< Romerne 8 >

1 Saa er der da nu ingen Fordømmelse for dem, som ere i Kristus Jesus.
none therefore now condemnation the/this/who in/on/among Christ Jesus (not according to flesh to walk but according to spirit/breath: spirit *K*)
2 Thi Livets Aands Lov frigjorde mig i Kristus Jesus fra Syndens og Dødens Lov.
the/this/who for law the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who life in/on/among Christ Jesus to set free (you *N(K)O*) away from the/this/who law the/this/who sin and the/this/who death
3 Thi det, som var Loven umuligt, det, hvori den var afmægtig ved Kødet, det gjorde Gud, idet han sendte sin egen Søn i syndigt Køds Lighed og for Syndens Skyld og saaledes domfældte Synden i Kødet,
the/this/who for unable the/this/who law in/on/among which be weak: weak through/because of the/this/who flesh the/this/who God the/this/who themself son to send in/on/among likeness flesh sin and about sin to condemn the/this/who sin in/on/among the/this/who flesh
4 for at Lovens Krav skulde opfyldes i os, som ikke vandre efter Kødet, men efter Aanden.
in order that/to the/this/who righteous act the/this/who law to fulfill in/on/among me the/this/who not according to flesh to walk but according to spirit/breath: spirit
5 Thi de, som lade sig lede af Kødet, hige efter det kødelige; men de, som lade sig lede af Aanden, hige efter det aandelige.
the/this/who for according to flesh to be the/this/who the/this/who flesh to reason the/this/who then according to spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit
6 Thi Kødets Higen er Død, men Aandens Higen er Liv og Fred,
the/this/who for purpose the/this/who flesh death the/this/who then purpose the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit life and peace
7 efterdi Kødets Higen er Fjendskab imod Gud, thi det er ikke Guds Lov lydigt, det kan jo ikke heller være det.
because the/this/who purpose the/this/who flesh hostility toward God the/this/who for law the/this/who God no to subject nor for be able
8 Og de, som ere i Kødet, kunne ikke tækkes Gud.
the/this/who then in/on/among flesh to be God to please no be able
9 I derimod ere ikke i Kødet, men i Aanden, om ellers Guds Aand bor i eder. Men om nogen ikke har Kristi Aand, saa hører han ham ikke til.
you then no to be in/on/among flesh but in/on/among spirit/breath: spirit if indeed spirit/breath: spirit God to dwell in/on/among you if then one spirit/breath: spirit Christ no to have/be this/he/she/it no to be it/s/he
10 Men om Kristus er i eder, da er vel Legemet dødt paa Grund af Synd, men Aanden er Liv paa Grund af Retfærdighed.
if then Christ in/on/among you the/this/who on the other hand body dead through/because of sin the/this/who then spirit/breath: spirit life through/because of righteousness
11 Men om hans Aand, der oprejste Jesus fra de døde, bor i eder, da skal han, som oprejste Kristus fra de døde, levendegøre ogsaa eders dødelige Legemer ved sin Aand, som bor i eder.
if then the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who to arise (the/this/who *no*) Jesus out from dead to dwell in/on/among you the/this/who to arise (the/this/who *k*) Christ out from dead (Jesus *O*) to make alive and the/this/who mortal body you through/because of (the/this/who to dwell in/with *N(k)O*) it/s/he (spirit/breath: spirit *N(k)O*) in/on/among you
12 Altsaa, Brødre! ere vi ikke Kødets Skyldnere, saa at vi skulde leve efter Kødet;
therefore therefore/then brother debtor to be no the/this/who flesh the/this/who according to flesh to live
13 thi dersom I leve efter Kødet, skulle I dø, men dersom I ved Aanden døde Legemets Gerninger, skulle I leve.
if for according to flesh to live to ensue to die if then spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who action the/this/who body to kill to live
14 Thi saa mange som drives af Guds Aand, disse ere Guds Børn.
just as/how much for spirit/breath: spirit God to bring this/he/she/it son God to be
15 I modtoge jo ikke en Trældoms Aand atter til Frygt, men I modtoge en Sønneudkaarelses Aand, i hvilken vi raabe: Abba, Fader!
no for to take spirit/breath: spirit slavery again toward fear but to take spirit/breath: spirit adoption (as son) in/on/among which to cry Abba the/this/who father
16 Aanden selv vidner med vor Aand, at vi ere Guds Børn.
it/s/he the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit to testify with the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit me that/since: that to be child God
17 Men naar vi ere Børn, ere vi ogsaa Arvinger, Guds Arvinger og Kristi Medarvinger, om ellers vi lide med ham for ogsaa at herliggøres med ham.
if then child and heir heir on the other hand God co-heir then Christ if indeed to suffer with in order that/to and to glory with
18 Thi jeg holder for, at den nærværende Tids Lidelser ikke ere at regne imod den Herlighed, som skal aabenbares paa os.
to count for that/since: that no worthy the/this/who suffering the/this/who now time/right time to/with the/this/who to ensue glory to reveal toward me
19 Thi Skabningens Forlængsel venter paa Guds Børns Aabenbarelse.
the/this/who for eager expectation the/this/who creation the/this/who revelation the/this/who son the/this/who God to expect
20 Thi Skabningen blev underlagt Forgængeligheden, ikke med sin Villie, men for hans Skyld, som lagde den derunder,
the/this/who for futility the/this/who creation to subject no voluntarily but through/because of the/this/who to subject upon/to/against hope
21 med Haab om, at ogsaa Skabningen selv skal blive frigjort fra Forkrænkelighedens Trældom til Guds Børns Herligheds Frihed.
