< 4 Mosebog 35 >
1 HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses paa Moabs Sletter ved Jordan over for Jeriko og sagde:
And the Lord spoke to Moses to the west of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, saying,
2 byd Israeliterne, at de af de Besiddelser, de faar i Arv, skal give Leviterne nogle Byer at bo i; I skal ogsaa give Leviterne Græsmarker rundt om disse Byer,
Give orders to the children of Israel, and they shall give to the Levites cities to dwell in from the lot of their possession, and they shall give to the Levites the suburbs of the cities round about them.
3 Disse Byer skal de have at bo i, og deres Græsmarker skal de have til deres Kvæg, deres Hjorde og andre Dyr.
And the cities shall be for them to dwell in, and their enclosures shall be for their cattle and all their beasts.
4 Græsmarkerne om Byerne, som I skal give Leviterne, skal strække sig 1000 Alen fra Bymuren ud til alle Sider;
And the suburbs of the cities which ye shall give to the Levites, shall be from the wall of the city and outwards two thousand cubits round about.
5 og uden for Byen skal I til Østside opmaale 2000 Alen, til Sydside 2000, til Vestside 2000 og til Nordside 2000, med Byen i Midten. Det skal tilfalde dem som Græsgange til Byerne.
And thou shalt measure outside the city on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits; and your city shall be in the midst of this, and the suburbs of the cities [as described].
6 Hvad de Byer angaar, som I skal give Leviterne, saa skal I give dem de seks Tilflugtsbyer, som Manddrabere kan ty ind i, og desuden to og fyrretyve Byer.
And ye shall give the cities to the Levites, the six cities of refuge which ye shall give for the slayer to flee thither, and in addition to these, forty-two cities.
7 De Byer, I skal give Leviterne, bliver saaledes i alt otte og fyrretyve Byer med tilhørende Græsmarker.
Ye shall give to the Levites in all forty-eight cities, them and their suburbs.
8 Og af de Byer, I skal give dem af Israeliternes Besiddelser, skal I lade de større Stammer give flere, de mindre færre; hver Stamme skal give Leviterne saa mange af sine Byer, som svarer til den Arvelod, der tildeles den.
And as for the cities which ye shall give out of the possession of the children of Israel, from those [that have] much [ye shall give] much, and from those that have less ye shall give less: they shall give of their cities to the Levites each one according to his inheritance which they shall inherit.
9 HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses og sagde:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
10 Tal til Israeliterne og sig til dem: Naar I kommer over Jordan til Kana'ans Land,
Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, Ye are to cross over Jordan into the land of Chanaan.
11 skal I udse eder nogle Byer, I kan have som Tilflugtsbyer, saa at en Manddraber, der begaar et Drab af Vanvare, kan ty derhen.
And ye shall appoint to yourselves cities: they shall be to you cities of refuge for the slayer to flee to, every one who has killed another unintentionally.
12 I disse Byer skal I have Ret til at søge Tilflugt for Blodhævneren, for at ikke Manddraberen skal dø, før han er blevet stillet for Menighedens Domstol.
And the cities shall be to you places of refuge from the avenger of blood, and the slayer shall not die until he stands before the congregation for judgment.
13 Det skal være seks Byer, I skal afstaa til Tilflugtsbyer;
And the cities which ye shall assign, [even] the six cities, shall be places of refuge for you.
14 de tre skal I afstaa hinsides Jordan og de tre andre i Kana'ans Land; de skal være Tilflugtsbyer.
Ye shall assign three cities on the other side of Jordan, and ye shall assign three cities in the land of Chanaan.
15 Israeliterne, de fremmede og de indvandrede iblandt dem skal have Ret til at søge Tilflugt i de seks Byer, saa at enhver, der begaar et Drab af Vanvare, kan ty derhen.
It shall be a place of refuge for the children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for him that sojourns among you; these cities shall be for a place of refuge, for every one to flee thither who has killed a man unintentionally.
16 Men slaar han ham ihjel med et Jernredskab, saa er han en Manddraber, og Manddraberen skal lide Døden;
And if he should smite him with an iron instrument, and the man should die, he is a murderer; let the murderer by all means be put to death.
17 og slaar han ham ihjel med en Sten, som han har i Haanden, og som kan slaa en Mand ihjel, saa er han en Manddraber, og Manddraberen skal lide Døden;
And if he should smite him with a stone [thrown] from his hand, whereby a man may die, and he [thus] die, he is a murderer; let the murderer by all means be put to death.
18 og slaar han ham ihjel med et Træredskab, som han har i Haanden, og som kan slaa en Mand ihjel, saa er han en Manddraber, og Manddraberen skal lide Døden.
