< Matthæus 9 >

1 Og han gik om Bord i et Skib og for over og kom til sin egen By.
He entered into a boat, and crossed over, and came into his own city.
2 Og se, de bare til ham en værkbruden, som laa paa en Seng; og da Jesus saa deres Tro, sagde han til den værkbrudne: „Søn! vær frimodig, dine Synder forlades dig.”
Behold, they brought to him a man who was paralyzed, lying on a bed. Yeshua [Salvation], seeing their trusting faith, said to the paralytic, “Son, cheer up! Your abstract sins ·miss the marks· are forgiven you.”
3 Og se, nogle af de skriftkloge sagde ved sig selv: „Denne taler bespotteligt.”
Behold, some of the Torah-Teachers said to themselves, “This man blasphemes.”
4 Og da Jesus saa deres Tanker, sagde han: „Hvorfor tænke I ondt i eders Hjerter?
Yeshua [Salvation], knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts?
5 Thi hvilket er lettest at sige: Dine Synder forlades dig, eller at sige: Staa op og gaa?
For which is easier, to say, ‘Your abstract sins ·miss the marks· are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Get up, and walk?’
6 Men for at I skulle vide, at Menneskesønnen har Magt paa Jorden til at forlade Synder,” da siger han til den værkbrudne: „Staa op, og tag din Seng, og gaa til dit Hus!”
But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive abstract sins ·miss the marks·,” (then he said to the paralytic), “Get up, and take up your mat, and go to your house.”
7 Og han stod op og gik bort til sit Hus.
He arose and departed to his house.
8 Men da Skarerne saa det, frygtede de og priste Gud, som havde givet Menneskene en saadan Magt.
But when the multitudes saw it, they marveled and glorified God, who had given such authority to men.
9 Og da Jesus gik videre derfra, saa han en Mand, som hed Matthæus, sidde ved Toldboden; og han siger til ham: „Følg mig!” Og han stod op og fulgte ham.
As Yeshua [Salvation] passed by from there, he saw a man called Matthew [Gift of Yah] sitting at the tax collection office. He said to him, “Follow me.” He got up and followed him.
10 Og det skete, da han sad til Bords i Huset, se, da kom der mange Toldere og Syndere og sade til Bords med Jesus og hans Disciple.
As he sat in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners ·devoted to missing the mark and without share in the goal· came and sat down with Yeshua [Salvation] and his disciples.
11 Og da Farisæerne saa det, sagde de til hans Disciple: „Hvorfor spiser eders Mester med Toldere og Syndere?”
When the Pharisees [Separated] saw it, they said to his disciples, “Why does your Rabbi ·Teacher· eat with tax collectors and sinners ·devoted to missing the mark and without share in the goal·?”
12 Men da Jesus hørte det, sagde han: „De raske trænge ikke til Læge, men de syge.
When Yeshua [Salvation] heard it, he said to them, “Those who are healthy have no need for a physician, but those who are sick do.
13 Men gaar hen og lærer, hvad det vil sige: Jeg har Lyst til Barmhjertighed og ikke til Offer; thi jeg er ikke kommen for at kalde retfærdige, men Syndere.”
But you go and learn what this means: ‘I desire eleos ·merciful compassion in action·, not sacrifice,’ for I came not to call the upright, but sinners devoted to sin ·miss the marks and be without share in the goal (and stained by definite crime vice)· to teshuvah ·complete repentance·.”
14 Da komme Johannes's Disciple til ham og sige: „Hvorfor faste vi og Farisæerne meget, men dine Disciple faste ikke?”
Then John [Yah is gracious]’s disciples came to him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees [Separated] fast often, but your disciples don’t fast?”
15 Og Jesus sagde til dem: „Kunne Brudesvendene sørge, saa længe Brudgommen er hos dem? Men der skal komme Dage, da Brudgommen bliver tagen fra dem, og da skulle de faste.
Yeshua [Salvation] said to them, “Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.
16 Men ingen sætter en Lap af uvalket Klæde paa et gammelt Klædebon; thi Lappen river Klædebonnet itu, og der bliver et værre Hul.
No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch would tear away from the garment, and a worse hole is made.
17 Man kommer heller ikke ung Vin paa gamle Læderflasker, ellers sprænges Læderflaskerne, og Vinen spildes, og Læderflaskerne ødelægges; men man kommer ung Vin paa nye Læderflasker, saa blive begge Dele bevarede.”
