< Salme 30 >
1 En Salme. En Sang ved Husets Indvielse. Af David. HERRE, jeg ophøjer dig, thi du bjærgede mig, lod ej mine Fjender glæde sig over mig;
A psalm of David. A psalm for the dedication of the Temple. I want to tell everyone how good you are, Lord, for you saved me, and you didn't let my enemies triumph over me.
2 HERRE min Gud, jeg raabte til dig, og du helbredte mig.
Lord, my God, I called out to you for help, and you have healed me.
3 Fra Dødsriget, HERRE, drog du min Sjæl, kaldte mig til Live af Gravens Dyb. (Sheol )
Lord, you rescued me from the grave, you brought me back to life, saving me from going down into the pit of death. (Sheol )
4 Lovsyng HERREN, I hans fromme, pris hans hellige Navn!
You who trust the Lord, sing praises to him, and be thankful for his holy character!
5 Thi et Øjeblik varer hans Vrede, Livet igennem hans Naade; om Aftenen gæster os Graad, om Morgenen Frydesang.
For his anger only lasts a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime. You may spend the night in tears, but happiness comes with the morning.
6 Jeg tænkte i min Tryghed: »Jeg rokkes aldrig i Evighed!«
When things were going well, I said, “Nothing will ever shake me!”
7 HERRE, i Naade havde du fæstnet mit Bjerg; du skjulte dit Aasyn, jeg blev forfærdet.
Lord, when you showed me your favor I stood as strong as a mountain; when you turned away from me I was terrified.
8 Jeg raabte, HERRE, til dig, og tryglende bad jeg til HERREN:
I called out to you for help, Lord. I asked the Lord for grace, saying,
9 »Hvad Vinding har du af mit Blod, af at jeg synker i Graven? Kan Støv mon takke dig, raabe din Trofasthed ud?
What would you gain if I die, if I go down into the pit of death? Would my dust praise you? Would it tell of your trustworthiness?
10 HERRE, hør og vær naadig, HERRE, kom mig til Hjælp!«
Please listen to me, Lord, and be gracious to me! Lord, you are the one who helps me.
11 Du vendte min Sorg til Dans, løste min Sørgedragt, hylled mig i Glæde,
You have turned my weeping into dancing. You have taken off my clothes of sackcloth and dressed me in happiness,
12 at min Ære skal prise dig uden Ophør. HERRE min Gud, jeg vil takke dig evigt!
so I can sing praises to you and not keep quiet. Lord my God, I will thank you forever!