< 4 Mosebog 12 >

1 Mirjam og Aron tog til Orde mod Moses i Anledning af den kusjitiske Kvinde, han havde ægtet — han havde nemlig ægtet en kusjitisk Kvinde —
And Mariam and Aaron spoke against Moses, because of the Ethiopian woman whom Moses took; for he had taken an Ethiopian woman.
2 og sagde: »Har HERREN kun talet til Moses? Mon han ikke ogsaa har talet til os?« Og HERREN hørte det.
And they said, Has the Lord spoken to Moses only? has he not also spoken to us? and the Lord heard it.
3 Men den Mand Moses var saare sagtmodig, sagtmodigere end noget andet Menneske paa Jorden.
And the man Moses was very meek beyond all the men that were upon the earth.
4 Da sagde HERREN i det samme til Moses, Aron og Mirjam: »Gaa alle tre ud til Aabenbaringsteltet!« Og de gik alle tre derud.
And the Lord said immediately to Moses and Aaron and Mariam, Come forth all three of you to the tabernacle of witness.
5 Men HERREN steg ned i Skystøtten og stillede sig ved Indgangen til Teltet og kaldte paa Aron og Mirjam, og de gik begge derud.
And the three came forth to the tabernacle of witness; and the Lord descended in a pillar of a cloud, and stood at the door of the tabernacle of witness; and Aaron and Mariam were called; and both came forth.
6 Da sagde han: »Hør, hvad jeg siger: Naar der ellers er en Profet iblandt eder, giver jeg mig til Kende for ham i Syner eller taler med ham i Drømme.
And he said to them, Hear my words: If there should be of you a prophet to the Lord, I will be made known to him in a vision, and in sleep will I speak to him.
7 Anderledes er det med min Tjener Moses: han er tro i hele mit Hus;
My servant Moses [is] not so; he is faithful in all my house.
8 med ham taler jeg Ansigt til Ansigt, ikke i Syner eller Gaader, han skuer HERRENS Skikkelse; hvor tør I da tage til Orde mod min Tjener Moses?«
I will speak to him mouth to mouth apparently, and not in dark speeches; and he has seen the glory of the Lord; and why were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?
9 Og HERRENS Vrede blussede op imod dem, og han gik bort.
And the great anger of the Lord [was] upon them, and he departed.
10 Da saa Skyen trak sig bort fra Teltet, se, da var Mirjam hvid som Sne af Spedalskhed, og da Aron vendte sig mod Mirjam, se, da var hun spedalsk.
And the cloud departed from the tabernacle; and, behold, Mariam was leprous, [white] as snow; and Aaron looked upon Mariam, and, behold, she [was] leprous.
11 Da sagde Aron til Moses: »Ak, Herre, lad os dog ikke undgælde for den Synd, vi i Daarskab begik!
And Aaron said to Moses, I beseech thee, my lord, do not lay sin upon us, for we were ignorant wherein we sinned.
12 Lad hende dog ikke blive som et dødfødt Barn, hvis Kød er halvt fortæret, naar det kommer ud af Moders Liv!«
Let her not be as it were like death, as an abortion coming out of his mother's womb, when [the disease] devours the half of the flesh.
13 Moses raabte da til HERREN og sagde: »Ak, gør hende dog rask igen!«
And Moses cried to the Lord, saying, O God, I beseech thee, heal her.
14 Og HERREN svarede Moses: »Hvis hendes Fader havde spyttet hende i Ansigtet, maatte hun da ikke have baaret sin Skam i syv Dage? Derfor skal hun i syv Dage være udelukket fra Lejren; saa kan hun atter optages.«
And the Lord said to Moses, If her father had only spit in her face, would she not be ashamed seven days? let her be set apart seven days without the camp, and afterwards she shall come in.
15 Da blev Mirjam udelukket fra Lejren i syv Dage, og Folket brød ikke op, før Mirjam atter var optaget.
And Mariam was separated without the camp seven days; and the people moved not forward till Mariam was cleansed.
16 Saa brød Folket op fra Hazerot og slog Lejr i Parans Ørken.
And afterwards the people set forth from Aseroth, and encamped in the wilderness of Pharan.

< 4 Mosebog 12 >