< 1 Samuel 1 >

1 Der var en Mand fra Ramatajim, en Zufit fra Efraims Bjerge ved Navn Elkana, en Søn af Jerobam, en Søn af Elihu, en Søn af Tohu, en Søn af Zuf, en Efraimit.
There was a man of Armathaim Sipha, of mount Ephraim, and his name [was] Helkana, a son of Jeremeel the son of Elias the son of Thoke, in Nasib Ephraim.
2 Han havde to Hustruer; den ene hed Hanna, den anden Peninna; Peninna havde Børn, men Hanna ikke.
And he [had] two wives; the name of the one [was] Anna, and the name of the second Phennana. And Phennana had children, but Anna had no child.
3 Denne Mand drog hvert År op fra sin By for at tilbede Hærskarers HERRE og ofre til ham i Silo, hvor Elis to Sønner Hofni og Pinehas Var Præster for HERREN.
And the man went up from year to year from his city, from Armathaim, to worship and sacrifice to the Lord God of Sabaoth at Selom: and [there were] Heli and his two sons Ophni and Phinees, the priests of the Lord.
4 En Dag ofrede nu Elkana han plejede at give sin Hustru Peninna og alle hendes Sønner og Døtre flere Dele,
And the day came, and Helkana sacrificed, and gave portions to his wife Phennana and her children.
5 men skønt han elskede Hanna, gav han hende kun een Del, fordi HERREN havde tillukket hendes Moderliv;
And to Anna he gave a prime portion, because she had no child, only Helkana loved Anna more than the other; but the Lord [had] closed her womb.
6 hendes Medbejlerske tilføjede hende også grove Krænkelser for den Skam, at HERREN havde tillukket hendes Moderliv.
For the Lord gave her no child in her affliction, and according to the despondency of her affliction; and she was dispirited on this account, that the Lord shut up her womb so as not to give her a child.
7 Således gik det År efter År: hver Gang de drog op til HERRENs Hus, krænkede hun hende således så skete det, at hun græd og ikke vilde spise.
So she did year by year, in going up to the house of the Lord; and she was dispirited, and wept, and did not eat.
8 Da sagde hendes Mand Elkana til hende: "Hanna, hvorfor græder du, og hvorfor spiser du ikke? Hvorfor er du mismodig? Er jeg dig ikke mere værd end ti Sønner?"
And Helkana her husband said to her, Anna: and she said to him, Here [am] I, my lord: and he said to her, What ails you that you weep? and why do you not eat? and why does your heart strike you? [am] I not better to you than ten children?
9 Men da de havde holdt Måltid i Silo, stod Hanna op og trådte hen for HERRENs Åsyn, medens Præsten Eli sad på sin Stol ved en af Dørstolperne i HERRENs Hus;
And Anna rose up after they had eaten in Selom, and stood before the Lord: and Heli the priest [was] on a seat by the threshold of the temple of the Lord.
10 og i sin Vånde bad hun under heftig Gråd til HERREN
And she [was] very much grieved in spirit, and prayed to the Lord, and wept abundantly.
11 og aflagde det Løfte: "Hærskarers HERRE! Hvis du vil se til din Tjenerindes Nød og komme mig i Hu og ikke glemme din Tjenerinde, men give din Tjenerinde en Søn, så vil jeg give ham til HERREN alle hans Levedage, og ingen Ragekniv skal komme på hans Hoved!"
And she vowed a vow to the Lord, saying, O Lord God of Sabaoth, if you welt indeed look upon the humiliation of your handmaid, and remember me, and give to your handmaid a boy, then will I indeed dedicate him to you till the day of his death; and he shall drink no wine nor strong drink, and no razor shall come upon his head.
12 Således bad hun længe for HERRENs Åsyn, og Eli iagttog hendes Mund;
And it came to pass, while she was long praying before the Lord, that Heli the priest marked her mouth.
13 men da Hanna talte ved sig selv, så kun hendes Læber bevægede sig, og hendes Stemme ikke kunde høres, troede Eli, at hun var beruset,
And she was speaking in her heart, and her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: and Heli accounted her a drunken woman.
14 og sagde til hende: "Hvor længe vil du gå og være drukken? Se at komme af med din Rus!"
And the servant of Heli said to her, How long will you be drunken? take away your wine from you, and go out from the presence of the Lord.
