< Salme 17 >
1 En Bøn af David. HERRE, hør en retfærdig Sag, lyt til min Klage, laan Øre til Bøn fra svigløse Læber!
Yahweh, listen to me while I plead with you to act justly toward me. Hear me while I call out to you to help me. Pay attention to what I say while I pray because I am speaking [MTY] honestly/truthfully.
2 Fra dig skal min Ret udgaa, thi hvad ret er, ser dine Øjne.
You are the one who is able to declare that I (am innocent/have not done anything that was wrong) because you see/know that I am telling the truth.
3 Prøv mit Hjerte, se efter om Natten, ransag mig, du finder ej Svig hos mig.
You know what I think, [even] at night; you have examined what I say and do, and you know that I have determined to never tell any lies.
4 Ej synded min Mund, hvad end Mennesker gjorde; ved dine Læbers Ord vogted jeg mig for Voldsmænds Veje;
I have not done like others do; I have always done what is right [IDM], and I have not acted cruelly toward others.
5 mine Skridt har holdt dine Spor, jeg vaklede ej paa min Gang.
I have always done what you told me to do [IDM], I have (never failed to do/always done) [LIT] those things.
6 Jeg raaber til dig, thi du svarer mig, Gud, bøj Øret til mig, hør paa mit Ord!
O God, I pray to you because you answer me; please listen [MTY] to what I am saying.
7 Vis dig underfuldt naadig, du Frelser for dem, der tyr til din højre for Fjender!
Show me that you faithfully love me. By your great power [MTY] rescue those who (run to/trust in) you to protect them from their enemies.
8 Vogt mig som Øjestenen, skjul mig i dine Vingers Skygge
Protect me as people carefully protect their own eyes; protect me like [birds] protect [their babies] under their wings [MET].
9 for gudløse, der øver Vold imod mig, glubske Fjender, som omringer mig;
Do not allow wicked people to attack me; my enemies surround me, wanting to kill me.
10 de har lukket deres Hjerte med Fedt, deres Mund fører Hovmodstale.
They never pity [IDM] anyone, and they are always boasting.
11 De omringer os, overalt hvor vi gaar, de sigter paa at slaa os til Jorden.
They have hunted/searched for me and found me. They surround me, watching for an opportunity to throw me to the ground.
12 De er som den rovgridske Løve, den unge Løve, der ligger paa Lur.
They are like lions [SIM] that are ready to tear apart the animals that they capture; they are like young lions that are hiding, waiting to pounce [on their prey].
13 Rejs dig, HERRE, træd ham i Møde, kast ham til Jorden, fri med dit Sværd min Sjæl fra den gudløses Vold,
Yahweh, come and (oppose/fight against) my enemies and defeat them! Use your sword to save me from those wicked people!
14 fra Mændene, HERRE, med din Haand, fra dødelige Mænd — lad dem faa deres Del i levende Live! Fyld deres Bug med dit Forraad af Vrede, lad Børnene mættes dermed og efterlade deres Børn, hvad de levner!
Yahweh, by your power [MTY] rescue me from those people who are interested [only] in things here in this world. But you provide plenty of food for those whom you love dearly; their children also have many things that their grandchildren will inherit.
15 Men jeg skal i Retfærd skue dit Aasyn, mættes ved din Skikkelse, naar jeg vaagner.
Yahweh, because I act righteously, I will [some day] see you [SYN]. When I awake, I will see you face-to-face, and then I will be happy.