< Salme 8 >
1 Til Sangmesteren. Al-haggittit. En Salme af David.
For the leader: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by a stringed instrument. Lord our God! How glorious in all the earth is your name! Your praise reaches as high as the heavens,
2 HERRE, vor Herre, hvor herligt er dit Navn paa den vide Jord, du, som bredte din Højhed ud over Himlen!
from the mouths of children and infants. You have built a fortress against your enemies, to silence the foe and the rebel.
3 Af spædes og diendes Mund har du rejst dig et Værn for dine Modstanderes Skyld, for at bringe til Tavshed Fjende og Hævner.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set there,
4 Naar jeg ser din Himmel, dine Fingres Værk, Maanen og Stjernerne, som du skabte,
what are mortals, that you think of them, humans, that you visit them?
5 hvad er da et Menneske, at du kommer ham i Hu, et Menneskebarn, at du tager dig af ham?
Yet you made them little less than divine, crowned them with glory and majesty,
6 Du gjorde ham lidet ringere end Gud, med Ære og Herlighed kroned du ham;
made them lord of the works of your hands, put all things under their feet –
7 du satte ham over dine Hænders Værk, alt lagde du under hans Fødder,
sheep and oxen, all of them; and the wild beasts also:
8 Smaakvæg og Okser til Hobe, ja, Markens vilde Dyr,
birds of the air, and fish of the sea, and all that crosses the paths of the ocean.
9 Himlens Fugle og Havets Fisk, alt, hvad der farer ad Havenes Stier. HERRE, vor Herre, hvor herligt er dit Navn paa den vide Jord!
Lord our God! How glorious in all the earth is your name!