< 4 Mosebog 2 >

1 HERREN talede til Moses og Aron og sagde:
And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:
2 Israeliterne skal lejre sig hver under sit Felttegn, under sit Fædrenehus's Mærke; i en Kreds om Aabenbaringsteltet skal de lejre sig.
All the children of Israel shall camp by their troops, ensigns, and standards, and the houses of their kindreds, round about the tabernacle of the covenant.
3 Paa Forsiden mod Øst skal Juda lejre sig under sin Lejrs Felttegn, Hærafdeling for Hærafdeling, med Nahasjon, Amminadabs Søn, som Øverste over Judæerne;
On the east Juda shall pitch his tents by the bands of his army: and the prince of his sons shall be Nahasson the son of Aminadab.
4 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 74 600 Mand.
And the whole sum of the fighting men of his stock, were seventy-four thousand six hundred.
5 Ved Siden af ham skal Issakars Stamme lejre sig med Netan'el, Zuars Søn, som Øverste over Issakariterne;
Next unto him they of the tribe of Issachar encamped, whose prince was Nathanael, the son of Suar.
6 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 54 400 Mand.
And the whole number of his fighting men were fifty-four thousand four hundred.
7 Dernæst Zebulons Stamme med Eliab, Helons Søn, som Øverste over Zebuloniterne;
In the tribe of Zabulon the prince was Eliab the son of Helon.
8 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 57 400 Mand.
And all the army of fighting men of his stock, were fifty-seven thousand four hundred.
9 De mønstrede i Judas Lejr udgør i alt 186 400 Mand, Hærafdeling for Hærafdeling. De skal bryde op først.
All that were numbered in the camp of Juda, were a hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred: and they by their troops shall march first.
10 Ruben skal lejre sig under sin Lejrs Felttegn mod Syd, Hærafdeling for Hærafdeling, med Elizur, Sjede'urs Søn, som Øverste over Rubeniterne;
In the camp of the sons of Ruben, on the south side, the prince shall be Elisur the son of Sedeur:
11 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 46 500 Mand.
And the whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were forty-six thousand five hundred.
12 Ved Siden af ham skal Simeons Stamme lejre sig med Sjelumiel, Zurisjaddajs Søn, som Øverste over Simeoniterne;
Beside him camped they of the tribe of Simeon: whose prince was Salamiel the son of Surisaddai.
13 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 59 300 Mand.
And the whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were fifty-nine thousand three hundred.
14 Dernæst Gads Stamme med Eljasaf, Re'uels Søn, som Øverste over Gaditerne;
In the tribe of Gad the prince was Eliasaph the son of Duel.
15 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 45 650 Mand.
And the whole army of his fighting men that were numbered, were forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.
16 De mønstrede i Rubens Lejr udgør i alt 151 450 Mand, Hærafdeling for Hærafdeling. De skal bryde op i anden Række.
All that were reckoned up in the camp of Ruben, were a hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and fifty, by their troops: they shall march in the second place.
17 Derpaa skal Aabenbaringsteltet, Leviternes Lejr, bryde op midt imellem de andre Lejre; i den Rækkefølge, de lejrer sig, skal de bryde op, hver paa sin Plads, Felttegn for Felttegn.
And the tabernacle of the testimony shall be carried by the officers of the Levites and their troops. As it shall be set up, so shall it be taken down. Every one shall march according to their places, and ranks.
18 Efraim skal lejre sig under sin Lejrs Felttegn mod Vest med Elisjama, Ammihuds Søn, som Øverste over Efraimiterne;
On the west side shall be the camp of the sons of Ephraim, whose prince was Elisama, the son of Ammiud.
19 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 40 500 Mand.
The whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were forty thousand five hundred.
20 Ved Siden af ham skal Manasses Stamme lejre sig med Gamliel, Pedazurs Søn, som Øverste over Manassiterne;
And with them the tribe of the sons of Manasses, whose prince was Gamaliel the son of Phadassur.
21 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 32 200 Mand.
And the whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were thirty-two thousand two hundred.
22 Dernæst Benjamins Stamme med Abidan, Gid'onis Søn, som Øverste over Benjaminiterne;
In the tribe of the sons of Benjamin the prince was Abidan the son of Gedeon.
23 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 35 400 Mand.
And the whole army of his fighting men, that were reckoned up, were thirty-five thousand four hundred.
24 De mønstrede i Efraims Lejr udgør i alt 108 100 Mand, Hærafdeling for Hærafdeling. De skal bryde op i tredje Række.
All that were numbered in the camp of Ephraim, were a hundred and eight thousand one hundred by their troops: they shall march in the third place.
25 Dan skal lejre sig under sin Lejrs Felttegn mod Nord, Hærafdeling for Hærafdeling, med Ahiezer, Ammisjaddajs Søn, som Øverste over Daniterne;
On the north side camped the sons of Dan: whose prince was Ahiezar the son of Ammisaddai.
26 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 62 700 Mand.
The whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were sixty-two thousand seven hundred.
27 Ved Siden af ham skal Asers Stamme lejre sig med Pag'iel, Okrans Søn, som Øverste over Aseriterne;
Beside him they of the tribe of Aser pitched their tents: whose prince was Phegiel the son of Ochran.
28 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 41 500 Mand.
The whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were forty-one thousand five hundred.
29 Dernæst Naftalis Stamme med Ahira, Enans Søn, som Øverste over Naftaliterne;
Of the tribe of the sons of Nephtali the prince was Ahira the son of Enan.
30 de mønstrede, som udgør hans Hærafdeling, løber op til 53 400 Mand.
The whole army of his fighting men, were fifty-three thousand four hundred.
31 De mønstrede i Dans Lejr udgør i alt 157 600 Mand. De skal bryde op sidst, Felttegn for Felttegn.
All that were numbered in the camp of Dan, were a hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred: and they shall march last.
32 Det var de mønstrede af Israeliterne efter deres Fædrenehuse, alle de mønstrede i Lejrene, Hærafdeling for Hærafdeling, 603 550 Mand.
This is the number of the children of Israel, of their army divided according to the houses of their kindreds and their troops, six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty.
33 Men Leviterne mønstredes ikke sammen med de andre Israeliter, saaledes som HERREN havde paalagt Moses.
And the Levites were not numbered among the children of Israel: for so the Lord had commanded Moses.
34 Og ganske som HERREN havde paalagt Moses, slog Israeliterne Lejr, Felttegn for Felttegn, og i den Rækkefølge brød de op, enhver med sine Slægter, med sit Fædrenehus.
And the children of Israel did according to all things that the Lord had commanded. They camped by their troops, and marched by the families and houses of their fathers.

< 4 Mosebog 2 >