< Salme 76 >
1 Til Sangmesteren. Med Strengespil. En Salme af Asaf. En Sang.
For the end, among the Hymns, a Psalm for Asaph; a Song for the Assyrian. God is known in Judea: his name is great in Israel.
2 Gud er kendt i Juda, hans Navn er stort i Israel,
And his place has been in peace, and his dwelling-place in Sion.
3 i Salem er hans Hytte, hans Bolig er paa Zion.
There he broke the power of the bows, the shield, and the sword, and the battle. (Pause)
4 Der brød han Buens Lyn, Skjold og Sværd og Krigsværn. (Sela)
You do wonderfully shine forth from the everlasting mountains.
5 Frygtelig var du, herlig paa de evige Bjerge.
All the simple ones in heart were troubled; all the men of wealth have slept their sleep, and have found nothing in their hands.
6 De tapre gjordes til Bytte, i Dvale sank de, og Kraften svigted alle de stærke Kæmper.
At your rebuke, O God of Jacob, the riders on horses slumbered.
7 Jakobs Gud, da du trued, faldt Vogn og Hest i den dybe Søvn.
You are terrible; and who shall withstand you, because of your anger?
8 Frygtelig er du! Hvo holder Stand mod dig i din Vredes Vælde?
You did cause judgment to be heard from heaven; the earth feared, and was still,
9 Fra Himlen fældte du Dom, Jorden grued og tav,
when God arose to judgment, to save all the meek in heart. (Pause)
10 da Gud stod op til Dom for at frelse hver ydmyg paa Jord. (Sela)
For the inward thought of man shall give thanks to you: and the memorial of his inward thought shall keep a feast to you.
11 Thi Folkestammer skal takke dig, de sidste af Stammerne fejre dig.
Vow, and pay [your vows] to the Lord our God; all that are round about him shall bring gifts, [even] to him that is terrible,
12 Aflæg Løfter og indfri dem for HERREN eders Gud, alle omkring ham skal bringe den Frygtindgydende Gaver. Han kuer Fyrsternes Mod, indgyder Jordens Konger Frygt.
and that takes away the spirits of princes; to him that is terrible among the kings of the earth.