< 1 Korinterne 7 >

1 Men hvad det angår, hvorom I skreve til mig, da er det godt for en Mand ikke at røre en Kvinde;
With reference to the subjects about which you wrote to me: It would be well for a man to remain single.
2 men for Utugts Skyld have hver Mand sin egen Hustru, og hver Kvinde have sin egen Mand.
But, owing to the prevalence of immorality, I advise every man to have his own wife, and every woman her husband.
3 Manden yde Hustruen sin Skyldighed; ligeledes også Hustruen Manden.
A husband should give his wife her due, and a wife her husband.
4 Hustruen råder ikke over sit eget Legeme, men Manden; ligeså råder heller ikke Manden over sit eget Legeme, men Hustruen.
It is not the wife, but the husband, who exercises power over her body; and so, too, it is not the husband, but the wife, who exercises power over his body.
5 Unddrager eder ikke hinanden, uden måske med fælles Samtykke, til en Tid, for at I kunne have Ro til Bønnen, og for så atter at være sammen, for at Satan ikke skal friste eder, fordi I ikke formå at være afholdende.
Do not deprive each other of what is due — unless it is only for a time and by mutual consent, so that your minds may be free for prayer till you again live as man and wife — lest Satan should take advantage of your want of self-control and tempt you.
6 Men dette siger jeg som en Indrømmelse, ikke som en Befaling.
I say this, however, as a concession, not as a command.
7 Jeg ønsker dog, at alle Mennesker måtte være, som jeg selv er; men hver har sin egen Nådegave fra Gud, den ene så, den anden så.
I should wish every one to be just what I am myself. But every one has his own gift from God — one in one way, and one in another.
8 Til de ugifte og til Enkerne siger jeg, at det er godt for dem, om de forblive som jeg.
My advice, then, to those who are not married, and to widows, is this: It would be well for them to remain as I am myself.
9 Men kunne de ikke være afholdende, da lad dem gifte sig; thi det er bedre at gifte sig end at lide Brynde.
But, if they cannot control themselves, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to be consumed with passion.
10 Men de gifte byder ikke jeg, men Herren, at en Hustru ikke skal skille sig fra sin Mand;
To those who are married my direction is — yet it is not mine, but the Master’s — that a woman is not to leave her husband
11 (men om hun virkeligt skiller sig fra ham, da forblive hun ugift eller forlige sig med Manden; ) og at en Mand ikke skal forlade sin Hustru.
(If she has done so, let her remain as she is, or else be reconciled to her husband) and also that a man is not to divorce his wife.
12 Men til de andre siger jeg, ikke Herren: Dersom nogen Broder har en vantro Hustru, og denne samtykker i at bo hos ham, så forlade han hende ikke!
To all others I say — I, not the Master — If a Brother is married to a woman, who is an unbeliever but willing to live with him, he should not divorce her;
13 Og dersom en Hustru har en vantro Mand, og denne samtykker i at bo hos hende, så forlade hun ikke Manden!
and a woman who is married to a man, who is an unbeliever but willing to live with her, should not divorce her husband.
14 Thi den vantro Mand er helliget ved Hustruen, og den vantro Hustru er helliget ved Manden; ellers vare jo eders Børn urene, men nu ere de hellige.
For, through his wife, the husband who is an unbeliever has become associated with Christ’s People; and the wife who is an unbeliever has become associated with Christ’s People through our Brother whom she has married. Otherwise your children would be ‘defiled,’ but, as it is, they belong to Christ’s People.
15 Men skiller den vantro sig, så lad ham skille sig; ingen Broder eller Søster er trælbunden i sådanne Tilfælde; men Gud har kaldet os til Fred.
However, if the unbeliever wishes to be separated, let him be so. Under such circumstances neither the Brother nor the Sister is bound; God has called you to live in peace.
16 Thi hvad ved du, Hustru! om du kan frelse din Mand? eller hvad ved du, Mand! om du kan frelse din Hustru?
How can you tell, wife, whether you may not save your husband? and how can you tell, husband, whether you may not save your wife?
17 Kun vandre enhver således, som Herren har tildelt ham, som Gud har kaldet ham; og således forordner jeg i alle Menighederne.
In any case, a man should continue to live in the condition which the Lord has allotted to him, and in which he was when God called him. This is the rule that I lay down in every Church.
18 Blev nogen kaldet som omskåren, han lade ikke Forhud drage over; er nogen kaldet som uomskåren, han lade sig ikke omskære!
Was a man already circumcised when he was called? Then he should not efface his circumcision. Has a man been called when uncircumcised? Then he should not be circumcised.
19 Omskærelse har intet at sige, og Forhud har intet at sige, men det at holde Guds Bud.
Circumcision is nothing; the want of it is nothing; but to keep the commands of God is everything.
20 Hver blive i den Stand, hvori han blev kaldet!
Let every one remain in that condition of life in which he was when the Call came to him.
21 Blev du kaldet som Træl, da lad det ikke bekymre dig, men om du også kan blive fri, da gør hellere Brug deraf!
Were you a slave when you were called? Do not let that trouble you. No, even if you are able to gain your freedom, still do your best.
