< Mikas 5 >

1 Riv nu Saar i din Hud! De har opkastet en Vold imod os; med Stokken slaar de Israels Hersker paa Kinden.
“But now, [you people of Jerusalem, gather your troops together, ] [because even though] you have a wall [around your city to protect it], [enemy soldiers] are surrounding the city. And [soon] they will strike your leader on his face, with a rod.”
2 Og du, du Betlehem-Efrata, liden til at være blandt Judas Tusinder! Af dig skal udgaa mig een til at være Hersker i Israel. Hans Udspring er fra fordum, fra Evigheds Dage.
But you [people of] [APO] Bethlehem in Ephrathah [district need to know that] even though your [town] is a very small one among all the towns in Judah, someone who will rule Israel will be born in your town. [He will be] someone whose family has existed a very long time ago [DOU].
3 Derfor giver han dem hen, saa længe til hun, som skal føde, føder, og Resten af hans Brødre vender hjem til Israeliterne.
[But now] you people of Israel will be conquered by your enemies; [but it will be for only a short time], like [MET] [the short time that] women have great pain while their babies are being born. After that, your fellow-countrymen who were (exiled/forced to go to other countries) will return to their own country.
4 Han skal staa og vogte i HERRENS Kraft, i HERREN sin Guds høje Navn. De skal bo trygt, thi nu skal hans Storhed naa Jordens Grænser.
And that man who will be ruling [there in Jerusalem] will stand and lead his people well, because Yahweh, his God, will cause him to be strong and greatly honored. Then the people whom he rules will live [in Jerusalem] safely; he will be greatly honored by people all over the earth, [so no one will dare to attack Jerusalem].
5 Og han skal være Fred. Naar Assur trænger ind i vort Land, og naar han træder ind i vore Borge, stiller vi syv Hyrder imod ham og otte fyrstelige Mænd,
And he will cause things to go well [for his people]. When [the army of] Assyria attacks our country and breaks though our fortresses, we will appoint (seven or eight/several) leaders [to lead our army] to fight against them.
6 som skal vogte Assurs Land med Sværd og Nimrods Land med Klinge. Og han skal fri os fra Assur, naar han trænger ind i vort Land, træder ind paa vore Enemærker.
With their swords [our army] will defeat the [army of] Assyria, [whose capital was founded by] Nimrod [long ago]. So our army will rescue us from the Assyrian [army] when they invade our country [DOU].
7 Da bliver Jakobs Rest i de mange Folkeslags Midte som Dug, der kommer fra HERREN, som Regnens Draaber paa Græs, der ikke venter paa nogen eller bier paa Menneskens Børn.
The (descendants of Jacob/Israelis) who survive will be [a blessing] to the people of other nations, like [SIM] dew and rain sent by Yahweh do good to the grass. The Israelis will not trust in humans [to help them]; instead, they will rely on Yahweh.
8 Da bliver Jakobs Rest blandt Folkene i de mange Folkeslags Midte som en Løve blandt Skovens Dyr, en Ungløve blandt Faarehjorde, der nedtramper, naar den gaar frem, og sønderriver redningsløst.
In the midst of [their enemies in] many people-groups [DOU], the descendants of Jacob who remain alive will be like [SIM] a lion among the [other] wild beasts of the forest, like [SIM] a young lion who goes among a flock of sheep and pounces [on one] and (mauls it/tears it to pieces), and no one will be able to rescue [that sheep].
9 Din Haand skal være over dine Uvenner, alle dine Fjender ryddes bort.
You Israelis will defeat [MTY] all your enemies and completely destroy them.
10 Paa hin Dag, lyder det fra HERREN, udrydder jeg Hestene af dig, dine Stridsvogne gør jeg til intet,
Yahweh says, “At that time, I will destroy [you Israeli people’s] horses [that your soldiers use in war] and your chariots.
11 rydder Byerne bort i dit Land, river alle dine Fæstninger ned,
I will tear down your city [walls] and destroy all your fortified cities.
12 rydder Trolddommen bort af din Haand, Tegntydere faar du ej mer;
I will get rid of all those among you who practice magic and the (fortune-tellers/those who say that they can predict what will happen in the future).
13 jeg rydder dine Billeder bort, Stenstøtterne bort af din Midte og du skal ikke mer tilbede dine Hænders Værk.
I will destroy [all] your idols and [sacred stone] pillars, and then you will no longer bow down [and worship] things that you yourselves [SYN] have made.
14 Jeg udrydder dine Asjerer og lægger dine Afguder øde;
I will get rid of your poles [that represent the goddess] Asherah, and [I will also] destroy all your idols.
15 i Vrede og Harme tager jeg Hævn over Folk, som ikke vil høre.
And because I will be very angry, I will [also] punish [the people of] all the nations who have not obeyed [me].”

< Mikas 5 >