< Salme 90 >
1 En Bøn af den Guds Mand Moses. Herre, du var vor Bolig Slægt efter Slægt.
A Prayer of Moses the man of God. Lord, you have been our refuge in all generations.
2 Førend Bjergene fødtes og Jord og Jorderig blev til, fra Evighed til Evighed er du, o Gud!
Before the mountains existed, and [before] the earth and the world were formed, even from age to age, You are.
3 Mennesket gør du til Støv igen, du siger: »Vend tilbage, I Menneskebørn!«
Turn not man back to [his] low place, whereas you said, Return, you sons of men?
4 Thi tusind Aar er i dine Øjne som Dagen i Gaar, der svandt, som en Nattevagt.
For a thousand years in your sight are as the yesterday which is past, and as a watch in the night.
5 Du skyller dem bort, de bliver som en Søvn. Ved Morgen er de som Græsset, der gror;
Years shall be vanity to them: let the morning pass away as grass.
6 ved Morgen gror det og blomstrer, ved Aften er det vissent og tørt.
In the morning let it flower, and pass away: in the evening let it droop, let it be withered and dried up.
7 Thi ved din Vrede svinder vi hen, og ved din Harme forfærdes vi.
For we have perished in your anger, and in your wrath we have been troubled.
8 Vor Skyld har du stillet dig for Øje, vor skjulte Brøst for dit Aasyns Lys.
You have set our transgressions before you: our age is in the light of your countenance.
9 Thi alle vore Dage glider hen i din Vrede, vore Aar svinder hen som et Suk.
For all our days are gone, and we have passed away in your wrath: our years have spun out their tale as a spider.
10 Vore Livsdage er halvfjerdsindstyve Aar, og kommer det højt, da firsindstyve. Deres Herlighed er Møje og Slid, thi hastigt gaar det, vi flyver af Sted.
[As for] the days of our years, in them are seventy years; and if [men should be] in strength, eighty years: and the greater part of them would be labor and trouble; for weakness overtakes us, and we shall be chastened.
11 Hvem fatter din Vredes Vælde, din Harme i Frygt for dig!
Who knows the power of your wrath?
12 At tælle vore Dage lære du os, saa vi kan faa Visdom i Hjertet!
and [who knows how] to number [his days] because of the fear of your wrath? So manifest your right hand, and those that are instructed in wisdom in the heart.
13 Vend tilbage, HERRE! Hvor længe! Hav Medynk med dine Tjenere;
Return, O Lord, how long? and be entreated concerning your servants.
14 mæt os aarle med din Miskundhed, saa vi kan fryde og glæde os alle vore Dage.
We have been satisfied in the morning with your mercy; and we did exult and rejoice:
15 Glæd os det Dagetal, du ydmyged os, det Aaremaal, da vi led ondt!
let us rejoice in all our days, in return for the days wherein you did afflict us, the years wherein we saw evil.
16 Lad dit Værk aabenbares for dine Tjenere og din Herlighed over deres Børn!
And look upon your servants, and upon your works; and guide their children.
17 HERREN vor Guds Livsalighed være over os! Og frem vore Hænders Værk for os, ja frem vore Hænders Værk!
And let the brightness of the Lord our God be upon us: and do you direct for us the works of our hands.