that/since: since and it/s/he the/this/who creation to set free away from the/this/who slavery the/this/who corruption toward the/this/who freedom the/this/who glory the/this/who child the/this/who God
22 Thi vi vide, at hele Skabningen tilsammen sukker og er tilsammen i Veer indtil nu.
to know for that/since: that all the/this/who creation to groan with and to labor together until the/this/who now
23 Dog ikke det alene, men ogsaa vi selv, som have Aandens Førstegrøde, ogsaa vi sukke ved os selv, idet vi forvente en Sønneudkaarelse, vort Legemes Forløsning.
no alone then but and it/s/he the/this/who firstfruits the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit to have/be me and it/s/he in/on/among themself to groan adoption (as son) to expect the/this/who redemption the/this/who body me
24 Thi i Haabet bleve vi frelste. Men et Haab, som ses, er ikke et Haab; thi hvad en ser, hvor kan han tillige haabe det?
the/this/who for hope to save hope then to see no to be hope which for to see which? (which? and *KO*) to hope/expect
25 Men dersom vi haabe det, som vi ikke se, da forvente vi det med Udholdenhed.
if then which no to see to hope/expect through/because of perseverance to expect
26 Og ligeledes kommer ogsaa Aanden vor Skrøbelighed til Hjælp; thi vi vide ikke, hvad vi skulle bede om, som det sig bør, men Aanden selv gaar i Forbøn for os med uudsigelige Sukke.
likewise then and the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit to help (the/this/who *N(k)O*) (weakness: weak *N(K)O*) me the/this/who for which? (to pray *NK(o)*) insofar as be necessary no to know but it/s/he the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit to intercede (above/for *k*) (me *K*) groan inexpressible
27 Og han, som ransager Hjerterne, ved, hvad Aandens Higen er, at den efter Guds Villie gaar i Forbøn for hellige.
the/this/who then to look for/into the/this/who heart to know which? the/this/who purpose the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit that/since: since according to God to call on above/for holy: saint
28 Men vi vide, at alle Ting samvirke til gode for dem, som elske Gud, dem, som efter hans Beslutning ere kaldede.
to know then that/since: that the/this/who to love the/this/who God all to work with (the/this/who God *O*) toward good the/this/who according to purpose called to be
29 Thi dem, han forud kendte, forudbestemte han ogsaa til at blive ligedannede med hans Søns Billede, for at han kunde være førstefødt iblandt mange Brødre.
that/since: since which to know/choose and to predestine conformed the/this/who image the/this/who son it/s/he toward the/this/who to exist it/s/he firstborn in/on/among much brother
30 Men dem, han forudbestemte, dem kaldte han ogsaa; og dem, han kaldte, dem retfærdiggjorde han ogsaa; men dem, han retfærdiggjorde, dem herliggjorde han ogsaa.
which then to predestine this/he/she/it and to call: call and which to call: call this/he/she/it and to justify which then to justify this/he/she/it and to glorify
31 Hvad skulle vi da sige til dette? Er Gud for os, hvem kan da være imod os?
which? therefore/then to say to/with this/he/she/it if the/this/who God above/for me which? according to me
32 Han, som jo ikke sparede sin egen Søn, men gav ham hen for os alle, hvorledes skulde han ikke ogsaa med ham skænke os alle Ting?
which indeed the/this/who one's own/private son no to spare but above/for me all to deliver it/s/he how! not! and with it/s/he the/this/who all me to give grace
33 Hvem vil anklage Guds udvalgte? Gud er den, som retfærdiggør.
which? to accuse according to select God God the/this/who to justify
34 Hvem er den, som fordømmer? Kristus er den, som er død, ja, meget mere, som er oprejst, som er ved Guds højre Haand, som ogsaa gaar i Forbøn for os.
which? the/this/who to condemn Christ (Jesus *NO*) the/this/who to die more: rather then (and *k*) to arise (out from dead *O*) which and to be in/on/among right the/this/who God which and to call on above/for me
35 Hvem skal kunne skille os fra Kristi Kærlighed? Trængsel eller Angest eller Forfølgelse eller Hunger eller Nøgenhed eller Fare eller Sværd?
which? me to separate/leave away from the/this/who love the/this/who Christ pressure or hardship or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword
36 som der er skrevet: „For din Skyld dræbes vi den hele Dag, vi bleve regnede som Slagtefaar.”
as/just as to write that/since: that because of you to kill all the/this/who day to count as/when sheep slaughter
37 Men i alt dette mere end sejre vi ved ham, som elskede os.
but in/on/among this/he/she/it all to conquer through/because of the/this/who to love me
38 Thi jeg er vis paa, at hverken Død eller Liv eller Engle eller Magter eller noget nærværende eller noget tilkommende eller Kræfter
to persuade for that/since: that neither death neither life neither angel neither beginning neither be present neither to ensue neither power
39 eller det høje eller det dybe eller nogen anden Skabning skal kunne skille os fra Guds Kærlighed i Kristus Jesus, vor Herre.
neither height neither depth neither one creation other be able me to separate/leave away from the/this/who love the/this/who God the/this/who in/on/among Christ Jesus the/this/who lord: God me

< Romerne 8 >