< Salme 135 >
1 Halleluja! Pris HERRENS Navn, pris det, I HERRENS Tjenere,
Praise Yahweh! You who (do work for/serve) Yahweh, praise him!
2 som staar i HERRENS Hus, i vor Guds Huses Forgaarde!
You who stand in the temple of Yahweh our God and in the surrounding courtyard, praise him [MTY]!
3 Pris HERREN, thi god er HERREN, lovsyng hans Navn, thi lifligt er det.
Praise Yahweh, because he does good things [for us]; sing to him [MTY], because he is kind [to us].
4 Thi HERREN udvalgte Jakob, Israel til sin Ejendom.
He has chosen [us, the descendants of] Jacob; he has chosen [us] Israelis to belong to him [DOU].
5 Ja, jeg ved, at HERREN er stor, vor Herre er større end alle Guder.
I know that Yahweh is great; he is greater than all the gods.
6 HERREN gør alt, hvad han vil, i Himlene og paa Jorden, i Have og alle Verdensdyb.
Yahweh does whatever he desires to do, in heaven and on the earth and in the seas/oceans, [down] to the bottom of the seas.
7 Han lader Skyer stige op fra Jordens Ende, faar Lynene til at give Regn, sender Stormen ud fra sine Forraadskamre;
He is the one who causes clouds to appear from very distant places on the earth; he sends lightning with the rain, and he brings the winds from the places where he stores them.
8 han, som slog Ægyptens førstefødte, baade Mennesker og Kvæg,
He is the one who killed [all] the firstborn [males] in Egypt, the firstborn of people and of animals.
9 og sendte Tegn og Undere i din Midte, Ægypten, mod Farao og alle hans Folk;
There he performed many kinds of miracles [DOU] to punish the king and all his officials.
10 han, som fældede store Folk og vog saa mægtige Konger,
He destroyed many nations and the powerful kings [who ruled them]:
11 Amoriternes Konge Sihon og Basans Konge Og og alle Kana'ans Riger
Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group, and Og, the king of Bashan [region], and all the other kings in Canaan [land].
12 og gav deres Land i Eje, i Eje til Israel, hans Folk.
Then he gave their land to [us] Israeli people to belong to us [forever].
13 HERRE, dit Navn er evigt, din Ihukommelse, HERRE, fra Slægt til Slægt,
Yahweh your name will endure forever, and people who are not yet born will remember the great things [that you have done].
14 thi Ret skaffer HERREN sit Folk og ynkes over sine Tjenere.
Yahweh, [you] declare that we your people (are innocent/have not done things that are wrong), and you are merciful to us.
15 Folkenes Billeder er Sølv og Guld, Værk af Menneskehænder;
But the idols that the [other] people-groups [worship] are only [statues made of] silver and gold, things that humans have made.
16 de har Mund, men taler ikke, Øjne, men ser dog ej;
Their idols have mouths, but they cannot say [anything]; they have eyes, but they cannot see [anything].
17 de har Ører, men hører ikke, ej heller er der Aande i deres Mund.
They have ears, but they cannot hear [anything], and they are not [even able to] breathe.
18 Som dem skal de, der laved dem, blive enhver, som stoler paa dem.
The people who make those idols are as [powerless as] those idols, and those who trust in those idols [can accomplish no more than] their idols can!
19 Lov HERREN, Israels Hus, lov HERREN, Arons Hus,
[My fellow] Israelis, praise Yahweh! You [priests] who are descended from Aaron, praise Yahweh!
20 lov HERREN, Levis Hus, lov HERREN, I, som frygter HERREN!
You [men] who are descended from Levi, [you who assist the priests], praise Yahweh! [All] you who revere Yahweh, praise him!
21 Fra Zion være HERREN lovet, han, som bor i Jerusalem!
Praise Yahweh in [the temple on] Zion [Hill] in Jerusalem, where he lives! Praise Yahweh!