< Romerne 2 >
1 Derfor er du uden Undskyldning, o Menneske! hvem du end er, som dømmer; thi idet du dømmer den anden, fordømmer du dig selv; thi du, som dømmer, øver det samme.
Wherefore, you are inexcusable, O man! whosoever you are, who condemn: for in condemning another, you pass sentence upon yourself; because you, who condemn, practice the same things.
2 Vi vide jo, at Guds Dom er, stemmende med Sandhed, over dem, som øve saadanne Ting.
Besides, we know that the sentence of God is according to truth, upon them who commit such things.
3 Men du, o Menneske! som dømmer dem, der øve saadanne Ting, og selv gør dem, mener du dette, at du skal undfly Guds Dom?
And do you think this, O man, who condemn those who practice such things, and yet do the same, that you shall escape the sentence of God?
4 Eller foragter du hans Godheds og Taalmodigheds og Langmodigheds Rigdom og ved ikke, at Guds Godhed leder dig til Omvendelse?
Or do you despise the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering; not acknowledging that the goodness of God invites you to a reformation?
5 Men efter din Haardhed og dit ubodfærdige Hjerte samler du dig selv Vrede paa Vredens og Guds retfærdige Doms Aabenbarelses Dag,
But according to your obdurate and impenitent heart, you treasure up to yourself wrath, against a day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God;
6 han, som vil betale enhver efter hans Gerninger:
who will render to every one according to his works:
7 dem, som med Udholdenhed i god Gerning søge Ære og Hæder og Uforkrænkelighed, et evigt Liv; (aiōnios )
eternal life, indeed, to them who, by perseverance in well-doing, seek glory, honor, and immortality: (aiōnios )
8 men over dem, som søge deres eget og ikke lyde Sandheden, men adlyde Uretfærdigheden, skal der komme Vrede og Harme.
but anger and wrath to them who are contentious, and obey not the truth, but obey unrighteousness.
9 Trængsel og Angest over hvert Menneskes Sjæl, som øver det onde, baade en Jødes først og en Grækers;
Affliction and great distress shall come upon every soul of man who works evil; first of the Jews, and also of the Greek.
10 men Ære og Hæder og Fred over hver den, som gør det gode, baade en Jøde først og en Græker!
But glory, honor, and peace to every one who works good: first to the Jews, and also to the Greek.
11 Thi der er ikke Persons Anseelse hos Gud.
For there is no respect of persons with God.
12 Thi alle de, som have syndet uden Loven, de skulle ogsaa fortabes uden Loven; og alle de, som have syndet under Loven, de skulle dømmes ved Loven;
As many, therefore, as have sinned without law, shall also perish without law; and as many as have sinned under law, shall be condemned by law:
13 thi ikke Lovens Hørere ere retfærdige for Gud, men Lovens Gørere skulle retfærdiggøres —
for not those who hear the law are just before God; but those who obey the law, shall be justified.
14 thi naar Hedninger, som ikke have Loven, af Naturen gøre, hvad Loven kræver, da ere disse, uden at have Loven, sig selv en Lov;
When, therefore, the Gentiles, who have not a law, do by nature the things of the law, are a law to themselves:
15 de vise jo Lovens Gerning skreven i deres Hjerter, idet deres Samvittighed vidner med, og Tankerne indbyrdes anklage eller ogsaa forsvare hverandre —
who show plainly the work of the law, written on their hearts; their conscience bearing witness, and also their reasonings between one another, when they accuse or excuse each other.
16 paa den Dag, da Gud vil dømme Menneskenes skjulte Færd ifølge mit Evangelium ved Jesus Kristus.
In the day when God will judge the hidden things of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.
17 Men naar du kalder dig Jøde og forlader dig trygt paa Loven og roser dig af Gud
If, now, you are called a Jew, and rest in the law, and boast in God,
18 og kender hans Villie og værdsætter de forskellige Ting, idet du undervises af Loven,
and know his will, and approve the things that are excellent, being instructed by the law;
19 og trøster dig til at være blindes Vejleder, et Lys for dem, som ere i Mørke,
and boast that you yourselves are a guide of the blind, a light of them who are in darkness,
20 uforstandiges Opdrager, umyndiges Lærer, idet du i Loven har Udtrykket for Erkendelsen og Sandheden, —
and instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, having the representation of knowledge and of truth in the law:
21 du altsaa, som lærer andre, du lærer ikke dig selv! Du, som prædiker, at man ikke maa stjæle, du stjæler!
you, then, who teach another; do you not teach yourself? You who proclaim, Do not steal; do you steal?
22 Du, som siger, at man ikke maa bedrive Hor, du bedriver Hor! Du, som føler Afsky for Afguderne, du øver Tempelran!
You who command, Do not commit adultery; do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols; do you rob temples?
23 Du, som roser dig af Loven, du vanærer Gud ved Overtrædelse af Loven!
You who boast in the law; by the breaking of the law, do you dishonor God?
24 Thi „for eders Skyld bespottes Guds Navn iblandt Hedningerne‟, som der er skrevet.
For it is written, "The name of God is evil spoken of among the Gentiles, through you."
25 Thi vel gavner Omskærelse, om du holder Loven; men er du Lovens Overtræder, da er din Omskærelse bleven til Forhud.
Now circumcision indeed profits, if you practice law; but if you be a transgressor of law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.
26 Dersom nu Forhuden holder Lovens Forskrifter, vil da ikke hans Forhud blive regnet som Omskærelse?
And if the uncircumcision keep the precepts of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?
27 Og naar den af Natur uomskaarne opfylder Loven, skal han dømme dig, som med Bogstav og Omskærelse er Lovens Overtræder.
And will not the uncircumcision which by nature fulfills the law, condemn you, a transgressor of law, though in possession of the scriptures and circumcision?
28 Thi ikke den er Jøde, som er det i det udvortes, ej heller er det Omskærelse, som sker i det udvortes, i Kød;
For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh:
29 men den, som indvortes er Jøde, og Hjertets Omskærelse i Aand, ikke i Bogstav — hans Ros er ikke af Mennesker, men af Gud.
but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is of the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men, but from God.