< Salme 116 >

1 Halleluja! Jeg elsker HERREN, thi han hører min Røst, min tryglende Bøn,
I love that the LORD should hear my voice and my supplications.
2 ja, han bøjed sit Øre til mig, jeg paakaldte HERRENS Navn.
Because He hath inclined His ear unto me, therefore will I call upon Him all my days.
3 Dødens Baand omspændte mig, Dødsrigets Angster greb mig, i Trængsel og Nød var jeg stedt. (Sheol h7585)
The cords of death compassed me, and the straits of the nether-world got hold upon me; I found trouble and sorrow. (Sheol h7585)
4 Jeg paakaldte HERRENS Navn: »Ak, HERRE, frels min Sjæl!«
But I called upon the name of the LORD: 'I beseech thee, O LORD, deliver my soul.'
5 Naadig er HERREN og retfærdig, barmhjertig, det er vor Gud;
Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yea, our God is compassionate.
6 HERREN vogter enfoldige, jeg var ringe, dog frelste han mig.
The LORD preserveth the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.
7 Vend tilbage, min Sjæl, til din Ro, thi HERREN har gjort vel imod dig!
Return, O my soul, unto Thy rest; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.
8 Ja, han fried min Sjæl fra Døden, mit Øje fra Graad, min Fod fra Fald.
For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling.
9 Jeg vandrer for HERRENS Aasyn udi de levendes Land;
I shall walk before the LORD in the lands of the living.
10 jeg troede, derfor talte jeg, saare elendig var jeg,
I trusted even when I spoke: 'I am greatly afflicted.'
11 sagde saa i min Angst: »Alle Mennesker lyver!«
I said in my haste: 'All men are liars.'
12 Hvorledes skal jeg gengælde HERREN alle hans Velgerninger mod mig?
How can I repay unto the LORD all His bountiful dealings toward me?
13 Jeg vil løfte Frelsens Bæger og paakalde HERRENS Navn.
I will lift up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD.
14 Jeg vil indfri HERREN mine Løfter i Paasyn af alt hans Folk.
My vows will I pay unto the LORD, yea, in the presence of all His people.
15 Kostbar i HERRENS Øjne er hans frommes Død.
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.
16 Ak, HERRE, jeg er jo din Tjener, din Tjener, din Tjenerindes Søn, mine Lænker har du løst.
I beseech Thee, O LORD, for I am Thy servant; I am Thy servant, the son of Thy handmaid; Thou hast loosed my bands.
17 Jeg vil ofre dig Lovprisningsoffer og paakalde HERRENS Navn;
I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.
18 mine Løfter vil jeg indfri HERREN i Paasyn af alt hans Folk
I will pay my vows unto the LORD, yea, in the presence of all His people;
19 i HERRENS Hus's Forgaarde og i din Midte, Jerusalem!
In the courts of the LORD'S house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Hallelujah.

< Salme 116 >