< 1 Samuel 10 >
1 Da tog Samuel Olieflasken og udgød Olien over hans Hoved, kyssede ham og sagde: "Har HERREN ikke salvet dig til Fyrste over sit Folk Israel? Du skal herske over HERRENs Folk og frelse det fra dets Fjender. Og dette skal være dig Tegnet på, at HERREN har salvet dig til Fyrste over sin Arv:
Then Samuel took a flask of oil, poured it on Saul’s head, kissed him, and said, “Has not the LORD anointed you ruler over His inheritance?
2 Når du i Dag går fra mig, skal du træffe to Mænd ved Rakels Grav ved Benjamins Grænse i Zelza, og de skal sige til dig: Æslerne, du gik ud at lede efter, er fundet; dem har din Fader slået af Tanke, men nu er han urolig for eder og siger: Hvad skal jeg gøre for min Søn?
When you leave me today, you will find two men at Rachel’s tomb in Zelzah on the border of Benjamin. They will say to you, ‘The donkeys you seek have been found, and now your father has stopped worrying about the donkeys and started worrying about you, asking, “What should I do about my son?”’
3 Og når du er gået et Stykke længere frem og kommer til Taboregen, skal du træffe tre Mænd, som er på Vej op til Gud i Betel; den ene bærer tre Kid, den anden tre Brødkager og den tredje en Dunk Vin;
Then you will go on from there until you come to the Oak of Tabor. Three men going up to God at Bethel will meet you there, one carrying three young goats, another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a skin of wine.
4 de skal hilse på dig og give dig to Brødkager, som du skal tage imod.
They will greet you and give you two loaves of bread, which you will accept from their hands.
5 Derefter kommer du til Guds Gibea, hvor Filisternes Foged bor; og når du kommer hen til Byen, vil du støde på en Flok Profeter, som kommer ned fra Offerhøjen i profetisk Henrykkelse til Harpers, Paukers, Fløjters og Citres Klang;
After that you will come to Gibeah of God, where the Philistines have an outpost. As you approach the city, you will meet a group of prophets coming down from the high place, preceded by harps, tambourines, flutes, and lyres, and they will be prophesying.
6 så vil HERRENs Ånd overvælde dig, så du falder i profetisk Henrykkelse sammen med dem, og du skal blive til et andet Menneske.
Then the Spirit of the LORD will rush upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be transformed into a different person.
7 Når disse Tegn indtræffer for dig, kan du trygt gøre, hvad der falder for; thi Gud er med dig.
When these signs have come, do as the occasion demands, for God is with you.
8 Og du skal gå i Forvejen ned til Gilgal; så kommer jeg ned til dig for at bringe Brændofre og ofre Takofre. Syv Dage skal du vente, til jeg kommer og kundgør dig, hvad du skal gøre!"
And you shall go before me to Gilgal, and surely I will come to you to offer burnt offerings and to sacrifice peace offerings. Wait seven days until I come to you and show you what you are to do.”
9 Da han derpå vendte sig for at gå bort fra Samuel, gav Gud ham et helt andet Hjerte, og alle disse Tegn indtraf samme Dag.
As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul’s heart, and all the signs came to pass that day.
10 Da han kom hen til Gibea, se, da kom en Flok Profeter ham i Møde, og Guds Ånd overvældede ham, og han faldt i profetisk Henrykkelse midt iblandt dem.
When Saul and his servant arrived at Gibeah, a group of prophets met him. Then the Spirit of God rushed upon him, and he prophesied along with them.
11 Og da alle, som kendte ham fra tidligere Tid, så ham i profetisk Henrykkelse sammen med Profeterne, sagde de til hverandre: "Hvad går der af Kisjs Søn? Er også Saul iblandt Profeterne?"
All those who had formerly known Saul and saw him prophesying with the prophets asked one another, “What has happened to the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?”
12 Så sagde en der fra Stedet: "Hvem er vel deres Fader?" Derfor blev det et Mundheld: "Er også Saul iblandt Profeterne?"
Then a man who lived there replied, “And who is their father?” So the saying became a proverb: “Is Saul also among the prophets?”
13 Da hans profetiske Henrykkelse var ovre, gik han til Gibea.
And when Saul had finished prophesying, he went up to the high place.
