< Salme 53 >

1 Til Sangmesteren. Al-mahalat. En Maskil af David.
For the leader. On mahalath. A maskil of David. Fools say in their heart, ‘There is no God.’ Vile, hateful their life is; not one does good.
2 Daarerne siger i Hjertet: »Der er ingen Gud!« Slet og afskyeligt handler de, ingen gør godt.
From heaven God looks out on humans, to see if any are wise, and care for God.
3 Gud skuer ned fra Himlen paa Menneskenes Børn for at se, om der findes en forstandig, nogen, der søger Gud.
But all have turned bad, the taint is on all; not one does good, no, not one.
4 Afveget er alle, til Hobe fordærvede, ingen gør godt, end ikke een.
Have they learned their lesson, those workers of evil? Who ate up my people, eating, devouring, never calling to the Lord.
5 Er de Udaadsmænd da uden Forstand, de, der æder mit Folk, som aad de Brød, og ikke paakalder Gud?
Sore afraid will they be, where no fear was; when God scatters the bones of the godless people. They will be put to shame, when God rejects them.
6 Af Rædsel gribes de da, hvor ingen Rædsel var; thi Gud adsplitter din Belejrers Ben; de bliver til Skamme, thi Gud forkaster dem. Ak, kom dog fra Zion Israels Frelse! Naar Gud vender sit Folks Skæbne, skal Jakob juble, Israel glædes.
If only help from Zion would come for Israel! When God brings his people a change of fortune, how glad will be Jacob, and Israel how joyful!

< Salme 53 >