< Markus 7 >

1 Og Farisæerne og nogle af de skriftkloge, som vare komne fra Jerusalem, samle sig om ham.
And there came together to him the Pharisees, and some of the scribes, who had come from Jerusalem:
2 Og da de saa nogle af hans Disciple holde Maaltid med vanhellige, det er utoede, Hænder
and when they saw some of his disciples eating bread with common, that is, with unwashed hands:
3 (thi Farisæerne og alle Jøderne spise ikke uden at to Hænderne omhyggeligt, idet de fastholde de gamles Overlevering;
(for the Pharisees and all the Jews eat not, unless they wash their hands carefully, because they hold the tradition of the elders:
4 og naar de komme fra Torvet, spise de ikke uden først at tvætte sig; og der er mange andre Ting, som de have vedtaget at holde, Tvætninger af Bægere og Krus og Kobberkar og Bænke),
and when they come from the market, they do not eat, unless they immerse themselves. And there are many other things, which they have received to hold, as the immersion of cups and pitchers and brazen vessels and beds: )
5 saa spurgte Farisæerne og de skriftkloge ham ad: „Hvorfor vandre dine Disciple ikke efter de gamles Overlevering, men holde Maaltid med vanhellige Hænder?”
then the Pharisees and the scribes asked him: Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands?
6 Men han sagde til dem: „Rettelig profeterede Esajas om eder, I Hyklere! som der er skrevet: „Dette Folk ærer mig med Læberne, men deres Hjerte er langt borte fra mig.
He answered and said to them: Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
7 Men de dyrke mig forgæves, idet de lære Lærdomme, som ere Menneskers Bud.”
In vain do they worship me, teaching precepts, the commandments of men.
8 I forlade Guds Bud og holde Menneskers Overlevering.”
For, neglecting the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men, the immersion of pitchers and cups; and many other things like these you do.
9 Og han sagde til dem: „Smukt ophæve I Guds Bud, for at I kunne holde eders Overlevering.
And he said to them: Well do you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition.
10 Thi Moses har sagt: „Ær din Fader og din Moder”; og: „Den, som bander Fader eller Moder, skal visselig dø.”
For Moses said: Honor your father and your mother; and, He that curses father or mother shall surely be put to death.
11 Men I sige: Naar en Mand siger til sin Fader eller sin Moder: „Det, hvormed du skulde være hjulpen af mig, skal være Korban (det er: Tempelgave),”
But you say: If a man shall say to his father or mother, Whatever of mine might benefit you, is Corban, (which means, a gift, )
12 da tilstede I ham ikke mere at gøre noget for sin Fader eller Moder,
you no longer suffer him to do any thing for his father or mother,
13 idet I ophæve Guds Ord ved eders Overlevering, som I have overleveret; og mange lignende Ting gøre I.”
making the word of God of no effect by your tradition, which you have delivered; and many things like these you do.
14 Og han kaldte atter Folkeskaren til sig og sagde til dem: „Hører mig alle, og forstaar!
And he called the whole multitude to him, and said to them: Hear me, all of you, and understand.
15 Der er intet uden for Mennesket, som, naar det gaar ind i ham, kan gøre ham uren; men hvad der gaar ud af Mennesket, det er det, som gør Mennesket urent.
There is nothing without that, by entering into a man, can defile him. But those things which come out of the man, defile him.
16 [Dersom nogen har Øren at høre med, han høre!”]
If any one has ears to hear, let him hear.
17 Og da han var gaaet ind i Huset og var borte fra Skaren, spurgte hans Disciple ham om Lignelsen.
And when he had gone into the house, away from the multitude, his disciples asked him about the dark saying.
18 Og han siger til dem: „Ere ogsaa I saa uforstandige? Forstaa I ikke, at intet, som udenfra gaar ind i Mennesket, kan gøre ham uren?
And he said to them: Are you also so void of understanding? Do you not perceive that nothing from without, by entering into a man, can defile him?