And if he should smite him with an instrument of wood from his hand, whereby he may die, and he [thus] die, he is a murderer; let the murderer by all means be put to death.
19 Blodhævneren skal dræbe Manddraberen; naar han træffer ham, skal han dræbe ham.
The avenger of blood himself shall slay the murderer: whensoever he shall meet him he shall slay him.
20 Og støder han til ham af Had eller kaster noget paa ham i ond Hensigt, saa han dør deraf,
And if he should thrust him through enmity, or cast any thing upon him from an ambuscade, and the man should die,
21 eller slaar han ham med Haanden i Fjendskab, saa han dør deraf, skal Drabsmanden lide Døden, thi han er en Manddraber; Blodhævneren skal dræbe Manddraberen, naar han træffer ham.
or if he have smitten him with his hand through anger, and the man should die, let the man that smote him be put to death by all means, he is a murderer: let the murderer by all means be put to death: the avenger of blood shall slay the murderer when he meets him.
22 Støder han derimod til ham af Vanvare, ikke i Fjendskab, eller kaster han et Redskab paa ham, uden at det er i ond Hensigt,
But if he should thrust him suddenly, not through enmity, or cast any thing upon him, not from an ambuscade,
23 eller rammer han ham uden at se ham med en Sten, som kan slaa en Mand ihjel, saa han dør deraf, og han ikke er hans Uven eller har pønset paa ondt imod ham,
or [smite him] with any stone, whereby a man may die, unawares, and it should fall upon him, and he should die, but he was not his enemy, nor sought to hurt him;
24 saa skal Menigheden dømme Drabsmanden og Blodhævneren imellem paa Grundlag af disse Lovbud;
then the assembly shall judge between the smiter and the avenger of blood, according to these judgments.
25 og Menigheden skal værne Manddraberen mod Blodhævneren, og Menigheden skal føre ham tilbage til hans Tilflugtsby, hvorhen han var tyet, og der skal han blive boende, indtil den med hellig Olie salvede Ypperstepræst dør.
And the congregation shall rescue the slayer from the avenger of blood, and the congregation shall restore him to his city of refuge, whither he fled for refuge; and he shall dwell there till the death of the high-priest, whom they anointed with the holy oil.
26 Men hvis Manddraberen for lader sin Tilflugtsbys Omraade, hvorhen han er tyet,
But if the slayer should in any wise go out beyond the bounds of the city whither he fled for refuge,
27 og Blodhævneren træffer ham uden for hans Tilflugtsbys Omraade, saa kan Blodhævneren dræbe Manddraberen uden at paadrage sig Blodskyld;
and the avenger of blood should find him without the bounds of the city of his refuge, and the avenger of blood should kill the slayer, he is not guilty.
28 thi han skal blive i sin Tilflugtsby indtil Ypperstepræstens Død; først efter Ypperstepræstens Død kan Manddraberen vende tilbage til den Jord, han ejer.
For he ought to have remained in the city of refuge till the high-priest died; and after the death of the high-priest the slayer shall return to the land of his possession.
29 Det skal være eder en retsgyldig Anordning fra Slægt til Slægt, hvor I end bor.
And these things shall be to you for an ordinance of judgment throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
30 Naar nogen slaar et Menneske ihjel, maa man kun dræbe Manddraberen efter flere Vidners Udsagn. Et enkelt Vidnes Udsagn er ikke nok til en Dødsdom.
Whoever kills a man, thou shalt slay the murderer on the testimony of witnesses; and one witness shall not testify against a soul that he should die.
31 I maa ikke tage mod Sonebøde for en Manddraber, naar han har forbrudt sit Liv; han skal lide Døden,
And ye shall not accept ransoms for life from a murderer who is worthy of death, for he shall be surely put to death.
32 Heller ikke maa I tage mod Sonebøde, saaledes at den, der er tyet til sin Tilflugtsby, før Ypperstepræstens Død kan vende tilbage og bosætte sig i Landet.
Ye shall not accept a ransom [to excuse] his fleeing to the city of refuge, so that he should again dwell in the land, until the death of the high-priest.
33 Vanhelliger ikke det Land, I er i, thi Blodet vanhelliger Landet, og Landet faar kun Soning for det Blod, der er udgydt deri, ved dens Blod, der har udgydt det.
So shall ye not pollute with murder the land in which ye dwell; for this blood pollutes the land, and the land shall not be purged from the blood shed upon it, but by the blood of him that shed it.
34 Gør ikke det Land urent, I er bosat i, og i hvis Midte jeg bor; thi jeg HERREN bor midt iblandt Israels Børn.
And ye shall not defile the land whereon ye dwell, on which I dwell in the midst of you; for I am the Lord dwelling in the midst of the children of Israel.