< Salme 85 >
1 Til Sangmesteren. Af Koras Sønner. En Salme.
To him that excelleth. A Psalme committed to the sonnes of Korah. Lord, thou hast bene fauourable vnto thy land: thou hast brought againe the captiuitie of Iaakob.
2 Du var naadig, HERRE, imod dit Land, du vendte Jakobs Skæbne,
Thou hast forgiuen the iniquitie of thy people, and couered all their sinnes. (Selah)
3 tog Skylden bort fra dit Folk og skjulte al deres Synd. (Sela)
Thou hast withdrawen all thine anger, and hast turned backe from the fiercenes of thy wrath.
4 Du lod al din Vrede fare, tvang din glødende Harme.
Turne vs, O God of our saluation, and release thine anger toward vs.
5 Vend tilbage, vor Frelses Gud, hør op med din Uvilje mod os!
Wilt thou be angry with vs for euer? and wilt thou prolong thy wrath from one generation to another?
6 Vil du vredes paa os for evigt, holde fast ved din Harme fra Slægt til Slægt?
Wilt thou not turne againe and quicken vs, that thy people may reioyce in thee?
7 Vil du ikke skænke os Liv Paa ny, saa dit Folk kan glæde sig i dig!
Shew vs thy mercie, O Lord, and graunt vs thy saluation.
8 Lad os skue din Miskundhed, HERRE, din Frelse give du os!
I will hearken what the Lord God will say: for he will speake peace vnto his people, and to his Saintes, that they turne not againe to follie.
9 Jeg vil høre, hvad Gud HERREN taler! Visselig taler han Fred til sit Folk og til sine fromme og til dem, der vender deres Hjerte til ham;
Surely his saluation is neere to them that feare him, that glory may dwell in our land.
10 ja, nær er hans Frelse for dem, som frygter ham, snart skal Herlighed bo i vort Land;
Mercie and trueth shall meete: righteousnes and peace shall kisse one another.
11 Miskundhed og Sandhed mødes, Retfærd og Fred skal kysse hinanden;
Trueth shall bud out of the earth, and righteousnes shall looke downe from heauen.
12 af Jorden spirer Sandhed frem, fra Himlen skuer Retfærd ned.
Yea, the Lord shall giue good things, and our land shall giue her increase.
13 Derhos giver HERREN Lykke, sin Afgrøde giver vort Land; Retfærd vandrer foran ham og følger ogsaa hans Fjed.
Righteousnesse shall go before him, and shall set her steps in the way.