Neither do people put new wine into old wine skins, or else the skins would burst, and the wine be spilled, and the skins ruined. No, they put new wine into fresh wine skins, and both are preserved.”
18 Medens han talte dette til dem, se, da kom der en Forstander og faldt ned for ham og sagde: „Min Datter er lige nu død; men kom og læg din Haand paa hende, saa bliver hun levende.”
While he told these things to them, behold, a ruler came and worshiped him, saying, “My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.”
19 Og Jesus stod op og fulgte ham med sine Disciple.
Yeshua [Salvation] got up and followed him, as did his disciples.
20 Og se, en Kvinde, som havde haft Blodflod i tolv Aar, traadte hen bagfra og rørte ved Fligen af hans Klædebon;
Behold, a woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years came behind him, and touched the tzitzit ·fringes· on his outer garment;
21 thi hun sagde ved sig selv: „Dersom jeg blot rører ved hans Klædebon, bliver jeg frelst.”
for she said within herself, “If I just touch his garment, I will be made well.”
22 Men Jesus vendte sig om, og da han saa hende, sagde han: „Datter! vær frimodig, din Tro har frelst dig.” Og Kvinden blev frelst fra den samme Time.
But Yeshua [Salvation], turning around and seeing her, said, “Daughter, cheer up! Your trusting faith has made you well.” And the woman was made well from that hour.
23 Og da Jesus kom til Forstanderens Hus og saa Fløjtespillerne og Hoben, som larmede, sagde han:
When Yeshua [Salvation] came into the ruler’s house, and saw the flute players, and the crowd in noisy disorder,
24 „Gaar bort, thi Pigen er ikke død, men hun sover.” Og de lo ad ham.
he said to them, “Make room, because the girl is not dead, but sleeping.” They were ridiculing him.
25 Men da Hoben var dreven ud, gik han ind og tog hende ved Haanden; og Pigen stod op.
But when the crowd was put out, he entered in, took her by the hand, and the girl arose.
26 Og Rygtet herom kom ud i hele den Egn.
The report of this went out into all that land.
27 Og da Jesus gik bort derfra, fulgte der ham to blinde, som raabte og sagde: „Forbarm dig over os, du Davids Søn!”
As Yeshua [Salvation] passed by from there, two blind men followed him, calling out and saying, “Have mercy on us, son of David [Beloved]!”
28 Men da han kom ind i Huset, gik de blinde til ham; og Jesus siger til dem: „Tro I, at jeg kan gøre dette?” De sige til ham: „Ja, Herre!”
When he had come into the house, the blind men came to him. Yeshua [Salvation] said to them, “Do you trust that I am able to do this?” They told him, “Yes, Lord.”
29 Da rørte han ved deres Øjne og sagde: „Det ske eder efter eders Tro!”
Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your trusting faith be it done to you.”
30 Og deres Øjne bleve aabnede. Og Jesus bød dem strengt og sagde: „Ser til, lad ingen faa det at vide.”
Their eyes were opened. Yeshua [Salvation] strictly commanded them, saying, “See that no one knows about this.”
31 Men de gik ud og udbredte Rygtet om ham i hele den Egn.
But they went out and spread abroad his fame in all that land.
32 Men da disse gik ud, se, da førte de til ham et stumt Menneske, som var besat.
As they went out, behold, a mute man who was demon possessed was brought to him.
33 Og da den onde Aand var uddreven, talte den stumme. Og Skarerne forundrede sig og sagde: „Aldrig er saadant set i Israel.”
When the demon was cast out, the mute man spoke. The multitudes marveled, saying, “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel [God prevails]!”
34 Men Farisæerne sagde: „Ved de onde Aanders Fyrste uddriver han de onde Aander.”
But the Pharisees [Separated] said, “By the prince of the demons, he casts out demons.”
35 Og Jesus gik omkring i alle Byerne og Landsbyerne, lærte i deres Synagoger og prædikede Rigets Evangelium og helbredte enhver Sygdom og enhver Skrøbelighed.
Yeshua [Salvation] went about all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Good News of the Kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness among the people.
36 Men da han saa Skarerne, ynkedes han inderligt over dem; thi de vare vanrøgtede og forkomne som Faar, der ikke have Hyrde.
But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and scattered, like sheep without a shepherd.
37 Da siger han til sine Disciple: „Høsten er stor, men Arbejderne ere faa;
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest indeed is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
38 beder derfor Høstens Herre om, at han vil sende Arbejdere ud til sin Høst.”
Pray therefore that the Lord of the harvest will send out laborers into his harvest.”

< Matthæus 9 >