< Anden Krønikebog 21 >

1 Så lagde Josafat sig nu til Hvile hos sine Fædre og blev jordet hos sine Fædre i Davidsbyen; og hans Søn Joram blev Konge i hans Sted.
And Jehoshaphat lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers in the city of David, and Jehoram his son reigneth in his stead.
2 Han havde nogle Brødre, Sønner af Josafat: Azarja, Jehiel, Zekarja, Azarjahu, Mikael og Sjefatja, alle Sønner af Kong Josatat af Juda.
And he hath brethren, sons of Jehoshaphat, Azariah, and Jehiel, and Zechariah, and Azariah, and Michael, and Shephatiah; all these [are] sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel,
3 Deres Fader havde givet dem store Gaver, Sølv, Guld og Kostbarheder tillige med betæstede Byer i Juda, men Joram havde han givet Kongedømmet, fordi han var den førstefødte.
and their father giveth to them many gifts of silver and of gold, and of precious things, with fenced cities in Judah, and the kingdom he hath given to Jehoram, for He [is] the first-born.
4 Men da Joram havde overtaget sin Faders Rige og styrket sin Magt, lod han alle sine Brødre dræbe med Sværd tillige med nogle af Israels Øverster.
And Jehoram riseth up over the kingdom of his father, and strengtheneth himself, and slayeth all his brethren with the sword, and also — of the heads of Israel.
5 Joram var fo og tredive År gammel, da han blev Konge, og han herskede otte År i Jerusalem.
A son of thirty and two years [is] Jehoram in his reigning, and eight years he hath reigned in Jerusalem,
6 Han vandrede i Israels Kongers Spor ligesom Akabs Hus, thi han havde en Datter af Akab til Hustru, og han gjorde, hvad der var ondt i HERRENs Øjne.
and he walketh in the way of the kings of Israel, as did the house of Ahab, for a daughter of Ahab hath been to him for a wife, and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah,
7 Dog vilde HERREN ikke tilintetgøre Davids Slægt for den Pagts Skyld, han havde sluttet med David, og efter det Løfte, han havde givet, at han altid skulde have en Lampe for hans Åsyn.
and Jehovah hath not been willing to destroy the house of David, for the sake of the covenant that He made with David, and as He had said to give to him a lamp, and to his sons — all the days.
8 I hans Dage rev Edomiterne sig løs fra Judas Overherredømme og valgte sig en Konge.
In his days hath Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah, and cause a king to reign over them;
9 Da drog Joram over til Za'ir med alle sine Stridsvogne. Og han stod op om Natten, og sammen med Vognstyrerne slog han sig igennem Edoms Rækker, der havde omringet ham.
and Jehoram passeth over with his heads, and all the chariots with him, and it cometh to pass, he hath risen by night and smiteth the Edomites who are coming round against him, and the princes of the chariots,
10 Således rev Edom sig løs fra Judas Overherredømme, og således er det den Dag i Dag. På samme Tid rev også Libna sig løs fra hans Overherredømme, fordi han forlod HERREN, sine Fædres Gud.
and Edom revolteth from under the hand of Judah unto this day; then doth Libnah revolt at that time from under his hand, because he hath forsaken Jehovah, God of his fathers,
11 Også han rejste Offerhøje i Judas Byer og forledte Jerusalems Indbyggere til at bole og Juda til at falde fra.
also, he hath made high places in the mountains of Judah, and causeth the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit whoredom, and compelleth Judah.
12 Da kom der et Brev fra Profeten Elias til ham, og deri stod: "Så siger HERREN, din Fader Davids Gud: Fordi du ikke har vandret i din Fader Josafats og Kong Asa af Judas Spor,
And there cometh in unto him a writing from Elijah the prophet, saying, 'Thus said Jehovah, God of David thy father, Because that thou hast not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat thy father, and in the ways of Asa king of Judah,
13 men i Israels Kongers Spor og forledt Juda og Jerusalems Indbyggere til at bole, ligesom Akabs Hus gjorde, og tilmed dræbt dine Brødre, din Faders Hus, der var bedre end du selv,
and thou dost walk in the way of the kings of Israel, and dost cause Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit whoredom like the whoredoms of the house of Ahab, and also thy brethren, the house of thy father, who are better than thyself, thou hast slain;
14 se, derfor vil HERREN nu ramme dit Folk, dine Sønner, dine Hustruer og alt, hvad du ejer, med et tungt Slag.
lo, Jehovah is smiting — a great smiting — among thy people, and among thy sons, and among thy wives, and among all thy goods —
15 Og selv skal du falde i en hård Sygdom og blive syg i dine Indvolde, så at Indvoldene nogen Tid efter skal træde ud som Følge af Sygdommen!"
and thou, with many sicknesses, with disease of thy bowels, till thy bowels come out, by the sickness, day by day.'
16 Så æggede HERREN Filisterne og Araberne, der var Naboer til Kusjiterne, imod Joram,
And Jehovah waketh up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, who [are] beside the Cushim,
17 og de drog opmod Juda trængte ind og røvede alle Kongens Ejendele, som fandtes i hans Palads, også hans Sønner og Hustruer, så der ikke levnedes ham nogen Søn undtagen Joahaz, den yngste af hans Sønner.
and they come up into Judah, and rend it, and take captive all the substance that is found at the house of the king, and also his sons, and his wives, and there hath not been left to him a son except Jehoahaz the youngest of his sons.
18 Og efter alt dette slog HERREN ham med en uhelbredelig Sygdom i hans Indvolde.
And after all this hath Jehovah plagued him in his bowels by a disease for which there is no healing,
19 Nogen Tid efter, da to År var gået, trådte Indvoldene ud som Følge af Sygdommen, og han døde under hårde Lidelser. Hans Folk tændte intet Bål til Ære for ham som for hans Fædre.
and it cometh to pass, from days to days, and at the time of the going out of the end of two years, his bowels have gone out with his sickness, and he dieth of sore diseases, and his people have not made for him a burning like the burning of his fathers.
20 Han var to og tredive År gammel, da han blev Konge, og han herskede otte År i Jerusalem. Han gik bort uden at savnes. Man jordede ham i Davidsbyen, dog ikke i Kongegravene.
A son of thirty and two [years] was he in his reigning, and eight years he hath reigned in Jerusalem, and he goeth without desire, and they bury him in the city of David, and not in the graves of the kings.

< Anden Krønikebog 21 >