< Ordsprogene 14 >

1 Visdom bygger sig Hus, Daarskabs Hænder river det ned.
Wise women build houses: but a foolish one digs [hers] down with her hands.
2 Hvo redeligt vandrer, frygter HERREN, men den, som gaar Krogveje, agter ham ringe.
He that walks uprightly fears the Lord; but he that is perverse in his ways shall be dishonoured.
3 I Daarens Mund er Ris til hans Ryg, for de vise staar Læberne Vagt.
Out of the mouth of fools [comes] a rod of pride; but the lips of the wise preserve them.
4 Naar der ikke er Okser, er Laden tom, ved Tyrens Kraft bliver Høsten stor.
Where no oxen are, the cribs are clean; but where there is abundant produce, the strength of the ox is apparent.
5 Sanddru Vidne lyver ikke, det falske Vidne farer med Løgn.
A faithful witness does not lie; but an unjust witness kindles falsehoods.
6 Spotter søger Visdom, men finder den ikke, til Kundskab kommer forstandig let.
You shall seek wisdom with bad men, and shall not find it; but discretion is easily available with the prudent.
7 Gaa fra en Mand, som er en Taabe, der mærker du intet til Kundskabs Læber.
All things are adverse to a foolish man; but wise lips are the weapons of discretion.
8 Den kloge i sin Visdom er klar paa sin Vej, men Taabers Daarskab er Svig.
The wisdom of the prudent will understand their ways; but the folly of fools leads astray.
9 Med Daarer driver Skyldofret Spot, men Velvilje raader iblandt retsindige.
The houses of transgressors will need purification; but the houses of the just are acceptable.
10 Hjertet kender sin egen Kvide, fremmede blander sig ej i dets Glæde.
[If] a man's mind is intelligent, his soul is sorrowful; and when he rejoices, he has no fellowship with pride.
11 Gudløses Hus lægges øde, retsindiges Telt staar i Blomst.
The houses of ungodly men shall be utterly destroyed; but the tabernacles of them that walk uprightly shall stand.
12 Mangen Vej synes Manden ret, og saa er dens Ende dog Dødens Veje.
There is a way which seems to be right with men, but the ends of it reach to the depths of hell. (questioned)
13 Selv under Latter kan Hjertet lide, og Glædens Ende er Kummer.
Grief mingles not with mirth; and joy in the end comes to grief.
14 Af sine Veje mættes den frafaldne, af sine Gerninger den, som er god.
A stout-hearted [man] shall be filled with his own ways; and a good man with his own thoughts.
15 Den tankeløse tror hvert Ord, den kloge overtænker sine Skridt.
The simple believes every word: but the prudent man betakes himself to afterthought.
16 Den vise ængstes og skyr det onde, Taaben buser sorgløs paa.
A wise man fears, and departs from evil; but the fool trusts in himself, and joins himself with the transgressor.
17 Den hidsige bærer sig taabeligt ad, man hader rænkefuld Mand.
A passionate man acts inconsiderately; but a sensible man bears up under many things.
18 De tankeløse giver Daarskab i Arv, de kloge efterlader sig Kundskab.
Fools shall have mischief for their portion; but the prudent shall take fast hold of understanding.
19 Onde maa bukke for gode, gudløse staa ved retfærdiges Døre.
Evil men shall fall before the good; and the ungodly shall attend at the gates of the righteous.
20 Fattigmand hades endog af sin Ven, men Rigmands Venner er mange.
Friends will hate poor friends; but the friends of the rich are many.
21 Den, der foragter sin Næste, synder, lykkelig den, der har Medynk med arme.
He that dishonours the needy sins: but he that has pity on the poor is most blessed.
22 De, som virker ondt, farer visselig vild; de, som virker godt, finder Naade og Trofasthed.
They that go astray devise evils: but the good devise mercy and truth. The framers of evil do not understand mercy and truth: but compassion and faithfulness are with the framers of good.
23 Ved al Slags Møje vindes der noget, Mundsvejr volder kun Tab.
With every one [who is] careful there is abundance: but the pleasure-taking and indolent shall be in lack.
24 De vises Krone er Kløgt, Taabers Krans er Daarskab.
A prudent man is the crown of the wise: but the occupation of fools is evil.
25 Sanddru Vidne frelser Sjæle; den, som farer med Løgn, bedrager.
A faithful witness shall deliver a soul from evil: but a deceitful [man] kindles falsehoods.
26 Den stærkes Tillid er HERRENS Frygt, hans Sønner skal have en Tilflugt.
In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and he leaves his children a support.
27 HERRENS Frygt er en Livsens Kilde, derved undgaas Dødens Snarer.
The commandment of the Lord is a fountain of life; and it causes [men] to turn aside from the snare of death.
28 At Folket er stort, er Kongens Hæder, Brist paa Folk er Fyrstens Fald.
In a populous nation is the glory of a king: but in the failure of people is the ruin of a prince.
29 Den sindige er rig paa Indsigt, den heftige driver det vidt i Daarskab.
A man slow to wrath abounds in wisdom: but a man of impatient spirit is very foolish.
30 Sagtmodigt Hjerte er Liv for Legemet, Avind er Edder i Benene.
A meek-spirited man is a healer of the heart: but a sensitive heart is a corruption of the bones.
31 At kue den ringe er Haan mod hans Skaber, han æres ved Medynk med fattige.
He that oppresses the needy provokes his Maker: but he that honours him has pity upon the poor.
32 Ved sin Ondskab styrtes den gudløse, ved lydefri Færd er retfærdige trygge.
The ungodly shall be driven away in his wickedness: but he who is secure in his own holiness is just.
33 Visdom bor i forstandiges Hjerte, i Taabers Indre kendes den ikke.
There is wisdom in the good heart of a man: but in the heart of fools it is not discerned.
34 Retfærdighed løfter et Folk, men Synd er Folkenes Skændsel.
Righteousness exalts a nation: but sins diminish tribes.
35 En klog Tjener har Kongens Yndest, en vanartet rammer hans Vrede.
An understanding servant is acceptable to a king; and by his good behaviour he removes disgrace.

< Ordsprogene 14 >