< 1 Samuel 24 >
1 Da Saul kom tilbage fra Forfølgelsen af Filisterne, blev det meldt ham, at David var i En-Gedis Ørken.
And it came to pass when Saul returned from pursuing after the Philistines, that it was reported to him, saying, David [is] in the wilderness of Engaddi.
2 Så tog Saul 3000 Krigere, udsøgte af hele Israel, og drog ud for at søge efter David og hans Mænd østen for Stenbukke klipperne.
And he took with him three thousand men, chosen out of all Israel, and went to seek David and his men in front of Saddaeem.
3 Og han kom til Fårefoldene ved Vejen. Der var en Hule, og Saul gik derind for at tildække sine Fødder. Men David og hans Mænd lå inderst i Hulen.
And he came to the flocks of sheep that were by the way, and there was a cave there; and Saul went in to make preparation, and David and his men were sitting in the inner part of the cave.
4 Da sagde Davids Mænd til ham: "Se, nu er den Dag kommet, HERREN havde for Øje, da han sagde til dig: Se, jeg giver din Fjende i din Hånd, så du kan gøre med ham, hvad du finder for godt!"
And the men of David said to him, Behold, this [is] the day of which the Lord spoke to you, that he would deliver your enemy into your hands; and you shall do to him as [it is] good in your sight. So David arose and cut off the skirt of Saul's garment secretly.
5 Men han svarede sine Mænd: "HERREN lade det være langt fra mig! Slig en Gerning gør jeg ikke mod min Herre, jeg lægger ikke Hånd på HERRENs Salvede; thi HERRENs Salvede er han!" Og David satte sine Mænd strengt i Rette og tillod dem ikke at overfalde Saul.
And it came to pass after this that David's heart struck him, because he had cut off the skirt of his garment.
6 Da stod David op og skar ubemærket Fligen af Sauls Kappe. Men bagefter slog Samvittigheden David, fordi han havde skåret Sauls kappeflig af.
And David said to his men, The Lord forbid it me, that I should do this ting to my lord the anointed of the Lord, to lift my hand against him; for he is the anointed of the Lord.
7 Da nu Saul rejste sig og forlod Hulen for at drage videre,
So David persuaded his men by [his] words, and did not suffer them to arise and kill Saul: and Saul arose and went his way.
8 stod David op bagefter, gik ud af Hulen og råbte efter Saul: "Herre Konge!" Og da Saul så sig tilbage, kastede David sig ned med Ansigtet mod Jorden og bøjede sig for ham.
And David rose up [and went] after him out of the cave: and David cried after Saul, saying, [My] lord, [O] king! and Saul looked behind him, and David bowed with his face to the ground, and did obeisance to him.
9 Og David sagde til Saul: "Hvorfor lytter du til, hvad folk siger: Se, David har ondt i Sinde imod dig?
And David said to Saul, Why do you listen to the words of the people, saying, Behold, David seeks your life?
10 I Dag har du dog med egne Øjne set, at HERREN gav dig i min Hånd inde i Hulen; og dog vilde jeg ikke dræbe dig, men skånede dig og sagde: Jeg vil ikke lægge Hånd på min Herre, thi han er HERRENs Salvede!
Behold, your eyes have seen this day how that the Lord has delivered you this day into my hands in the cave; and I would not kill you, but spared you, and said, I will not lift up my hand against my lord, for he is the Lord's anointed.
11 Og se, Fader, se, her har jeg Fligen af din kappe i min Hånd! Når jeg skar din Kappeflig af og ikke dræbte dig, så indse dog, at jeg ikke har haft noget ondt eller nogen Forbrydelse i Sinde eller har forsyndet mig imod dig, skønt du lurer på mig for at tage mit Liv.
And behold, the skirt of your mantle [is] in my hand, I cut off the skirt, and did not kill you: know then and see today, there is no evil in my hand, nor impiety, nor rebellion; and I have not sinned against you, yet you lay snares for my soul to take it.
12 HERREN skal dømme mig og dig imellem, og HERREN skal give mig Hævn over dig; men min Hånd skal ikke være imod dig!
The Lord judge between me and you, and the Lord requite you on yourself: but my hand shall not be upon you.
13 Som det gamle Ord siger: Fra de gudløse kommer Gudløshed! Men min Hånd skal ikke være imod dig.
As the old proverb says, Transgression will proceed from the wicked ones: but my hand shall not be upon you.
14 Hvem er det, Israels Konge er draget ud efter, hvem er det, du forfølger? En død Hund, en Loppe!
And now after whom do you come forth, O king of Israel? After whom do you pursue? After a dead dog, and after a flea?
15 Men HERREN skal være Dommer og dømme mig og dig imellem; han skal se til og føre min Sag og skaffe mig Ret over for dig!"
The Lord be judge and umpire between me and you, the Lord look upon and judge my cause, and rescue me out of your hand.
16 Da David havde talt disse Ord til Saul, sagde Saul: "Er det din Røst, min Søn David?" Og Saul brast i Gråd
And it came to pass when David had finished speaking these words to Saul, that Saul said, [Is] this your voice, Son David? And Saul lifted up his voice, and wept.
17 og sagde til David: "Du er retfærdigere end jeg; thi du har gjort mig godt, medens jeg har gjort dig ondt,
And Saul said to David, You [are] more righteous that I, for you have recompensed me good, but I have recompensed you evil.
18 og du har i Dag vist mig stor Godhed, siden du ikke dræbte mig, da HERREN gav mig i din Hånd.
And you have told me today what good you have done me, how the Lord shut me up into your hands today, and you did not kill me.
19 Hvem træffer vel sin Fjende og lader ham gå i Fred? HERREN gengælde dig det gode, du har øvet imod mig i Dag!
And if any one should find his enemy in distress, and should send him forth in a good way, then the Lord will reward him good, as you has done this day.
20 Se, jeg ved, at du bliver Konge, og at Kongedømmet over Israel skal blive i din Hånd;
And now, behold, I know that you shall surely reign, and the kingdom of Israel shall be established in your hand.
21 så tilsværg mig nu ved HERREN, at du ikke vil udrydde mine Efterkommere efter mig eller udslette mit Navn af mit Fædrenehus!"
Now then swear to me by the Lord, that you will not destroy my seed after me, that you will not blot out my name from the house of my father.
22 Det tilsvor David Saul, hvorefter Saul drog hjem, medens David og hans Mænd gik op i Klippeborgen.
So David swore to Saul: and Saul departed to his place, and David and his men went up to the strong-hold of Messera.