< 1 Timoteus 4 >
1 Men Ånden siger klarlig, at i kommende Tider ville nogle falde fra Troen, idet de agte på forførende Ånder og på Dæmoners Lærdomme,
However, the Spirit very clearly explains that in the last times some will abandon their trust in God, and will listen to deceptive spirits and beliefs that come from demons.
2 ved Løgnlæreres Hykleri, som ere brændemærkede i deres egen Samvittighed,
These hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared,
3 som byde, at man ikke må gifte sig, og at man skal afholde sig fra Spiser, hvilke Gud har skabt til at nydes med Taksigelse af dem, som tro og have erkendt Sandheden.
tell people to not marry and not to eat certain foods made by God that should be accepted with thanks by those who trust and know the truth.
4 Thi al Guds Skabning er god, og intet er at forkaste, når det tages med Taksigelse;
Everything created by God is good, and nothing should be rejected but should be received with thanks,
5 thi det helliges ved Guds Ord og Bøn.
since it is made sacred by the word of God and by prayer.
6 Når du foreholder Brødrene dette, er du en god Kristi Jesu Tjener, idet du næres ved Troens og den gode Læres Ord, den, som du har efterfulgt;
If you point out these things to the brothers and sisters you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus. You gain strength by trusting in the truth, and in the good teaching you've followed.
7 men afvis de vanhellige og kælingagtige Fabler! Derimod øv dig selv i Gudsfrygt!
Reject what is irreligious, and old wives' tales. Make sure your exercise is spiritual—
8 Thi den legemlige Øvelse er nyttig til lidet, men Gudsfrygten er nyttig til alle Ting, idet den har Forjættelse for det Liv, som nu er, og for det, som kommer.
for while physical exercise is useful to some extent, spiritual exercise is much more useful. For “it has promise for the present life, and for the life to come.”
9 Den Tale er troværdig og al Modtagelse værd.
You can trust this saying that should be accepted by everyone.
10 Thi derfor lide vi Møje og Forhånelser, fordi vi have sat vort Håb til den levende Gud, som er alle Menneskers Frelser, mest deres, som tro.
The reason we work and do the best we can is because our hope is in the living God. He is the Savior of all people, especially of those who trust in him.
This is what you should teach. Tell everyone to follow your instructions.
12 Lad ingen ringeagte dig for din Ungdoms Skyld, men bliv et Forbillede for dem, som tro, i Tale, i Vandel, i Kærlighed, i Tro, i Renhed!
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young. Be an example to those who trust in God—in the way you speak, the kind of life you live, in love, in trust, and in purity.
13 Indtil jeg kommer, så giv Agt på Oplæsningen, Formaningen, Undervisningen.
Until I get there, make sure you read the Scriptures to the church, and encourage them by your speaking and teaching.
14 Forsøm ikke den Nådegave, som er i dig, som blev given dig under Profeti med Håndspålæggelse af de Ældste.
Don't neglect the gracious gift you have that was given to you by prophetic inspiration when the church elders laid their hands on you.
15 Tænk på dette, lev i dette, for at din Fremgang må være åbenbar for alle.
Think carefully about these things, and dedicate yourself completely to them so that everyone can see the progress you're making.
16 Giv Agt på dig selv og på Undervisningen: hold ved dermed; thi når du gør dette, skal du frelse både dig selv og dem, som høre dig.
Mind what you're doing and what you're teaching. Keep going with all of this, because as you do so you'll save both yourself and those who listen to you.