< Salme 84 >

1 Til Sangmesteren. Al-haggittit. Af Koras Sønner. En Salme.
For the music director. A psalm of the descendants of Korah. On the gittith. How wonderful is the place where you live, Lord Almighty!
2 Hvor elskelige er dine Boliger, Hærskarers HERRE!
I long, I ache, to be in the courts of the Lord. My mind and my body sing for joy to the living God.
3 Af Længsel efter HERRENS Forgaarde vansmægted min Sjæl, nu jubler mit Hjerte og Kød for den levende Gud!
Even a sparrow finds a home there, and a swallow builds a nest for herself where she can raise her chicks near to your altars, Lord Almighty, my king and my God.
4 Ja, Spurven fandt sig et Hjem og Svalen en Rede, hvor den har sine Unger — dine Altre, Hærskarers HERRE, min Konge og Gud!
How happy are those who live in your house—they are always praising you! (Selah)
5 Salige de, der bor i dit Hus, end skal de love dig. (Sela)
How happy are those whose strength is in you, those who are determined to make a pilgrimage.
6 Salig den, hvis Styrke er i dig, naar hans Hu staar til Højtidsrejser!
As they walk through the Valley of Tears it becomes a spring of water; autumn rains cover it with pools.
7 Naar de gaar gennem Bakadalen, gør de den til Kildevang, og Tidligregnen hyller den i Velsignelser.
They go from strength to strength, and each one will appear before God in Jerusalem.
8 Fra Kraft til Kraft gaar de frem, de stedes for Gud paa Zion.
Lord God Almighty, please hear my prayer; please listen, God of Jacob. (Selah)
9 Hør min Bøn, o HERRE, Hærskarers Gud, Lyt til, du Jakobs Gud! (Sela)
Please God, look at our defender, look at the face of your anointed one.
10 Gud, vort Skjold, se til og vend dit Blik til din Salvedes Aasyn!
One day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else. I'd rather stand as a doorkeeper in the house of my God than live comfortably in the homes of the wicked.
11 Thi bedre een Dag i din Forgaard end tusinde ellers, hellere ligge ved min Guds Hus's Tærskel end dvæle i Gudløsheds Telte.
For the Lord God is our sun and shield, and he gives us grace and honor. The Lord doesn't hold back anything good from those who do right.
12 Thi Gud HERREN er Sol og Skjold, HERREN giver Naade og Ære; dem, der vandrer i Uskyld, nægter han intet godt. Hærskarers HERRE, salig er den, der stoler paa dig!
Lord Almighty, how happy are those who trust in you.

< Salme 84 >