< Salme 36 >
1 Til Sangmesteren. Af HERRENS Tjener David.
For the music director. A psalm of David, servant of the Lord. Evil speaks to the wicked, deep down in their minds, for in their eyes they have no need to respect God.
2 Synden taler til den gudløse inde i hans Hjerte; Gudsfrygt har han ikke for Øje;
In their own eyes they're so wonderful that they can't even see their sin and do something about it.
3 thi den smigrer ham frækt og siger, at ingen skal finde hans Brøde og hade ham.
Whatever they say is deceptive and deceitful. They no longer do anything wisely or for good.
4 Hans Munds Ord er Uret og Svig, han har ophørt at handle klogt og godt;
Even when they're lying in bed they think up evil schemes. They commit themselves to a way of life that is no good. They choose evil, and don't reject it.
5 paa sit Leje udtænker han Uret, han træder en Vej, som ikke er god; det onde afskyr han ikke.
Lord, your faithful love reaches to the heavens, your trustworthiness to the clouds.
6 HERRE, din Miskundhed rækker til Himlen, din Trofasthed naar til Skyerne,
Your goodness is like the highest mountains, your fairness is like the deepest oceans. Lord, you save both the people and the animals.
7 din Retfærd er som Guds Bjerge, dine Domme som det store Dyb; HERRE, du frelser Folk og Fæ,
God, how priceless is your trustworthy love! Everyone can find protection under the shelter of your wings.
8 hvor dyrebar er dog din Miskundhed, Gud! Og Menneskebørnene skjuler sig i dine Vingers Skygge;
They gain strength from the wonderful food you provide in your house; you give them drink from your refreshing river.
9 de kvæges ved dit Huses Fedme, du læsker dem af din Lifligheds Strøm;
You are the source of life; you are the light by which we see.
10 thi hos dig er Livets Kilde, i dit Lys skuer vi Lys!
Extend your trustworthy love to those who know you, and your goodness to those who truly live right.
11 Lad din Miskundhed blive over dem, der kender dig, din Retfærd over de oprigtige af Hjertet.
Don't let the arrogant trample me down; don't let the wicked drive me out.
12 Lad Hovmods Fod ej træde mig ned, gudløses Haand ej jage mig bort. Se, Udaadsmændene falder, slaas ned, saa de ikke kan rejse sig.
Now look! See how those who do evil have fallen—thrown down, unable to get up.