< Salme 7 >

1 En Sjiggajon af David, som han sang for HERREN i anledning af Benjaminiten Kusj's Ord.
A Psalm of David, which he sang to the Lord because of the words of Chusi the Benjamite. O Lord my God, in you have I trusted: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me.
2 HERRE min Gud, jeg lider paa dig, frels mig og fri mig fra hver min Forfølger,
Lest at any time [the enemy] seize my soul as a lion, while there is none to ransom, nor to save.
3 at han ej som en Løve skal rive mig sønder, bortrive, uden at nogen befrier.
O Lord my God, if I have done this; (if there is unrighteousness in my hands; )
4 HERRE min Gud, har jeg handlet saa, er der Uret i mine Hænder,
if I have requited with evil those who requited me [with good]; may I then perish empty by means of my enemies.
5 har jeg voldet dem ondt, der holdt Fred med mig, uden Aarsag gjort mine Fjender Men,
Let the enemy persecute my soul, an take it; and let him trample my life on the ground, and lay my glory in the dust. (Pause)
6 saa forfølge og indhente Fjenden min Sjæl, han træde mit Liv til Jorden og kaste min Ære i Støvet. (Sela)
Arise, O Lord, in your wrath; be exalted in the utmost boundaries of mine enemies: awake, O Lord my God, according to the decree which you did command.
7 HERRE, staa op i din Vrede, rejs dig imod mine Fjenders Fnysen, vaagn op, min Gud, du sætte Retten!
And the congregation of the nations shall compass you: and for this cause do you return on high.
8 Lad Folkeflokken samles om dig, tag Sæde over den hist i det høje!
The Lord shall judge the nations: judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to my innocence that is in me.
9 HERREN dømmer Folkeslag. Mig dømme du, HERRE, efter min Retfærd og Uskyld!
Oh let the wickedness of sinners come to an end; and [then] you shall direct the righteous, O God that search the hearts and reins.
10 Paa gudløses Ondskab gøre du Ende, støt den retfærdige, du, som prøver Hjerter og Nyrer, retfærdige Gud.
My help is righteous, [coming] from God who saves the upright in heart.
11 Mit Skjold er hos Gud, han frelser de oprigtige af Hjertet;
God is a righteous judge, and strong, and patient, not inflicting vengeance every day.
12 retfærdig som Dommer er Gud, en Gud, der hver Dag vredes.
If you will not repent, he will furbish his sword; he has bent his bow, and made it ready.
13 Visselig hvæsser han atter sit Sværd, han spænder sin Bue og sigter;
And on it he has fitted the instruments of death; he has completed his arrows for the raging ones.
14 men mod sig selv har han rettet de dræbende Vaaben, gjort sine Pile til brændende Pile.
Behold, he has travailed with unrighteousness, he has conceived trouble, and brought forth iniquity.
15 Se, han undfanger Tomhed, svanger med Ulykke føder han Blændværk;
He has opened a pit, and dug it up, and he shall fall into the ditch which he has made.
16 han grov en Grube, han huled den ud, men faldt i den Grav, han gjorde.
His trouble shall return on his own head, and his unrighteousness shall come down on his own crown.
17 Ulykken falder ned paa hans Hoved, hans Uret rammer hans egen Isse. Jeg vil takke HERREN for hans Retfærd, lovsynge HERREN den Højestes Navn.
I will give thanks to the Lord according to his righteousness; I will sing to the name of the Lord most high.

< Salme 7 >