< Salme 112 >
1 Halleluja! Salig er den, der frygter HERREN og ret har Lyst til hans Bud!
Praise the Lord! Happy are those who respect the Lord, who love to do what he says!
2 Hans Æt bliver mægtig paa Jord, den Oprigtiges Slægt velsignes;
Their descendants will prosper in the land; the children of those who do good will be blessed.
3 Velstand og Rigdom er i hans Hus, hans Retfærdighed varer evindelig.
Their families will be wealthy; the good they do has eternal results.
4 For den oprigtige oprinder Lys i Mørke; han er mild, barmhjertig, retfærdig.
Light shines in the darkness for those who live right, for those who are gracious, compassionate, and good.
5 Salig den, der ynkes og laaner ud og styrer sine Sager med Ret;
Good things come to those who are generous in their lending and are honest in doing business.
6 thi han rokkes aldrig i Evighed, den retfærdige ihukommes for evigt;
They will never fall. Those who live right won't be forgotten.
7 han frygter ikke for onde Tidender, hans Hjerte er trøstigt i Tillid til HERREN;
They aren't afraid of bad news because they rely totally on the Lord.
8 fast er hans Hjerte og uden Frygt, indtil han skuer sine Fjender med Fryd;
They are confident and brave, and see their enemies defeated.
9 til fattige deler han rundhaandet ud, hans Retfærdighed varer evindelig; med Ære løfter hans Horn sig.
They share generously, giving to the poor; the good they do has eternal results. They are greatly respected.
10 Den gudløse ser det og græmmer sig, skærer Tænder og gaar til Grunde; de gudløses Attraa bliver til intet.
The wicked observe all this and are mad; they gnash their teeth in anger. They waste away, and all that they hoped for comes to nothing.