< Titus 2 >

1 Du derimod, tal, hvad der sømmer sig for den sunde Lære:
Bvt speake thou the thinges which become wholesome doctrine,
2 At gamle Mænd skulle være ædruelige, ærbare, sindige, sunde i Troen, i Kærligheden, i Udholdenheden;
That the elder men be watchful, graue, teperate, sounde in the faith, in loue, and in patience:
3 at gamle Kvinder ligeledes skulle skikke sig, som det sømmer sig hellige, ikke bagtale, ikke være forfaldne til megen Vin, men være Lærere i, hvad godt er,
The elder women likewise, that they be in such behauiour as becommeth holinesse, not false accusers, not subiect to much wine, but teachers of honest things,
4 for at de maa faa de unge Kvinder til at besinde sig paa at elske deres Mænd og at elske deres Børn,
That they may instruct the yong women to be sober minded, that they loue their husbands, that they loue their children,
5 at være sindige, kyske, huslige, gode, deres egne Mænd undergivne, for at Guds Ord ikke skal bespottes.
That they be temperate, chaste, keeping at home, good and subiect vnto their husbands, that the word of God be not euill spoken of.
6 Forman ligeledes de unge Mænd til at være sindige,
Exhort yong men likewise, that they bee sober minded.
7 idet du i alle Maader viser dig selv som et Forbillede paa gode Gerninger og i Læren viser Ufordærvethed, Ærbarhed,
In all things shewe thy selfe an ensample of good woorkes with vncorrupt doctrine, with grauitie, integritie,
8 sund, ulastelig Tale, for at Modstanderen maa blive til Skamme, naar han intet ondt har at sige om os.
And with the wholesome woorde, which can not be condemned, that hee which withstandeth, may be ashamed, hauing nothing concerning you to speake euill of.
9 Forman Trælle til at underordne sig under deres egne Herrer, at være dem til Behag i alle Ting, ikke sige imod,
Let seruants be subiect to their masters, and please them in al things, not answering again,
10 ikke besvige, men vise al god Troskab, for at de i alle Maader kunne være en Pryd for Guds, vor Frelsers Lære.
Neither pickers, but that they shew al good faithfulnesse, that they may adorne the doctrine of God our Sauiour in all things.
11 Thi Guds Naade er bleven aabenbaret til Frelse for alle Mennesker
For that grace of God, that bringeth saluation vnto all men, hath appeared,
12 og opdrager os til at forsage Ugudeligheden og de verdslige Begæringer og leve sindigt og retfærdigt og gudfrygtigt i den nærværende Verden; (aiōn g165)
And teacheth vs that we should denie vngodlinesse and worldly lusts, and that we should liue soberly and righteously, and godly in this present world, (aiōn g165)
13 forventende det salige Haab og den store Guds og vor Frelsers Jesu Kristi Herligheds Aabenbarelse,
Looking for that blessed hope, and appearing of that glorie of that mightie God, and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ,
14 han, som gav sig selv for os, for at han maatte forløse os fra al Lovløshed og rense sig selv et Ejendomsfolk, nidkært til gode Gerninger.
Who gaue him selfe for vs, that hee might redeeme vs from all iniquitie, and purge vs to bee a peculiar people vnto himselfe, zealous of good woorkes.
15 Tal dette, og forman og irettesæt med al Myndighed; lad ingen ringeagte dig!
These things speake, and exhort, and conuince with all authoritie. See that no man despise thee.

< Titus 2 >