14 Sauls Farbroder spurgte da ham og Karlen: "Hvor har I været henne?" Han svarede: "Ude at lede efter Æslerne; og da vi ikke fandt dem, gik vi hen til Samuel."
Now Saul’s uncle asked him and his servant, “Where did you go?” “To look for the donkeys,” Saul replied. “When we saw they were not to be found, we went to Samuel.”
15 Da sagde Sauls Farbroder: "Fortæl mig, hvad Samuel sagde til eder!"
“Tell me,” Saul’s uncle asked, “what did Samuel say to you?”
16 Saul svarede: "Han fortalte os, at Æslerne var fundet!" Men hvad Samuel havde sagt om Kongedømmet, fortalte han ham ikke.
And Saul replied, “He assured us that the donkeys had been found.” But Saul did not tell his uncle what Samuel had said about the kingship.
17 Derpå stævnede Samuel Folket sammen hos HERREN i Mizpa;
After this, Samuel summoned the people to the LORD at Mizpah
18 og han sagde til Israeliterne: "Så siger HERREN, Israels Gud: Jeg førte Israel op fra Ægypten og frelste eder af Ægypternes Hånd og fra alle de Riger, som plagede eder.
and said to the Israelites, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘I brought Israel up out of Egypt, and I rescued you from the hands of the Egyptians and of all the kingdoms that oppressed you.’
19 Men nu vrager I eders Gud, som var eders Frelser i alle eders Ulykker og Trængsler, og siger: Nej, en Konge skal du sætte over os! Så træd nu frem for HERRENs Åsyn Stamme for Stamme og Slægt for Slægt!"
But today you have rejected your God, who saves you from all your troubles and afflictions, and you have said to Him, ‘No, set a king over us.’ Now therefore present yourselves before the LORD by your tribes and clans.”
20 Derpå lod Samuel alle Israels Stammer træde frem, og Loddet ramte Benjamins Stamme.
Thus Samuel had all the tribes of Israel come forward, and the tribe of Benjamin was selected.
21 Så lod han Benjamins Stamme træde frem Slægt for Slægt, og Matris Slægt ramtes. Så lod han Matris Slægt træde frem Mand for Mand, og Saul, Kisjs Søn, ramtes. Men da man ledte efter ham, var han ikke til at finde.
Then he had the tribe of Benjamin come forward by its clans, and the clan of Matri was selected. Finally, Saul son of Kish was selected. But when they looked for him, they could not find him.
22 Da adspurgte de på ny HERREN: "Er Manden her?" Og HERREN svarede: "Se, han holder sig skjult ved Trosset."
So again they inquired of the LORD, “Has the man come here yet?” And the LORD replied, “Behold, he has hidden himself among the baggage.”
23 Så løb de hen og hentede ham der; og da han trådte ind imellem Folket, var han et Hoved højere end alt Folket.
So they ran and brought Saul, and when he stood among the people, he was a head taller than any of the others.
24 Da sagde Samuel til hele Folket: "Ser I ham, HERREN har udvalgt? Hans Lige findes ikke i alt Folket!" Og hele Folket brød ud i Jubelskrig og råbte: "Kongen leve!"
Samuel said to all the people, “Do you see the one the LORD has chosen? There is no one like him among all the people.” And all the people shouted, “Long live the king!”
25 Derpå fremsagde Samuel Kongedømmets Ret for Folket og optegnede den i en Bog, som han lagde hen for HERRENs Åsyn. Så lod Samuel hele Folket gå hver til sit:
Then Samuel explained to the people the rights of kingship. He wrote them on a scroll and laid it up before the LORD. And Samuel sent all the people away, each to his own home.
26 også Saul gik til sit Hjem i Gibea, og de tapre Mænd, hvis Hjerte Gud rørte, gik med ham.
Saul also went to his home in Gibeah, and the men of valor whose hearts God had touched went with him.
27 Men nogle Niddinger sagde: "Hvor skulde denne kunne hjælpe os?" Og de ringeagtede ham og bragte ham ingen Hyldingsgave. Men han var, som han var døv.
But some worthless men said, “How can this man save us?” So they despised him and brought him no gifts; but Saul remained silent about it.