< Salme 12 >

1 Til Sangmesteren. Efter den ottende. En Salme af David.
Yahweh, help us! [It seems that] people who are loyal to you have all vanished.
2 HERRE, hjælp, thi de fromme er borte, svundet er Troskab blandt Menneskens Børn;
Everyone tells lies to other people; they deceive others by (flattering them/saying good things about them that they know are not true).
3 de taler Løgn, den ene til den anden, med svigefulde Læber og tvedelt Hjerte.
Yahweh, we wish that you would cut off their tongues so that they cannot continue to boast.
4 Hver svigefuld Læbe udrydde HERREN, den Tunge, der taler store Ord,
They say, “By telling lies we will get what we want; we control what we say [MTY], so no one can tell us what we should not do!”
5 dem, som siger: »Vor Tunge gør os stærke, vore Læber er med os, hvo er vor Herre?«
But Yahweh replies, “I have seen the violent things that they have done to helpless people; and I have heard those people groaning, so I will arise and rescue the people who are wanting me to help them.”
6 »For armes Nød og fattiges Suk vil jeg nu staa op«, siger HERREN, »jeg frelser den, som man blæser ad.«
Yahweh, you always do what you have promised to do; what you have promised is [as precious and pure as] silver that has been heated seven times in a furnace [to get rid of all the] impure material.
7 HERRENS Ord er rene Ord, det pure, syvfold lutrede Sølv.
Wicked people strut around [proudly], and people praise them for doing vile/wicked deeds, but Yahweh, [we know that] you will protect/rescue us from those wicked people.
8 HERRE, du vogter os, værner os evigt mod denne Slægt. De gudløse færdes frit overalt, naar Skarn ophøjes blandt Menneskens Børn.

< Salme 12 >