< Ordsprogene 20 >
1 En Spotter er Vinen, stærk Drik slaar sig løs, og ingen, som raver deraf, er viis.
Wine is a mocker, strong drink is noisy; and whosoever indulgeth therein will never be wise.
2 Som Løvebrøl er Rædslen, en Konge vækker, at vække hans Vrede er at vove sit Liv.
Like the roaring of a young lion is the dread of a king: whoso provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own soul.
3 Mands Ære er det at undgaa Trætte, men alle Taaber vil Strid.
It is an honor for a man to cease from a contest; but every fool enrageth himself.
4 Om Efteraaret pløjer den lade ikke, han søger i Høst, men finder intet.
Because it is winter's cold, will the sluggard not plough: when he therefore seeketh in the harvest time, there will be nothing.
5 Raad i Mands Hjerte er dybe Vande, men Mand med Indsigt drager det op.
Like deep water is counsel in the heart of man; but the man of understanding will draw it out.
6 Mangen kaldes en velvillig Mand, men hvem kan finde en trofast Mand?
Most men will proclaim every one his own kindness; but who can find a faithful man?
7 Retfærdig er den, som lydefrit vandrer, hans Sønner faar Lykke efter ham.
The righteous walketh in his integrity: happy will be his children after him.
8 Kongen, der sidder i Dommersædet, sigter alt ondt med sit Blik.
A king that sitteth on the throne of justice scattereth away with his eyes all evil.
9 Hvo kan sige: »Jeg rensed mit Hjerte, og jeg er ren for Synd!«
Who can say, I have made my heart pure, I am cleansed from my sin.
10 To Slags Vægt og to Slags Maal, begge Dele er HERREN en Gru.
Divers weights, and divers measures, are both of them alike an abomination of the Lord.
11 Selv Drengen kendes paa det, han gør, om han er ren og ret hans Færd.
Even a child maketh himself known by his doings, whether his work will be pure, and whether it will be upright.
12 Øret, der hører, og Øjet, der ser, HERREN skabte dem begge.
The ear that heareth, and the eye that seeth, the Lord hath made both of them alike.
13 Elsk ikke Søvn, at du ej bliver fattig, luk Øjnene op og bliv mæt.
Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty: open thy eyes, so wilt thou be satisfied with bread.
14 Køberen siger: »Usselt, usselt!« men skryder af Handelen, naar han gaar bort.
It is bad, it is bad, saith the buyer; but when he is gone his way, then doth he boast.
15 Har man end Guld og Perler i Mængde, kosteligst Smykke er Kundskabslæber.
There is gold, and a multitude of pearls; but a precious vessel are the lips of knowledge.
16 Tag hans Klæder, han borged for en anden, pant ham for fremmedes Skyld!
Take away his garment, because he hath become surety for a stranger; and on account of a strange woman take a pledge from him.
17 Sødt smager Løgnens Brød, bagefter fyldes Munden med Grus.
Bread of falsehood is pleasant to a man; but afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel-stones.
18 Planer, der lægges ved Raadslagning, lykkes; før Krig efter modent Overlæg!
Plans are established by counsel; and with wise reflection conduct war.
19 Bagtaleren røber, hvad ham er betroet, hav ej med en aabenmundet at gøre!
He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that enticeth with his lips.
20 Den, der bander Fader og Moder, i Bælgmørke gaar hans Lampe ud.
Whoso curseth his father or his mother—his lamp shall be quenched in obscure darkness.
21 Først haster man efter en Arv, men til sidst velsignes den ikke.
An inheritance hastily gotten at the beginning will at its end not be blessed,
22 Sig ikke: »Ondt vil jeg gengælde!« Bi paa HERREN, saa hjælper han dig.
Do not say, I will recompense evil; [but] wait on the Lord, and he will help thee.
23 To Slags Lodder er HERREN en Gru, det er ikke godt, at Vægten er falsk.
Divers weights are an abomination of the Lord; and a deceitful balance is not good.
24 Fra HERREN er Mands Fjed, hvor kan et Menneske fatte sin Skæbne!
From the Lord are the steps of man [ordained]; but man— how can he understand his own way?
25 Det er farligt at sige tankeløst: »Helligt!« og først efter Løftet tænke sig om.
It is a snare to a man to sanctify things hastily, and to make inquiry only after having made vows.
26 Viis Konge sigter de gudløse, lader Tærskehjul gaa over dem.
A wise king scattereth the wicked, and turneth over them the threshing-wheel.
27 Menneskets Aand er en HERRENS Lampe, den ransager alle hans Indres Kamre.
A lamp of the Lord is the soul of man, searching all the inner chambers of the body.
28 Godhed og Troskab vogter Kongen, han støtter sin Trone ved Retfærd.
Kindness and truth will watch over a king, and he will prop up through kindness his throne.
29 Unges Stolthed er deres Styrke, gamles Smykke er graanet Haar.
The ornament of young men is their strength; and the glory of old men is a hoary head.
30 Blodige Strimer renser den onde og Hug hans Indres Kamre.
The bruises of a wound are cleansing means for the bad, and stripes [will reach] the inner chambers of the body.