< 4 Mosebog 18 >
1 HERREN sagde til Aron: Du tillige med dine Sønner og dit Fædrenehus skal have Ansvaret for Helligdommen, og du tillige med dine Sønner skal have Ansvaret for eders Præstetjeneste.
The Lord told Aaron, “You and your sons and the other Levites bear the responsibility for sins relating to the sanctuary. You and your sons alone bear the responsibility for sins relating to your priesthood.
2 Men ogsaa dine Brødre, Levis Stamme, din Fædrenestamme, skal du lade træde frem sammen med dig, og de skal holde sig til dig og gaa dig til Haande, naar du tillige med dine Sønner gør Tjeneste foran Vidnesbyrdets Telt;
Have your brothers from the tribe of Levi, your father's tribe, join you to help you and your sons with your service in the Tent of the Testimony.
3 og de skal tage Vare paa, hvad du har at varetage, og paa alt, hvad der er at varetage ved Teltet, men de maa ikke komme de hellige Ting eller Alteret nær, at ikke baade de og I skal dø.
They will take care of your responsibilities and those relating to the Tent, but they must not come too close to the sacred objects of the sanctuary or the altar, otherwise they will die, and you will too.
4 De skal holde sig til dig og tage Vare paa, hvad der er at varetage ved Aabenbaringsteltet, alt Arbejdet derved, men ingen Lægmand maa der komme eder nær.
They are to help you and take care of the responsibilities of the Tent of Meeting, doing all the work at the Tent, but they are not allowed to be with you during your priestly ministry.
5 Men I skal tage Vare paa, hvad der er at varetage ved Helligdommen og Alteret, for at der ikke atter skal komme Vrede over Israeliterne.
You are to carry out the responsibilities relating to the sanctuary and the altar, so that my anger will not fall on the Israelites again.
6 Se, jeg har selv udtaget eders Brødre Leviterne af Israeliternes Midte som en Gave til eder, de er givet HERREN til at udføre Arbejdet ved Aabenbaringsteltet.
Look, I myself have chosen your brothers the Levites from the Israelites as my gift to you, dedicated to the Lord to do the work that relates the Tent of Meeting.
7 Men du tillige med dine Sønner skal tage Vare paa eders Præstegerning i alt, hvad der angaar Alteret og det, der er inden for Forhænget, og udføre Arbejdet derved. Som en Gave skænker jeg eder Præstedømmet; men enhver Lægmand, der trænger sig ind deri, skal lide Døden.
But only you and your sons are responsible for your priesthood, doing all that concerns the altar and is behind the veil. Only you are to perform that service. I am giving you the gift of your priesthood, but anyone else who approaches the sanctuary must be executed.”
8 HERREN talede fremdeles til Aron: Se, jeg giver dig, hvad der skal lægges til Side af mine Offerydelser; alle Israeliternes Helliggaver giver jeg dig og dine Sønner som eders Del, en evig gyldig Rettighed.
The Lord told Aaron, “Listen, I have put you in charge of officiating at my offerings. All the holy contributions of the Israelites that they bring are reserved for you, and this is a permanent rule.
9 Følgende skal tilfalde dig af det højhellige, fraregnet hvad der opbrændes: Alle deres Offergaver, der falder ind under Afgrødeofre, Syndofre og Skyldofre, som de bringer mig til Erstatning; som højhelligt skal dette tilfalde dig og dine Sønner.
Part of the most holy offerings taken from the burnt offerings are yours. Part of all the offerings they give me as most holy offerings, whether it's grain offerings or sin offerings or guilt offerings, that part belongs to you and your sons.
10 Paa et højhelligt Sted skal du spise det, og alle af Mandkøn maa spise deraf; det skal være dig helligt.
You shall eat it in a most holy place. Every male is allowed to eat it. You are to regard it as something holy.
11 Fremdeles skal følgende tilfalde dig som Offerydelse af deres Gaver: Alle Gaver fra Israeliterne, hvormed der udføres Svingning, giver jeg dig tillige med dine Sønner og Døtre som en evig gyldig Rettighed; enhver, som er ren i dit Hus, maa spise deraf.
The following also belongs to you: the voluntary gifts as well as all the wave offerings of the Israelites. I have given this to you and your sons and daughters as a permanent rule. Everyone in your household who is ceremonially clean is allowed to eat it.
12 Alt det bedste af Olien, Mosten og Kornet, Førstegrøden deraf, som de giver HERREN, giver jeg dig.
I am giving you all the best olive oil and all the best new wine and grain that the Israelites give as firstfruits to the Lord.
13 De første Frugter af alt, hvad der gror i deres Land, som de bringer HERREN, skal tilfalde dig; enhver, som er ren i dit Hus, maa spise deraf.
The firstfruits of all the crops they produce in their land that they bring to the Lord are yours. Everyone in your family who is ceremonially clean is allowed to eat them.
14 Alt, hvad der lægges Band paa i Israel, skal tilfalde dig.
Everything in Israel that is dedicated to the Lord is yours.
15 Af alt Kød, som de bringer til HERREN, saavel af Mennesker som af Dyr, skal alt, hvad der aabner Moders Liv, tilfalde dig; dog skal du lade de førstefødte Mennesker udløse, og ligeledes skal du lade de førstefødte urene Dyr udløse.