15 Men Hanna svarede: "Nej, Herre! Jeg er en hårdt prøvet Kvinde; Vin og stærk Drik har jeg ikke drukket; jeg udøste kun min Sjæl for HERRENs Åsyn.
And Anna answered and said, Nay, my lord, [I live] in a hard day, and I have not drunk wine or strong drink, and I pour out my soul before the Lord.
16 Regn ikke din Trælkvinde for en dårlig Kvinde! Nej, hele Tiden har jeg talt ud af min dybe Kummer og Kvide!"
Count not your handmaid for a pestilent woman, for by reason of the abundance of my importunity I have continued [my prayer] until now.
17 Eli svarede: "Gå bort i Fred! Israels Gud vil give dig, hvad du har bedt ham om!"
And Heli answered and said to her, Go in peace: the God of Israel give you all your petition, which you have asked of him.
18 Da sagde hun: "Måtte din Trælkvinde finde Nåde for dine Øjne!" Så gik Kvinden sin Vej, og hun spiste og så ikke længer forgræmmet ud.
And she said, Your handmaid has found favour in your eyes: and the woman went her way, and entered into her lodging, and ate and drank with her husband, and her countenance was no more sad.
19 Næste Morgen stod de tidligt op og kastede sig ned for HERRENs Åsyn; og så vendte de tilbage og kom hjem til deres Hus i Rama. Og Elkana kendte sin Hustru Hanna, og HERREN kom hende i Hu;
And they rise early in the morning, and worship the Lord, and they go their way: and Helkana went into his house at Armathaim, and knew his wife Anna; and the Lord remembered her, and she conceived.
20 og hun blev frugtsommelig og fødte en Søn Året efter og gav ham Navnet Samuel; "thi," sagde hun, "jeg har bedt mig ham til hos HERREN!"
And it came to pass when the time was come, that she brought forth a son, and called his name Samuel, and said, Because I asked him of the Lord God of Sabaoth.
21 Da Elkana nu med hele sit Hus drog op for at bringe HERREN det årlige Offer og sit Løfteoffer,
And the man Helkana and all his house went up to offer in Selom the yearly sacrifice, and his vows, and all the tithes of his land.
22 drog Hanna ikke med; thi hun sagde til sin Mand: "Jeg vil vente, til Drengen er vænnet fra, så vil jeg bringe ham derhen, for at han kan stedes for HERRENs Åsyn og blive der for stedse!"
But Anna did not go up with him, for she said to her husband, [I will not go up] until the child goes up, when I have weaned him, and he shall be presented before the Lord, and he shall abide there continually.
23 Da sagde hendes Mand Elkana til hende: "Gør, som du synes! Bliv her, indtil du har vænnet ham fra! Måtte HERREN kun gøre dit Ord til Virkelighed!" Så blev Kvinden hjemme og ammede sin Søn, indtil hun vænnede ham fra.
And Helkana her husband said to her, Do that which is good in your eyes, abide still until you shall have weaned him; but may the Lord establish that which comes out of your mouth: and the woman tarried, and suckled her son until she had weaned him.
24 Men da hun havde vænnet ham fra, tog hun ham med, desuden en treårs Tyr, en Efa Mel og en Dunk Vin, og hun kom til HERRENs Hus i Silo og havde Drengen med.
And she went up with him to Selom with a calf of three years old, and loaves, and an ephah of fine flour, and a bottle of wine: and she entered into the house of the Lord in Selom, and the child with them.
25 Da nu Tyren var slagtet, kom Drengens Moder til Eli
And they brought him before the Lord; and his father killed his offering which he offered from year to year to the Lord; and he brought near the child, and killed the calf; and Anna the mother of the child brought him to Heli.
26 og sagde: "Hør mig, Herre! Så sandt du lever, Herre, jeg er den Kvinde, som stod her ved din Side og bad til HERREN.
And she said, I pray you, my lord, as your soul lives, I [am] the woman that stood in your presence with you while praying to the Lord.
27 Om denne Dreng bad jeg, og HERREN gav mig, hvad jeg bad ham om.
For this child I prayed; and the Lord has given me my request that I asked of him.
28 Derfor vil jeg også overlade ham til HERREN; hele sit Liv skal han være overladt til HERREN!" Og hun lod ham blive der for HERRENs Åsyn.
And I lend him to the Lord all his days that he lives, a loan to the Lord: and she said,

< 1 Samuel 1 >