< Ordsprogene 8 >

1 Mon ikke Visdommen kalder, løfter Indsigten ikke sin Røst?
It is as if wisdom, with great understanding [of many things], is calling [PRS] out [to people].
2 Oppe paa Høje ved Vejen, ved Korsveje træder den frem;
Wisdom stands on hilltops and at crossroads.
3 ved Porte, ved Byens Udgang, ved Dørenes Indgang raaber den:
[Wisdom also stands] at the city gates and shouts loudly,
4 Jeg kalder paa eder, I Mænd, løfter min Røst til Menneskens Børn.
“I am calling to everyone! I am shouting loudly to all people!
5 I tankeløse, vind jer dog Klogskab, I Taaber, saa faa dog Forstand!
You people who do not know how to do things that are smart to do, get sound judgment; you foolish people, get good understanding!
6 Hør, thi jeg fører ædel Tale, aabner mine Læber med retvise Ord;
Listen to me, because I have some excellent/important things to say. What I say is what is fair/right.
7 ja, Sandhed taler min Gane, gudløse Læber er mig en Gru.
I speak what is true; I detest speaking [MTY] what is false/deceptive.
8 Rette er alle Ord af min Mund, intet er falskt eller vrangt;
Everything that I say is honest; there is nothing that I say that deceives [people].
9 de er alle ligetil for den kloge, retvise for dem der vandt Indsigt.
My words are clear to those who have good sense; those who are wise know that what I say is right.
10 Tag ved Lære, tag ikke mod Sølv, tag mod Kundskab fremfor udsøgt Guld;
[If someone offers you the kind of teaching I give] or offers you silver, choose my teaching. [If he offers to show you how to be wise] or offers you gold, choose to know how to be wise,
11 thi Visdom er bedre end Perler, ingen Skatte opvejer den.
because wisdom is more valuable than jewels. Nothing that you desire [is as valuable] as being wise.
12 Jeg, Visdom, er Klogskabs Nabo og raader over Kundskab og Kløgt.
I, wisdom, and understanding of what is smart to do, cannot be separated. We are like two people who live in the same house. I know how to be wise and how to make smart decisions.
13 HERRENS Frygt er Had til det onde. Jeg hader Hovmod og Stolthed, den onde Vej og den falske Mund.
[All the people] who revere Yahweh hate evil. I, wisdom, hate [people who are] proud and [people] who think they are more important [than others]. I hate [people who] behave in an evil way and those who say things to deceive [others].
14 Jeg ejer Raad og Visdom, jeg har Forstand, jeg har Styrke.
I give [people] good advice and I enable them to do things that are wise. I understand how things really are, and I am strong.
15 Ved mig kan Konger styre og Styresmænd give retfærdige Love;
When kings are wise, they rule [well]; and when rulers are wise, they make laws that are just/fair.
16 ved mig kan Fyrster raade og Stormænd dømme Jorden.
Rulers govern their people with the help of me, wisdom, and those who have authority decide things fairly/just with my help.
17 Jeg elsker dem, der elsker mig, og de, der søger mig, finder mig.
I, [wisdom], love [all] those who love me, and [all] those who truly seek me [will] find me.
18 Hos mig er der Rigdom og Ære, ældgammelt Gods og Retfærd.
I enable [people] to become rich and to be honored; [I enable them to have] wealth that will last and to be successful.
19 Min Frugt er bedre end Guld og Malme, min Afgrøde bedre end kosteligt Sølv.
What I can give people is more valuable than fine/pure gold and the best silver.
20 Jeg vandrer paa Retfærds Vej, midt hen ad Rettens Stier
I always do what is righteous and just/fair.
21 for at tildele dem, der elsker mig, Gods og fylde deres Forraadshuse.
I give wealth to those who love me; I fill their houses with valuable things.
22 Mig skabte HERREN først blandt sine Værker, i Urtid, førend han skabte andet;
Yahweh created me, [wisdom], when he began [to create the world]; he created me [to do my work] before he created anything else.
23 jeg blev frembragt i Evigheden, i Begyndelsen, i Jordens tidligste Tider;
He appointed me long ago, before he created the earth.
24 jeg fødtes, før Verdensdybet var til, før Kilderne, Vandenes Væld, var til;
I was born before the oceans were [created], when there were no springs from which water flowed.
25 førend Bjergene sænkedes, før Højene fødtes jeg,
I was born before the hills and mountains were formed;
26 førend han skabte Jord og Marker, det første af Jordsmonnets Støv.
[I, wisdom], was born before Yahweh made the earth, before he made the fields and the soil on the earth.
27 Da han grundfæsted Himlen, var jeg hos ham, da han satte Hvælv over Verdensdybet.
I was there when Yahweh put the sky in place, when he marked the place [in the distance] where the sky and the oceans [seem to] come together.
28 Da han fæstede Skyerne oventil og gav Verdensdybets Kilder deres faste Sted,
I was there when Yahweh put the clouds above [the earth] and when he caused the water that is inside the earth to be secure.
29 da han satte Havet en Grænse, at Vandene ej skulde bryde hans Lov, da han lagde Jordens Grundvold,
I was there when he fixed a boundary for the seas, so that the water in the seas would not go past those boundaries, and when he put down the foundations which support the earth.
30 da var jeg Fosterbarn hos ham, hans Glæde Dag efter Dag; for hans Aasyn leged jeg altid,
I was at the side of Yahweh, the master worker (OR, as though I was his child). I caused him to be happy every day, and I was always rejoicing when I was with him.
31 leged paa hans vide Jord og havde min Glæde af Menneskens Børn.
I was delighted with the world that he created; I was happy with the people whom he created, too.
32 Og nu, I Sønner, hør mig! Vel den, der vogter paa mine Veje!
So, [you people who are like] my sons, listen to me. [I am] pleased with [all] those who obey my teachings.
33 Hør paa Tugt og bliv vise, lad ikke haant derom!
Listen [carefully] to what I teach you and become wise. Do not reject my teaching!
34 Lykkelig den, der hører paa mig, saa han daglig vaager ved mine Døre og vogter paa mine Dørstolper.
[I am] pleased with those who listen to me, those who are outside my house every day, waiting [for me to come out].
35 Thi den, der finder mig; finder Liv og opnaar Yndest hos HERREN;
Those who find me will have [a long] life, and Yahweh [will] be pleased with them.
36 men den, som mister mig, skader sig selv; enhver, som hader mig, elsker Døden.
But those who stray away from me [just] harm themselves. All those who hate me, [it is as though] [IRO] they are loving death.”

< Ordsprogene 8 >