< Salme 82 >

1 En Salme af Asaf. Gud staar frem i Guders Forsamling, midt iblandt Guder holder han Dom:
A Melody of Asaph. God, hath taken his place in the august assembly, In the midst of the gods, will he judge.
2 »Hvor længe vil I dømme uredeligt og holde med de gudløse? (Sela)
How long will ye judge perversely, And, the countenances of the lawless, uplift? (Selah)
3 Skaf de ringe og faderløse Ret, kend de arme og nødstedte fri;
Vindicate the weak and the fatherless, The oppressed and the poor, see righted;
4 red de ringe og fattige, fri dem ud af de gudløses Haand!
Deliver the weak and the needy, Out of the hand of the lawless, make rescue.
5 Dog, de kender intet, sanser intet, i Mørke vandrer de om, alle Jordens Grundvolde vakler.
They know not, neither can they perceive, In darkness, they wander, All the foundations of the earth do shake.
6 Jeg har sagt, at I er Guder, I er alle den Højestes Sønner;
I, said, Gods, ye are, Yea, sons of the Highest, are ye all;
7 dog skal I dø som Mennesker, styrte som en af Fyrsterne!«
But indeed, like the earth-born, shall ye die! And, like one of the princes, shall ye fall!
8 Rejs dig, o Gud, døm Jorden, thi alle Folkene faar du til Arv!
Arise! O God, judge thou the earth, For, thou, wilt inherit all the nations.

< Salme 82 >