death; you are to keep with the king when he comes in and when he goes out.
8 Leviterne og alle Judæerne gjorde alt, hvad Præsten Jojada havde påbudt, idet de tog hver sine Folk, både dem, der rykkede ud, og dem, der rykkede ind om Sabbaten, thi Præsten Jojada gav ikke Skifterne Orlov.
So the Levites and all Judah did as Jehoiada the priest had given them orders: every one took with him his men, those who were to come in and those who were to go out on the Sabbath; for Jehoiada had not sent away the divisions.
9 Og Præsten Jojada gav Hundredførerne Spydene og de små og store Skjolde, som havde tilhørt Kong David og var i Guds Hus.
Then Jehoiada the priest gave to the captains of hundreds the spears and body-covers which had been King David's and which were kept in the house of God.
10 Derpå opstillede han alt Folket, alle med Spyd i Hånd, fra Templets Sydside til Nordsiden, hen til Alteret og derfra igen hen til Templet, rundt om Kongen.
And he put all the people in position, every man with his instruments of war in his hand, from the right side of the house to the left, by the altar and the house and all round the king.
11 Så førte de Kongesønnen ud, satte Kronen og Vidnesbyrdet på ham; derefter udråbte de ham til Konge, og Jojada og hans Sønner salvede ham og råbte: "Kongen leve!"
Then they made the king's son come out, and they put the crown on his head and gave him the arm-bands and made him king: and Jehoiada and his sons put the holy oil on him and said, Long life to the king.
12 Da Atalja hørte Larmen af Folket, som løb og jublede for Kongen, gik hun hen til Folket i HERRENs Hus,
Now Athaliah, hearing the noise of the people running and praising the king, came to the people in the house of the Lord:
13 og der så hun Kongen stå på sin Plads ved Indgangen og Øversterne og Trompetblæserne ved Siden af, medens alt Folket fra Landet jublede og blæste i Trompeterne, og Sangerne med deres Instrumenter ledede Lovsangen. Da sønderrev Atalja sine Klæder og råbte: "Forræderi, Forræderi!"
And looking, she saw the king in his place by the pillar at the doorway, and the captains and the horns by his side; and all the people of the land were giving signs of joy and sounding the horns; and the makers of melody were playing on instruments of music, taking the chief part in the song of praise. Then Athaliah, violently parting her robes, said, Broken faith, broken faith!
14 Men Præsten Jojada bød Hundredførerne, Hærens Befalingsmænd: "Før hende uden for Forgårdene og hug enhver ned, der følger hende, thi - sagde Præsten - I må ikke dræbe hende i HERRENs Hus!"
Then Jehoiada the priest gave orders to the captains of hundreds who had authority over the army, saying, Take her outside the lines, and let anyone who goes after her be put to death with the sword. For the priest said, Let her not be put to death in the house of the Lord.
15 Så greb de hende, og da hun ad Hesteporten var kommet til Kongens Palads, dræbte de hende der.
So they put their hands on her, and she went to the king's house by the doorway of the king's horses; and there she was put to death.
16 Men Jojada sluttede Pagt mellem sig og hele Folket og Kongen om, at de skulde være HERRENS folk.
And Jehoiada made an agreement between the Lord and all the people and the king, that they would be the Lord's people.
17 Og alt Folket begav sig til Ba'als Hus og nedbrød det; Altrene og Billederne huggede de i Stykker, og Ba'als Præst Mattan dræbte deforan Altrene.
Then all the people went to the house of Baal and had it pulled down, and its altars and images broken up; and Mattan, the priest of Baal, they put to death before the altars.
18 Derpå satte Jojada Vagtposter ved HERRENs Hus under Ledelse af Præsterne og Leviterne, som David havde tildelt HERRENs Hus, for at de skulde bringe HERREN Brændofre, som det er foreskrevet i Mose Lov, under Jubel og Sang efter Davids Anordning;
And Jehoiada put the work and the care of the house of the Lord into the hands of the priests and the Levites, who had been grouped in divisions by David to make burned offerings to the Lord, as it is recorded in the law of Moses, with joy and song as David had said.
19 og han opstillede Dørvogterne ved HERRENs Hus's Porte, for at ingen, der i nogen Måde var uren, skulde gå derind;
And he put door-keepers at the doors of the Lord's house, to see that no one who was unclean in any way might come in.
20 og han tog Hundredførerne og Stormændene og Folkets overordnede og alt Folket fra Landet og førte Kongen ned fra HERRENs Hus; de gik igennem Øvreporten til Kongens Palads og satte Kongen på Kongetronen.
Then he took the captains of hundreds and the chiefs and the rulers of the people and all the people of the land, and they came down with the king from the house of the Lord through the higher doorway into the king's house, and put the king on the seat of the kingdom.
21 Da glædede alt Folket fra Landet sig, og Byen holdt sig rolig. Men Atalja huggede de ned.
So all the people of the land were glad and the town was quiet, for they had put Athaliah to death with the sword.