22 Thi den, der er kaldet i Herren som Træl, er Herrens frigivne; ligeså er den, der er kaldet som fri, Kristi Træl.
For the man who was a slave when he was called to the master’s service is the Master’s freed-man; so, too, the man who was free when called is Christ’s slave.
23 Dyrt bleve I købte, vorde ikke Menneskers Trælle!
You were bought, and the price was paid. Do not let yourselves become slaves to men.
24 I den Stand, hvori enhver blev kaldet, Brødre, deri blive han for Gud!
Brothers, let every one remain in the condition in which he was when he was called, in close communion with God.
25 Men om Jomfruerne har jeg ikke nogen Befaling fra Herren, men giver min Mening til Hende som den, hvem Herren barmhjertigt har forundt at være troværdig.
With regard to unmarried women, I have no command from the Master to give you, but I tell you my opinion, and it is that of a man whom the Master in his mercy has made worthy to be trusted.
26 Jeg mener altså dette, at det på Grund af den forhåndenværende Nød er godt for et Menneske at være således, som han er.
I think, then, that, in view of the time of suffering that has now come upon us, what I have already said is best — that a man should remain as he is.
27 Er du bunden til en Kvinde, da søg ikke at blive løst; er du ikke bunden, da søg ikke en Hustru!
Are you married to a wife? Then do not seek to be separated. Are you separated from a wife? Then do not seek for a wife.
28 Men om du også gifter dig, synder du ikke; og om en Jomfru gifter sig, synder hun ikke; dog ville sådanne få Trængsel i Kødet. Men jeg skåner eder.
still, if you should marry, that is not wrong; nor, if a young woman marries, is that wrong. But those who marry will have much trouble to bear, and my wish is to spare you.
29 Men dette siger jeg eder, Brødre! at Tiden er kort, for at herefter både de, der have Hustruer, skulle være, som om de ingen have,
What I mean, Brothers, is this — the time is short. Meanwhile, let those who have wives live as if they had none,
30 og de, der græde, som om de ikke græde, og de, der glæde sig, som om de ikke glæde sig, og de, der købe, som om de ikke besidde,
those who are weeping as if not weeping, those who are rejoicing as if not rejoicing, those who buy as if not possessing,
31 og de, der bruge denne Verden, som om de ikke gøre Brug af den; thi denne Verdens Skikkelse forgår.
and those who use the good things of the world as using them sparingly; for this world as we see it is passing away.
32 Men jeg ønsker, at I må være uden Bekymring. Den ugifte er bekymret for de Ting, som høre Herren til, hvorledes han kan behage Herren;
I want you to be free from anxiety. The unmarried man is anxious about the Master’s Cause, desiring to please him;
33 men den gifte er bekymret for de Ting, som høre Verden til, hvorledes han kan behage Hustruen.
while the married man is anxious about worldly matters, desiring to please his wife;
34 Og der er også Forskel imellem Hustruen og Jomfruen. Den ugifte er bekymret for de Ting, som høre Herren til, for at hun kan være hellig både på Legeme og Ånd; men den gifte er bekymret for det, som hører Verden til, hvor ledes hun kan behage Manden.
and so his interests are divided. Again, the unmarried woman, whether she is old or young, is anxious about the Master’s Cause, striving to be pure both in body and in spirit, while the married woman is anxious about worldly matters, desiring to please her husband.
35 Men dette siger jeg til eders eget Gavn, ikke for at kaste en Snare om eder, men for at bevare Sømmelighed og en urokkelig Vedhængen ved Herren.
I say this for your own benefit, not with any intention of putting a halter round your necks, but in order to secure for the Master seemly and constant devotion, free from all distraction.
36 Men dersom nogen mener at volde sin ugifte Datter Skam, om hun sidder over Tiden, og det må så være, han gøre, hvad han vil, han synder ikke; lad dem gifte sig!
If, however, a father thinks that he is not acting fairly by his unmarried daughter, when she is past her youth, and if under these circumstances her marriage ought to take place, let him act as he thinks right. He is doing nothing wrong — let the marriage take place.
37 Men den, som står fast i sit Hjerte og ikke er tvungen, men har Rådighed over sin Villie og har besluttet dette i sit Hjerte at holde sin Datter ugift, han gør vel.
On the other hand, a father, who has definitely made up his mind, and is under no compulsion, but is free to carry out his own wishes, and who has come to the decision, in his own mind, to keep his unmarried daughter at home will be doing right.
38 Altså, både den, som bortgifter sin Datter, gør vel, og den, som ikke bortgifter hende, gør bedre.
In short, the one who consents to his daughter’s marriage is doing right, and yet the other will be doing better.
39 En Hustru er bunden, så længe hendes Mand lever; men dersom Manden sover hen, er hun fri til at gifte sig med hvem hun vil, kun at det sker i Herren.
A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives; but, if the husband should pass to his rest, the widow is free to marry any one she wishes, provided he is a believer.
40 Men lykkeligere er hun, om hun forbliver således, som hun er, efter min Mening; men også jeg mener at have Guds Ånd.
Yet she will be happier if she remains as she is — in my opinion, for I think that I also have the Spirit of God.

< 1 Korinterne 7 >