< Ordsprogene 29 >

1 Hvo Nakken gør stiv, skønt revset tit, han knuses brat uden Lægedom.
A reprover is better than a stiff-necked man: for when the latter is suddenly set on fire, there shall be no remedy.
2 Er der mange retfærdige, glædes Folket, men raader de gudløse, sukker Folket.
When the righteous are praised, the people will rejoice: but when the ungodly rule, men mourn.
3 Hvo Visdom elsker, glæder sin Fader, hvo Skøger omgaas, bortødsler Gods.
When a man loves wisdom, his father rejoices: but he that keeps harlots will waste wealth.
4 Kongen grundfæster Landet med Ret, en Udsuger lægger det øde.
A righteous king establishes a country: but a transgressor destroys [it].
5 Mand, der smigrer sin Næste, breder et Net for hans Fod.
He that prepares a net in the way of his own friend, entangles his own feet in it.
6 I sin Brøde hildes den onde, den retfærdige jubler af Glæde.
A great snare [is spread] for a sinner: but the righteous shall be in joy and gladness.
7 Den retfærdige kender de ringes Retssag; den gudløse skønner intet.
A righteous man knows how to judge for the poor: but the ungodly understands not knowledge; and the poor man has not an understanding mind.
8 Spottere ophidser Byen, men Vismænd, de stiller Vrede.
Lawless men burn down a city: but wise men turn away wrath.
9 Gaar Vismand i Rette med Daare, vredes og ler han, alt preller af.
A wise man shall judge nations: but a worthless man being angry laughs and fears not.
10 De blodtørstige hader lydefri Mand, de retsindige tager sig af ham.
Bloody men hate a holy [person], but the upright will seek his soul.
11 En Taabe slipper al sin Voldsomhed løs, Vismand stiller den omsider.
A fool utters all is mind: but the wise reserves his in part.
12 En Fyrste, som lytter til Løgnetale, faar lutter gudløse Tjenere.
When a king hearkens to unjust language, all his subjects are transgressors.
13 Fattigmand og Blodsuger mødes, HERREN giver begges Øjne Glans.
When the creditor and debtor meet together, the Lord oversees them both.
14 En Konge, der dømmer de ringe med Ret, hans Trone staar fast evindelig.
When a king judges the poor in truth, his throne shall be established for a testimony.
15 Ris og Revselse, det giver Visdom, uvorn Dreng gør sin Moder Skam.
Stripes and reproofs give wisdom: but an erring child disgraces his parents.
16 Bliver mange gudløse, tiltager Synd; retfærdige ser med Fryd deres Fald.
When the ungodly abound, sins abound: but when they fall, the righteous are warned.
17 Tugt din Søn, saa kvæger han dig og bringer din Sjæl, hvad der smager.
Chasten your son, and he shall give you rest; and he shall give honor to your soul.
18 Uden Syner forvildes et Folk; salig den, der vogter paa Loven.
There shall be no interpreter to a sinful nation: but he that observes the law is blessed.
19 Med Ord lader Træl sig ikke tugte, han fatter dem vel, men adlyder ikke.
A stubborn servant will not be reproved by words: for even if he understands, still he will not obey.
20 Ser du en Mand, der er hastig til Tale, for en Taabe er der snarere Haab end for ham.
If you see a man hasty in [his] words, know that the fool has hope rather than he.
21 Forvænner man sin Træl fra ung, vil han til sidst være Herre.
He that lives wantonly from a child, shall be a servant, and in the end shall grieve over himself.
22 Hidsig Mand vækker Strid, vredladen Mand gør megen Synd.
A furious man stirs up strife, and a passionate man digs up sin.
23 Et Menneskes Hovmod ydmyger ham, den ydmyge opnaar Ære.
Pride brings a man low, but the Lord upholds the humble-minded with honor.
24 Hæleren hader sit Liv, han hører Forbandelsen, men melder intet.
He that shares with a thief, hates his own soul: and if any having heard an oath uttered tell not of it,
25 Frygt for Mennesker leder i Snare, men den, der stoler paa HERREN, er bjærget.
[they] fearing and reverencing men [unreasonably] have been overthrown, but he that trusts in the Lord shall rejoice. Ungodliness causes a man to stumble: but he that trusts in his master shall be safe.
26 Mange søger en Fyrstes Gunst; Mands Ret er dog fra HERREN.
Many wait on the favor of rulers; but justice comes to a man from the Lord.
27 Urettens Mand er retfærdiges Gru, hvo redeligt vandrer, gudløses Gru.
A righteous man is an abomination to an unrighteous man, and the direct way is an abomination to the sinner.

< Ordsprogene 29 >