< Salme 64 >

1 Til Sangmesteren. En Salme af David.
For the Leader. A Psalm of David. Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint; preserve my life from the terror of the enemy.
2 Hør, o Gud, min Røst, naar jeg klager, skærm mit Liv mod den rædsomme Fjende;
Hide me from the council of evil-doers; from the tumult of the workers of iniquity;
3 skjul mig for Ugerningsmændenes Raad, for Udaadsmændenes travle Hob,
Who have whet their tongue like a sword, and have aimed their arrow, a poisoned word;
4 der hvæsser Tungen som Sværd, lægger giftige Ord paa Buen
That they may shoot in secret places at the blameless; suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not.
5 for i Løn at ramme den skyldfri, ramme ham brat og uset.
They encourage one another in an evil matter; they converse of laying snares secretly; they ask, who would see them.
6 Ihærdigt lægger de onde Raad, skryder af, at de lægger Snarer, siger: »Hvem skulde se os?«
They search out iniquities, they have accomplished a diligent search; even in the inward thought of every one, and the deep heart.
7 De udtænker onde Gerninger, fuldfører en gennemtænkt Tanke — og Menneskets Indre og Hjerte er dybt.
But God doth shoot at them with an arrow suddenly; thence are their wounds.
8 Da rammer Gud dem med en Pil, af Slaget rammes de brat;
So they make their own tongue a stumbling unto themselves; all that see them shake the head.
9 han styrter dem for deres Tunges Skyld. Enhver, som ser dem, ryster paa Hovedet;
And all men fear; and they declare the work of God, and understand His doing.
10 alle Mennesker frygter, forkynder, hvad Gud har gjort, og fatter hans Hænders Gerning; de retfærdige glædes i HERREN og lider paa ham, de oprigtige af Hjertet jubler til Hobe!
The righteous shall be glad in the LORD, and shall take refuge in Him; and all the upright in heart shall glory.

< Salme 64 >