< Salme 57 >
1 Til Sangmesteren. Al-tasjhet. Af David. En Miktam, da han flygtede ind i Hulen for Saul.
God, be merciful to me! Act mercifully toward me because I come to you to protect me. I ask you to protect me [like little birds are protected under their mother’s] wings [MET] until the storm/danger is ended.
2 Vær mig naadig, Gud, vær mig naadig, thi hos dig har min Sjæl søgt Ly; i dine Vingers Skygge søger jeg Ly, til Ulykken er drevet over.
God, you who are greater than all other gods, I cry out to you, the one who enables me to do all that you desire.
3 Gud, den Højeste, paakalder jeg, den Gud, der gør vel imod mig;
You will answer me from heaven and rescue me, but you will cause those who oppress me to be [defeated and] disgraced! (Think about that!) God will [always] faithfully love me and (will be faithful/will do what he promises).
4 han sender mig Hjælp fra Himlen og frelser min Sjæl fra dem, som vil mig til Livs. Gud sender sin Naade og Trofasthed.
[Sometimes] I am surrounded by [my enemies who are like] lions that [kill] humans; [they are like] lions that chew with their teeth [animals that they kill]; but my enemies have spears and arrows, not teeth; and [the false things that] they say [MTY] [hurt people as much as] sharp swords [hurt people] [MET].
5 Jeg maa ligge midt iblandt Løver, bo mellem Folk, der spyr Ild, hvis Tænder er Spyd og Pile, hvis Tunge er hvas som et Sværd.
God, show in the heavens that you are very great! And show your glory to people all over the earth!
6 Løft dig, o Gud, over Himlen, din Herlighed være over al Jorden!
[It is as if] [MET, HYP] my enemies spread a net to seize me, and I became very distressed [IDM]. [It is as if] [MET, HYP] they dug a deep pit along the path where I walk, but they themselves fell into it!
7 Et Net har de udspændt for mine Skridt, deres egen Fod skal hildes deri; en Grav har de gravet foran mig, selv skal de falde deri. (Sela)
God, I have complete confidence [DOU] in you. I will sing to you, and I will praise you while I sing.
8 Mit Hjerte er trøstigt, Gud, mit Hjerte er trøstigt; jeg vil synge og lovprise dig,
I will awaken myself; I will arise before the sun rises and [praise you while I play] my harp or my (lyre/small harp).
9 vaagn op, min Ære! Harpe og Citer vaagn op, jeg vil vække Morgenrøden.
Lord, I will thank you among [all] the people; and I will sing to praise you among [many] ethnic groups,
10 Jeg vil takke dig, Herre, blandt Folkeslag, prise dig blandt Folkefærd;
because your faithful love for us is [as great as the distance from the earth] to the sky, and because your (faithfulness/faithfully doing what you promise) is [as great as the distance] up to the clouds [MET].
11 thi din Miskundhed naar til Himlen, din Sandhed til Skyerne. Løft dig, o Gud, over Himlen, din Herlighed være over al Jorden!
God, show in the heavens that you are very great! And show your glory [to people] all over the earth!