< Salme 101 >

1 Af David. En Salme. Om Naade og Ret vil jeg synge, dig vil jeg lovsynge, Herre.
A Psalm of David himself. I will sing mercy and judgment to you, O Lord. I will sing psalms.
2 Jeg vil agte paa uskyldiges Vej, naar den viser sig for mig, vandre i Hjertets Uskyld bag Hjemmets Vægge,
And I will have understanding within the immaculate way, when you will draw near to me. I wandered about in the innocence of my heart, in the midst of my house.
3 paa Niddingsdaad lader jeg aldrig mit Øje hvile. Jeg hader den, der gør ondt, han er ej i mit Følge;
I will not display any unjust thing before my eyes. I have hated those carrying out betrayals.
4 det falske Hjerte maa holde sig fra mig, den onde kender jeg ikke;
The perverse heart did not adhere to me. And the malignant, who turned away before me, I would not recognize.
5 den, der sværter sin Næste, udrydder jeg; den opblæste og den hovmodige taaler jeg ikke.
The one who secretly detracted his neighbor, this one I pursued. The one with an arrogant eye and an insatiable heart, with that one I would not eat.
6 Til Landets trofaste søger mit Øje, hos mig skal de bo; den, der vandrer uskyldiges Vej, skal være min Tjener;
My eyes looked toward the faithful of the earth, to sit with me. The one walking in the immaculate way, this one ministered to me.
7 ingen, der øver Svig, skal bo i mit Hus, ingen, som farer med Løgn, bestaa for mit Øje.
He who has acted arrogantly will not dwell in the midst of my house. He who has spoken iniquity was not guided with the sight of my eyes.
8 Alle Landets gudløse gør jeg til intet hver Morgen for at udrydde alle Udaadsmænd af HERRENS By.
In the morning, I executed all the sinners of the earth, so that I might scatter all the workers of iniquity from the city of the Lord.

< Salme 101 >