Every firstborn, whether human or animal, that is offered to the Lord is yours. But you must buy back every firstborn son and every firstborn male of unclean animals.
16 Hine skal du lade udløse, naar de er en Maaned gamle eller derover, med en Vurderingssum af fem Sekel efter hellig Vægt, tyve Gera paa en Sekel.
When they are one month old you shall pay the redemption price of five shekels of silver, (using the sanctuary shekel standard), equivalent to twenty gerahs.
17 Men de førstefødte Stykker Hornkvæg, Lam eller Geder maa du ikke lade udløse; de er hellige, deres Blod skal du sprænge paa Alteret, og Fedtet skal du bringe som Røgoffer, et Ildoffer til en liflig Duft for HERREN;
But you are not allowed to redeem the firstborn of an ox, a sheep, or a goat because they are holy. You shall sprinkle their blood on the altar, and burn their fat as a burnt offering accepted by the Lord.
18 men Kødet tilfalder dig; ligesom Svingningsbrystet og højre Kølle tilfalder det dig.
Their meat is yours, in the same way that the breast and right thigh of the wave offering are yours.
19 Al Offerydelse af Helliggaver, som Israeliterne yder HERREN, giver jeg dig tillige med dine Sønner og Døtre som en evig gyldig Rettighed; det skal være en evig gyldig Saltpagt for HERRENS Aasyn for dig tillige med dine Efterkommere.
I am giving all the voluntary gifts that the Israelites present to the Lord to you and to your sons and daughters as a permanent rule. It is a permanent agreement of salt before the Lord for you and your descendants.”
20 HERREN sagde fremdeles til Aron: Du skal ingen Arvelod have i deres Land, og der skal ikke tilfalde dig nogen Lod iblandt dem; jeg selv er din Arvelod og Del blandt Israeliterne.
“You won't possess property in their country, and you won't have a share in their land. I am your share and your possession among the Israelites.
21 Men se, Levisønnerne giver jeg al Tiende i Israel som Arvelod til Løn for det Arbejde, de udfører ved Aabenbaringsteltet.
Instead I have given the Levites all the tithes in Israel as compensation for the service they provide in doing the work in the Tent of Meeting.
22 Israeliterne maa herefter ikke komme Aabenbaringsteltet nær, for at de ikke skal paadrage sig Synd og dø;
The Israelites are no longer allowed to approach the Tent of Meeting, or they will commit an offense and die.
23 kun Leviterne maa udføre Arbejdet ved Aabenbaringsteltet, og de skal have Ansvaret derfor. Det skal være eder en evig gyldig Anordning fra Slægt til Slægt. Men nogen Arvelod skal de ikke have blandt Israeliterne;
The Levites are to carry out the work in the Tent of Meeting, and they must take responsibility for any sins involved. This is a permanent rule for all future generations. The Levites won't receive a share of land among the Israelites.
24 thi Tienden, Israeliterne yder HERREN som Offerydelse, giver jeg Leviterne til Arvelod. Derfor sagde jeg dem, at de ikke skal have nogen Arvelod blandt Israeliterne.
Instead I have given to the Levites as their compensation the tithe that the Israelites give to the Lord as a contribution. That's why I told them that they wouldn't receive a share of land among the Israelites.”
25 HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses og sagde:
The Lord told Moses,
26 Tal til Leviterne og sig til dem: Naar I af Israeliterne modtager Tienden, som jeg har givet eder som den Arvelod, I skal have af dem, saa skal I yde HERREN en Offerydelse deraf, Tiende af Tienden;
“Talk to the Levites and explain to them, ‘When you receive from the Israelites the tithe that I have given you as your compensation, you must return part of it as an offering to the Lord: a tithe of the tithe.
27 og denne eders Offerydelse skal ligestilles med Offerydelsen af Kornet fra Tærskepladsen og Overfloden fra Vinpersen.
Your offering will be considered as if it were the firstfruits of grain from your threshing floor or grape juice from the winepress.
28 Saaledes skal ogsaa I yde HERREN en Offerydelse af al den Tiende, I modtager af Israeliterne, og denne HERRENS Offerydelse skal I give Præsten Aron.
In this way you are to contribute an offering to the Lord from every tithe you receive from the Israelites, giving the Lord's offering to Aaron the priest.
29 Af alle de Gaver, I modtager, skal I yde HERRENS Offerydelse, af alt det bedste deraf, som hans Helliggave.
From all the gifts you receive you are to contribute as the Lord's offering the very best, the holiest part of every gift.’
30 Og sig til dem: Naar I yder det bedste deraf, skal det ligestilles med Offerydelsen af, hvad der kommer fra Tærskepladsen og Vinpersen.
So tell the Levites, ‘When you have presented the best part, it will be considered as your contribution produced by your threshing floor or winepress.
31 I maa spise det hvor som helst sammen med eders Familie, thi det er eders Løn for eders Arbejde ved Aabenbaringsteltet.
You and your families may eat it anywhere because it's compensation for your service in the Tent of Meeting.
32 Naar I blot yder det bedste deraf, skal I ikke for den Sags Skyld paadrage eder Synd og ikke vanhellige Israeliternes Helliggaver og udsætte eder for at dø.
You will not be considered to have sinned if you have presented the best part of it. But if you treat the sacred offerings of the Israelites with disrespect you will die.’”