19 Thi det gaar ikke ind i hans Hjerte, men i hans Bug og gaar ud ad den naturlige Vej, og saaledes renses al Maden.”
Because it does not enter into his heart, but into his belly, and goes out into the sink, cleansing all food.
20 Men han sagde: „Det, som gaar ud af Mennesket, dette gør Mennesket urent.
And he said: What comes out of the man, is that which defiles the man.
21 Thi indvortes fra, fra Menneskenes Hjerte, udgaa de onde Tanker, Utugt, Tyveri, Mord,
For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the purposes which are evil: adulteries, lewd actions, murders,
22 Hor, Havesyge, Ondskab, Svig, Uterlighed, et ondt Øje, Forhaanelse, Hovmod, Fremfusenhed;
thefts, schemes for extortion, wicked deeds, deceit, wantonness, an evil eye, calumny, haughtiness, impiety.
23 alle disse onde Ting udgaa indvortesfra og gøre Mennesket urent.”
All these evil things come forth from within, and defile the man.
24 Og han stod op og gik bort derfra til Tyrus's og Sidons Egne. Og han gik ind i et Hus og vilde ikke, at nogen skulde vide det. Og han kunde dog ikke være skjult;
And he arose and departed thence to the borders of Tyre and Sidon. And he entered a house, and desired that no one should know it; but he could not escape notice.
25 men en Kvinde, hvis lille Datter havde en uren Aand, havde hørt om ham og kom straks ind og faldt ned for hans Fødder;
For a woman, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet;
26 (men Kvinden var græsk, af Herkomst en Syrofønikerinde, ) og hun bad ham om, at han vilde uddrive den onde Aand af hendes Datter.
(the woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation, ) and she besought him to cast the demon out of her daughter.
27 Og han sagde til hende: „Lad først Børnene mættes; thi det er ikke smukt at tage Børnenes Brød og kaste det for de smaa Hunde.”
But Jesus said to her: Let the children be satisfied first; for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.
28 Men hun svarede og siger til ham: „Jo, Herre! ogsaa de smaa Hunde æde under Bordet af Børnenes Smuler.”
She answered and said to him: Yes, Lord; and yet you can help me, for the little dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs.
29 Og han sagde til hende: „For dette Ords Skyld gaa bort; den onde Aand er udfaren af din Datter.”
And he said to her: For this saying, go your way: the demon has gone out of your daughter.
30 Og hun gik bort til sit Hus og fandt Barnet liggende paa Sengen og den onde Aand udfaren.
And she went to her house, and found the demon gone out, and her daughter lying upon the bed.
31 Og da han gik bort igen fra Tyrus's Egne, kom han over Sidon midt igennem Dekapolis's Egne til Galilæas Sø.
And again he went out from the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and came to the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the borders of Decapolis.
32 Og de bringe ham en døv, som ogsaa vanskeligt kunde tale, og bede ham om, at han vilde lægge Haanden paa ham.
And they brought to him a deaf man, who spoke with difficulty; and they besought him to lay his hand upon him.
33 Og han tog ham afsides fra Skaren og lagde sine Fingre i hans Øren og spyttede og rørte ved hans Tunge
And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue;
34 og saa op til Himmelen, sukkede og sagde til ham: „Effata!” det er: lad dig op!
and looking up to heaven, he sighed, and said to him: Ephphatha, which means, Be opened.
35 Og hans Øren aabnedes, og straks løstes hans Tunges Baand, og han talte ret.
And immediately his ears were opened, and the band of his tongue was loosed, and he spoke plainly.
36 Og han bød dem, at de ikke maatte sige det til nogen; men jo mere han bød dem, desto mere kundgjorde de det.
And he charged them to tell no one; but the more he charged them, the more earnestly they published it.
37 Og de bleve over al Maade slagne af Forundring og sagde: „Han har gjort alle Ting vel; baade gør han, at de døve høre, og at maalløse tale.”
And they were amazed beyond measure, and said: He Las done all things well: he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.

< Markus 7 >